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Rate The Last Movie You Saw - 2


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Hobbit - Desolation of Smaug: 8/10 I enjoyed it more than the first Hobbit (but nowhere near as much as LOTR series). I actually enjoyed the little parts Jackson added in to the story the most.

Edit: And to the guy who gave Anchorman 2 a 10/10 PLEASE be telling the truth... I'm going this weekend and Anchorman is probably my favorite comedy of all time.

Edited by ilduce39
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Edit: And to the guy who gave Anchorman 2 a 10/10 PLEASE be telling the truth... I'm going this weekend and Anchorman is probably my favorite comedy of all time.

I really, really enjoyed Anchorman 2. The first Anchorman I really liked except for the ending, but Anchorman 2 was a good time from start to finish for me. The cameos in this movie were insane, there were so many celebrities in the film.

Anchorman 2 is way more absurd than the first one, also there are so many laughs in the movie. I was afraid to take a sip of my drink most of the movie, there were usually laughs every 2 minutes. This is one of those movies where everyone in the theatre was laughing in unison and not just at random times.

Edited by Sydney Fife
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Gravity - 8.5/10

Movie didn't completely grab me emotionally - I'm not sure Bullock was the right choice for the lead. But other than that, it was a technical marvel, completely original, and an all-around excellent movie.


Red 2 - 5/10

Meh. First one was better.

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If you're going to rate the Hobbit movies by Peter "the Butcher" Jackson, you should also say whether you've read the book or not

I've read The Hobbit and the LOTR several times, the first being when I was a kid around 40 years ago.

It looks like 8/10 is the consensus amongst those weighing in so far. Not sure where "the butcher" thing is coming from, as Jackson has added quite a bit to the story. Maybe "the bricklayer" or some such thing would have been a better description in this case.

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The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug - 7/10

Thought I already reviewed this. Weird.

The film looks beautiful and packs a whole lot into it. When you really think about it, Jackson crafted the scene with the spiders, the barrel scene, and the entire sequence with Smaug masterfully. Those three scenes were so well done. I understand how some people may think the barrel scene in particular was pretty hammy, but it looked gorgeous and was coordinated so well.

However, there were several things that really bothered me, which ended up bringing the overall score down quite a bit, as I felt they were either unnecessary or needed to be added in.

1. The length. Way too long. That's it. At the end of the film, my wife and I completely forgot about one of the best scenes in the film, the spiders, because Jackson added so much in and had the film running at nearly 3 hours in length, I forgot about a whole lot that happened.

2. Beorn: man-bear-pig :) . This scene was very important in the book, and I felt like Jackson just glossed over this with, at most, a 2 minute discussion between him and the dwarves/Bilbo. Seeing as though the book has been stretched out into 3 movies, I certainly would have expected this scene to be given more attention than it deserved. When scenes and characters are added in, I would have thought actual events from the book would have been kept in.

3. The added in scenes were, at best, unnecessary. Look, I really liked Evangeline Lilly's character and thought her action scenes were really well done. However, it just wasn't needed. Throwing in Legalos felt forced and out of place. I don't mind when Jackson has added things in the past in the LOTR films, but a lot of what he has added in just doesn't flow.

To add with the unnecessary scenes, the added in one with Gandulf confronting the Necromancer at Dol-Guldur actually angered me the most. I would have forgiven the other added in scenes had this one been omitted. I feel as though viewers have been beaten over the head so far in The Hobbit films about "a dark army forming." I get it, I've already read LOTR and seen the movie, which are separate stories taking place 60 years after. I walked in to see The Hobbit, not to be reminded every 20 minutes that I need to watch LOTR after this. Just tell the story that you are trying to tell. You already did a fantastic job with the LOTR trilogy, you don't need to reference further.

Summary: I really liked it, and thought the scenes that related to the book were absolutely fantastic (except Beorn). However, there was just so much added in material that actually brings the film down in quality.

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LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring - 10/10

Every year before Christmas since 2003, my wife and I watch the entire LOTR trilogy; it's a Christmas tradition for us. Fun fact that I'm sure nobody cares about: My wife and I watched the final film in theatres in 2003 on our honeymoon in Hawaii. We watched Fellowship yesterday, and since the entire trilogy, which we count as 1 film, is our favourite film(s) of all-time, it should come as no surprise that I give it a perfect 10.

Every time I see this, I'm still in awe of the filmmaking. It has been 12 years since it came out, and the SFX still look top notch. And while professional reviewers rated Fellowship below the final two chapters, this is my favourite film of the three. I honestly don't think there is a greater 30 minutes of pure movie magic than when the Fellowship is trying to enter the Mines of Moria and the subsequent leaving of the Mines. That whole sequence is my favourite 30 minutes of film to date.

People who don't like the LOTR films are absolutely entitled to not like it. But if for some reason you still haven't seen it and you love fantasy, you absolutely owe it to yourself to watch what are arguably the greatest films ever made.

Couldn't agree more with this review. Also, the trilogy's score: 15/10.

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Total Recall (2012) - 6.5/10

Sue me, I liked it. First 30 minutes were absolutely fantastic. Cranston's character (Chancellor Cohagen) was underutilized. He also seemed to be mis-cast, but that could also have been because they didn't develop his character at all.

Different than the first film in that it doesn't take place on Mars and Sharon Stone's character (wife), played by Kate Beckinsale, is pretty much the main antagonist, which I thought was a great idea.

Like I said, sue me, I thought it was good.

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Anchorman 2: 8/10

Not as quoteable as the first (although after repeated viewings this may change, but I did laugh my ass off for 2 hours.

Notable scenes:

1) The "Showdown scene"- the reveal of this films epic fight combatants was awesome.

2) Bryan Fantana's line: "Got a good group of buddies out there. OJ Simpson, Phil Specter, Robert Blake.We go out cruisin' chicks. Call ourselves the Ladykillers."

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The Wolf of Wallstreet - 9/10

I went with family :picard: don't make the same mistake I did. Anyways, the acting was brilliant and if you enjoy dark comedies you'll love this one.

The Wolf of Wall Street:

Rated R for sequences of strong sexual content, graphic nudity, drug use and language throughout, and for some violence

Guess you missed this.

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The Wolf of Wall Street:

Rated R for sequences of strong sexual content, graphic nudity, drug use and language throughout, and for some violence

Guess you missed this.

I didn't miss anything. I had tickets for an advanced screening which was two weeks ago. At the time, I had no idea what I was getting into.

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