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7 hours ago, RRypien37 said:

At your height, I wouldn't expect to get much lighter than that if you have any muscle mass on you. What is your goal? Shredded? Just lean? 


I'm 6'2 and finished my bulk at 215. I am doing intermittent fasting as well and is working great, down to 198 right now. Will probably get down to 190 to be completely shredded. 

I still have a muffin top, so I was hoping to drop down to 195-200. Just looking to lean out. I've been lifting weights so my upper body has developed quite a bit. 


Should I start bulking now and continue to try and lean out to lose the belly?

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9 hours ago, CaNuCkSLoUiE23 said:

I've been stuck at 213-214lbs for like 7 weeks. Still doing 18 hours+ of interminent fasting and eating about 1500-1800 calories a day.  

Would the best option to change it up be HIIT?




Btw, I'm 6'5. 

6'5 and 214lbs and only 1500-1800 calories? I'm much shorter and lighter and am eating more calories than you. My initial assumption right off the bat is your deficit is way too large. 


It'd help if you post what a typical day of eating looks for you, and what kind of workouts you're currently doing. Sometimes with intermittent fasting people don't do their last meal right before the fast properly so they don't get fat adapted. 

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9 hours ago, falcon45ca said:

Are you able to do leg raises & windshield wipers? Not on the machine, but laying down? There's lots of variations you can do that'll hit lots of different areas and should provide some boredom relief from the typical core workouts you mentioned.

Yeah I can. Been doing wipers, leg raises & the exercises NPF mentioned above. It's all just boring after a while.. But better than nothing I guess.


The good news is, that with 99% certainty my wrist does not need surgery and will be healed by mid-May/late April so I can start with my wrist rehab and likely getting onto the elliptical or bike (not doing it to a moldy, smelly cast).

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3 hours ago, JimLahey said:

Yeah I can. Been doing wipers, leg raises & the exercises NPF mentioned above. It's all just boring after a while.. But better than nothing I guess.


The good news is, that with 99% certainty my wrist does not need surgery and will be healed by mid-May/late April so I can start with my wrist rehab and likely getting onto the elliptical or bike (not doing it to a moldy, smelly cast).

Honestly I rarely do core specific exercises anymore. Squats, deadlifts and bench are all you really need...if you're doing those three with good form your core is very engaged...though I do enjoy Russian Twists with a kettle bell, I find them fun and relaxing!


When in doubt, plank it out.

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22 hours ago, CaNuCkSLoUiE23 said:

I've been stuck at 213-214lbs for like 7 weeks. Still doing 18 hours+ of interminent fasting and eating about 1500-1800 calories a day.  

Would the best option to change it up be HIIT?




Btw, I'm 6'5. 

What kind of calories are you getting, what's the macro break down?


If you're able to do 20-30% carbs, 10-15% fats, and 55-70% protein at 1500-1800 calories and still can't drop any more weight after 2 weeks, then carb cycling might be a good option.


Also, what's your BF% at now? If you're at or below 10% then stop, you can really mess up your metabolism by going too extreme in your calorie reduction.


HIIT is a great way to drop weight fast, especially if you don't normally train that way. If your calories are too low though, it's also a great way to really really mess yourself up.

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20 minutes ago, falcon45ca said:

Honestly I rarely do core specific exercises anymore. Squats, deadlifts and bench are all you really need...if you're doing those three with good form your core is very engaged...though I do enjoy Russian Twists with a kettle bell, I find them fun and relaxing!


When in doubt, plank it out.

I've been doing an exercise lately, think it's called a body saw, that's been really good. You do a plank with your feet on something that glides (I use paper towels cause my gym doesn't have gliding pads) and then slide your feet back as far as comfortably possible, then slide your feet back up to the original plank position to complete a rep. I've done something similar with feet on a Swiss ball and those are great too.

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17 hours ago, Wild Sean Monahan said:

I've been doing an exercise lately, think it's called a body saw, that's been really good. You do a plank with your feet on something that glides (I use paper towels cause my gym doesn't have gliding pads) and then slide your feet back as far as comfortably possible, then slide your feet back up to the original plank position to complete a rep. I've done something similar with feet on a Swiss ball and those are great too.

Sounds similar to mountain climbers

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17 minutes ago, Shift-4 said:

Sounds similar to mountain climbers

Not really. You mean mountain climbers where you start in a plank and take your knee up to your elbow right? For this exercise your body remains in the same position, you just slide your feet backwards maybe 12-18 inches and then back up.

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43 minutes ago, soshified said:

What's a good diet plan for gaining muscle/getting lean?

It's pretty much as simple as taking more in than you burn. And steadily increase it over time. And eat "good" things too for obvious reasons such as they're better for you overall and you won't feel like a sluggish turd like Jagr looked on the Isles GWG tonight.

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On 4/17/2016 at 3:14 PM, LuckyLuciano said:

Seein some nice cuts on this lovely carb free weekend

How do you do it? I always feel like a Zombie after a day with no carbs.


Edited by Porkie
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7 hours ago, Porkie said:

How do you do it? I always feel like a Zombie after a day with no carbs.

Try to get your carbs from low glycemic sources such as vegetables.


People assume I eat no carbs when really I eat around 100g a day, most are through the vegetables I have with lunch and dinner, and then from the banana and natural peanut butter. 


You feel a lot tighter and leaner than after eating carbs from typical sources such as breads, rice, etc. 

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On April 16, 2016 at 9:46 AM, CaNuCkSLoUiE23 said:

I still have a muffin top, so I was hoping to drop down to 195-200. Just looking to lean out. I've been lifting weights so my upper body has developed quite a bit. 


Should I start bulking now and continue to try and lean out to lose the belly?

You can't bulk & lean out, doesn't work that way. Also, muffin tops are irrelevant, some people store body fat there regardless. What's you're actual BF%? Use some callipers, try and get a sense of you're real BF%, not nitpick where your body stores fat.


You say you're 6'5 and you want to weigh less than 200lbs?? Dude, you'll be a bean pole that could get knocked over by a sneeze. Lou is over 200lbs and he's 6'3. At your height and the weight you want to go down to, you're gonna make Ryan Miller look like a bodybuilder.

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1 hour ago, NucksPatsFan said:

Try to get your carbs from low glycemic sources such as vegetables.


People assume I eat no carbs when really I eat around 100g a day, most are through the vegetables I have with lunch and dinner, and then from the banana and natural peanut butter. 


You feel a lot tighter and leaner than after eating carbs from typical sources such as breads, rice, etc. 

Most vegetables have no carbs, at least not ones that humans are capable of digesting.

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9 hours ago, Porkie said:

How do you do it? I always feel like a Zombie after a day with no carbs.

Took me a while to adjust, I'd be grumpy on low carb days before.


Generally I increase my healthy fats on low carb days. Ex: started the day off protein shake (40g) with 1 1/2 tbl spoon olive oil. 


Decrease fats on high carb days. 

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