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Every year around this time, there is a team or two that make an honest push to get some key players to be ready for the playoffs and I am an avid fan win or lose, religiously listening and watching each game. Now with that said...I just want to make a point and I don't post often.

1. Why can't we make a push like the pens this year? They picked up morrow for a prospect and a pick and now they picked up Douglas Murray for 2 2nd round picks like come on gillis.

2. The hesitation of pulling the trigger on a deal that involves our goalies is really gonna make or break this team, there are key pieces that are missing like some SCORING and a pp qb. And I know that moving a luongo contract is something that's difficult but if he keeps both it can turn bad.

3. I'm not one for a deadline splash but of there was any year we need to be active it needs to be this year, we as fans deserve it.

Thanks for reading my post, if you want my ideas for trades ill post a couple that I really think that could help, but I don't want to ruin the post with trolling.

1st rounder and roster player for maybe a briere or st.louis type player. My reasoning is that this team is all about winning NOW so let's make it happen.

The pp qb type defensemen could come through a luongo trade I understand the cap complications but this is my opinion.

Thanks for your time! Go Canucks Go!!!

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Don't post after Pittsburgh makes two deals. Post when the trade deadline is over and Gillis makes none. Morrow and Murray aren't needed here. We have enough guys like Morrow, and Murray is slow, which doesn't fix the puck movement on the back end.

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J.Morrow got drafted before Jensen in the 2011 draft.

Would you have traded Jensen for B.Morrow? I'm glad Gillis didn't

2 x 2nd draft in a deep draft for a defensive pending UFA. That is a lot.

Fortunately the Penguins core is young and they have a bigger pool of (talented) prospect than us. They can afford it. In 3-4 years when those traded draft picks will hurt the Penguins they will still have Malkin, Crosby and Letang has their core.

If we trade Jensen or Gaunce in 2-3 years the Sedins are gone and what are we left with? AN even more banged up Kesler as our first center?

Steep price by the Pens but they can afford it, we can't. Plus they we're even better contender than us before the trade.

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You think that I'm just posting because pens made a few trades? Not a chance! I'm talking about our window which is closing so I'm wanting gillis to take a chance and not making a minor move like higgy as the other poster said and I was not talking about a morrow or Murray I'm talking about a pp qb and a bonafide finisher

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You think that I'm just posting because pens made a few trades? Not a chance! I'm talking about our window which is closing so I'm wanting gillis to take a chance and not making a minor move like higgy as the other poster said and I was not talking about a morrow or Murray I'm talking about a pp qb and a bonafide finisher

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You think that I'm just posting because pens made a few trades? Not a chance! I'm talking about our window which is closing so I'm wanting gillis to take a chance and not making a minor move like higgy as the other poster said and I was not talking about a morrow or Murray I'm talking about a pp qb and a bonafide finisher

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You think that I'm just posting because pens made a few trades? Not a chance! I'm talking about our window which is closing so I'm wanting gillis to take a chance and not making a minor move like higgy as the other poster said and I was not talking about a morrow or Murray I'm talking about a pp qb and a bonafide finisher

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You think that I'm just posting because pens made a few trades? Not a chance! I'm talking about our window which is closing so I'm wanting gillis to take a chance and not making a minor move like higgy as the other poster said and I was not talking about a morrow or Murray I'm talking about a pp qb and a bonafide finisher

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The window is open. And Gillis intends to keep it that way.

Rentals are not something this organization should be engaging in imo - and in case we haven't noticed, this team just went on a four game winning streak while depending upon some of the AHL prospects and depth that the majority of CDC devalue and complains about ad infinitum as if there's nothing of value on the Wolves.

Gillis will cut a deal when it makes sense, not before, and forcing deals only breaks windows, not open them.

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We took a step back when we lost ehrhoff followed by Salo the following year. We need to compensate for these loses first before advancing. It doesnt' seem much at first when we lost Ehrhoff, but the following year, we lost Salo. This is how the 94 Canucks team was demised. Patt Quinn lost one key component every year from 1994 on, at the time it wasn't a big of a loss, but you losing one player per year from the awesome team, will take a toll, and in the end when you look at it, you lost quite a bit of good players that was the foundation of a powerhouse team.

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The window is open. And Gillis intends to keep it that way.

Rentals are not something this organization should be engaging in imo - and in case we haven't noticed, this team just went on a four game winning streak while depending upon some of the AHL prospects and depth that the majority of CDC devalue and complains about ad infinitum as if there's nothing of value on the Wolves.

Gillis will cut a deal when it makes sense, not before, and forcing deals only breaks windows, not open them.

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You think that I'm just posting because pens made a few trades? Not a chance! I'm talking about our window which is closing so I'm wanting gillis to take a chance and not making a minor move like higgy as the other poster said and I was not talking about a morrow or Murray I'm talking about a pp qb and a bonafide finisher

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trades gillis should make

jagr for a 2nd rounder

raymond loungo for st loius

forward lineup in playoffs would be slick

sedin sedin jagr

burrows kesler stlouis

kassian schroeder booth

higgins lapps hansen

not sure what van should do with defense 4 left hand dmen making 4.2 plus is horrible

ballard and edler in my eyes should be traded

hamhuis bieska

garrison right hand d making 2-3 mill

cheap left d making 1-1.5 mill tanev

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The window is open. And Gillis intends to keep it that way.

Rentals are not something this organization should be engaging in imo - and in case we haven't noticed, this team just went on a four game winning streak while depending upon some of the AHL prospects and depth that the majority of CDC devalue and complains about ad infinitum as if there's nothing of value on the Wolves.

Gillis will cut a deal when it makes sense, not before, and forcing deals only breaks windows, not open them.

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