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1 hour ago, Rough Neck said:

I love training fasted, while sipping on BCAAs. I don't at the moment with my schedule since I work super early. I enjoy having some lunch before hand, which typically is high fats, good protein and minimal carbs. That's just my preference of eating at this stage. 


That is sweet that you've gotten better after an injury. Those can be discouraging! What does your heavy and lighter days typically look like? From my personal experience I have usually had heavy push days with weights and the lighter days are more higher rep stuff (weighted pushups, 12-15 rep prone DB flys, or pullups). I'm sure if you keep pushing through things will go well. 

I stopped taking bcaas, never really noticed any benefits. My approach is the opposite high carb / low fat, but I’ve heard of some people getting great results with a more keto diet. 


Heavy (5-6reps):





Light (8-10reps)




5 day split

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11 minutes ago, HI5 said:

I stopped taking bcaas, never really noticed any benefits. My approach is the opposite high carb / low fat, but I’ve heard of some people getting great results with a more keto diet. 


Heavy (5-6reps):





Light (8-10reps)




5 day split

Nice, what are you goals exactly? Just curious, not trying to give information like a know it all! 


Yeah, I am not 100% certain BCAAs do anything either... I find I like sipping on something low-calorie, that isn't water. It does make me feel a bit better when fasted, but that might be just a personal preference.


In terms of diet, I've heard the same. I don't do keto exactly... maybe more anabolic style/paleo, the high fat type rather than the homegrown sweet potato/yam etc.. My Dad, sister and stepmom have all been doing Keto. Dad has lost over 45lbs in the last 2 months. Sister I think is at 15-20lbs. Not sure about stepmom, maybe 10. I've heard great results from it. Realistically it definitely comes down to what one enjoys most and can keep consistent. I don't do well with carbs so I try high fat as much as possible, but boy do I love bread and chips haha. 

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On 2018-03-07 at 12:05 PM, Rough Neck said:

Nice, what are you goals exactly? Just curious, not trying to give information like a know it all! 


Yeah, I am not 100% certain BCAAs do anything either... I find I like sipping on something low-calorie, that isn't water. It does make me feel a bit better when fasted, but that might be just a personal preference.


In terms of diet, I've heard the same. I don't do keto exactly... maybe more anabolic style/paleo, the high fat type rather than the homegrown sweet potato/yam etc.. My Dad, sister and stepmom have all been doing Keto. Dad has lost over 45lbs in the last 2 months. Sister I think is at 15-20lbs. Not sure about stepmom, maybe 10. I've heard great results from it. Realistically it definitely comes down to what one enjoys most and can keep consistent. I don't do well with carbs so I try high fat as much as possible, but boy do I love bread and chips haha. 

Heavy days: Maintain strength/muscle mass and or get stronger while on caloric deficit.


Light days: More shapers/reps and LISS.


In the winter I spent some time in a caloric surplus to add more size and strength in areas which I perceived as my weak points. Now it’s time to peel the fat whilst losing as much less muscle as possible. 


Goal: Stay strong, stay aesthetic and well conditioned.

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5 minutes ago, HI5 said:

Heavy days: Maintain strength/muscle mass and or get stronger while on caloric deficit.


Light days: More shapers/reps and LISS.


In the winter I spent some time in a caloric surplus to add more size and strength in areas which I perceived as my weak points. Now it’s time to peel the fat whilst losing as much less muscle as possible. 


Goal: Stay strong, stay aesthetic and well conditioned.

Nice! I think its great you are still doing heavy days. I know lots of people shy away from them on caloric deficits. 

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Just started a new job as an electrical apprentice and I'm finding it really hard to get myself to the gym after an 8 hour day bending pipe and pulling wire.  Usually get to the gym every weekday (4 minimum), but only went twice last week.

I'm sure once I get used to it/establish a new routine I'll get back to it, but it kind of sucks right now.  Anyone have any good tips that help them drag their tired butt to the gym after a long day?

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2 minutes ago, Jägermeister said:

Just started a new job as an electrical apprentice and I'm finding it really hard to get myself to the gym after an 8 hour day bending pipe and pulling wire.  Usually get to the gym every weekday (4 minimum), but only went twice last week.

I'm sure once I get used to it/establish a new routine I'll get back to it, but it kind of sucks right now.  Anyone have any good tips that help them drag their tired butt to the gym after a long day?

If you are able to go before I have found that helps. However, as an electrical apprentice your shifts might make that difficult depending on how early or late you start. 


I did landscaping for a bit one summer and found it difficult to go into the gym afterwards so that was hard. In terms of on days you feel tired or unmotivated, goal setting can help because you want to achieve your set goal. Can give some motivation. Diet can be good for energy and not feeling as exhausted depending on what you eat. 

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10 minutes ago, Rough Neck said:

If you are able to go before I have found that helps. However, as an electrical apprentice your shifts might make that difficult depending on how early or late you start. 


I did landscaping for a bit one summer and found it difficult to go into the gym afterwards so that was hard. In terms of on days you feel tired or unmotivated, goal setting can help because you want to achieve your set goal. Can give some motivation. Diet can be good for energy and not feeling as exhausted depending on what you eat. 

My current site has a 630am start time, and is about a 30 min commute (assuming no accidents), so going beforehand isn't really an option.  Getting up at 5am is hard enough lol.

Goal setting sounds like a solid idea, I've been planning on starting a cut sometime soon so maybe I should get to work on that.  I haven't really been working towards anything specific the past little while.

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11 minutes ago, Jägermeister said:

My current site has a 630am start time, and is about a 30 min commute (assuming no accidents), so going beforehand isn't really an option.  Getting up at 5am is hard enough lol.

Goal setting sounds like a solid idea, I've been planning on starting a cut sometime soon so maybe I should get to work on that.  I haven't really been working towards anything specific the past little while.

Yeah for landscaping it was the same time really, also with the commute. Goal setting is the way to go. Keeps you looking forward and wanting to achieve it. At least from my perspective I think so

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3 hours ago, Jägermeister said:

Just started a new job as an electrical apprentice and I'm finding it really hard to get myself to the gym after an 8 hour day bending pipe and pulling wire.  Usually get to the gym every weekday (4 minimum), but only went twice last week.

I'm sure once I get used to it/establish a new routine I'll get back to it, but it kind of sucks right now.  Anyone have any good tips that help them drag their tired butt to the gym after a long day?

The moment I get home, I put on my  leggings and running shoes, fill up the water bottle really fast, and tell the cat I'm off to the gym!

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5 hours ago, Jägermeister said:

Just started a new job as an electrical apprentice and I'm finding it really hard to get myself to the gym after an 8 hour day bending pipe and pulling wire.  Usually get to the gym every weekday (4 minimum), but only went twice last week.

I'm sure once I get used to it/establish a new routine I'll get back to it, but it kind of sucks right now.  Anyone have any good tips that help them drag their tired butt to the gym after a long day?

Your not going to like it but honestly.... go BEFORE work.  Plumber for 16 years

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19 hours ago, Jägermeister said:

My current site has a 630am start time, and is about a 30 min commute (assuming no accidents), so going beforehand isn't really an option.  Getting up at 5am is hard enough lol.

Goal setting sounds like a solid idea, I've been planning on starting a cut sometime soon so maybe I should get to work on that.  I haven't really been working towards anything specific the past little while.


What i use to do what the 2days off I hit the gym.  3 out of my 5 work days I work out.  So work out is 5 days a wee, twice on weekends.  

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19 hours ago, Jägermeister said:

Just started a new job as an electrical apprentice and I'm finding it really hard to get myself to the gym after an 8 hour day bending pipe and pulling wire.  Usually get to the gym every weekday (4 minimum), but only went twice last week.

I'm sure once I get used to it/establish a new routine I'll get back to it, but it kind of sucks right now.  Anyone have any good tips that help them drag their tired butt to the gym after a long day?

Might suck for the first little bit, but bring your gym clothes with you in the car. When you're done work, change into your shorts/sweats in the car and change shirts in the car and just go straight to the gym. Keep a bag of almonds/mixed nuts in the car to snack on on the way to the gym, and of course, water. You could even keep a shaker bottle with protein powder in it, and then just add water to it at the end of your shift. 


If you think about it like just adding an hour onto your work day, it might work for you. It works for me in terms of efficiency. I think my 8 hour work day is a 9 and a half hour work day, and it keeps me efficient in the gym as well, trying to get what I want done in my allotted time so I don't waste too much time on rests or my phone.

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21 hours ago, Jägermeister said:

Just started a new job as an electrical apprentice and I'm finding it really hard to get myself to the gym after an 8 hour day bending pipe and pulling wire.  Usually get to the gym every weekday (4 minimum), but only went twice last week.

I'm sure once I get used to it/establish a new routine I'll get back to it, but it kind of sucks right now.  Anyone have any good tips that help them drag their tired butt to the gym after a long day?

I struggle now after a workday to run or swim or gym (don't lift a lot  anymore) to find the energy as well.  But I'm 41.  I definitely have to keep the food energy up to feel strong for my workouts.


in my 20's when I was lifting everyday it took some time to get used to exercising after work but I grew to prefer it as I was already loose and ready to go - warmed up so to speak.


looking back now my advice would be to make sure you commit to some extra training for  the "opposite" muscle groups you don't use at work and focus you're stretching on muscle groups you repeatedly use at work.  I admit that a career in trades will overdevelop certain muscles.


while at work be aware of your form and position when doing tasks like you would at the gym.


i have found that regular diversification of training and playing sports, being athletic, will help as you get older.  Keep that body mobile.


just some tips on longevity for training and lifting.  I still feel strong and I am still playing hockey and regularly exercising despite working full time in construction - often longer days and many consecutive days.


in short:





Edited by riffraff
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On 2018-03-07 at 12:05 PM, Rough Neck said:

Nice, what are you goals exactly? Just curious, not trying to give information like a know it all! 


Yeah, I am not 100% certain BCAAs do anything either... I find I like sipping on something low-calorie, that isn't water. It does make me feel a bit better when fasted, but that might be just a personal preference.


In terms of diet, I've heard the same. I don't do keto exactly... maybe more anabolic style/paleo, the high fat type rather than the homegrown sweet potato/yam etc.. My Dad, sister and stepmom have all been doing Keto. Dad has lost over 45lbs in the last 2 months. Sister I think is at 15-20lbs. Not sure about stepmom, maybe 10. I've heard great results from it. Realistically it definitely comes down to what one enjoys most and can keep consistent. I don't do well with carbs so I try high fat as much as possible, but boy do I love bread and chips haha. 

I’d be a little cautious with The Keto diet. One of my friends was on that and ended up getting a bile stone in his gall bladder. 

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23 hours ago, The Great 8 said:

I’d be a little cautious with The Keto diet. One of my friends was on that and ended up getting a bile stone in his gall bladder. 

I am not a doctor so I cannot safely comment on that. My Dad, Stepmom and Sister have seen great results from Keto without those issues. It might be a diet that effects people differently. I do know it is recommended for "safe quick fat loss" but may not be recommended long-term. I have also heard that based on keto being a High fat-moderate protein-low carb there can be risks if you take excessive amounts of protein, however I've never heard of the bile stones before. Hopefully your friend safely had it figured out! 

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My work week along with other sports is messing with my Stronglifts schedule. 

I am going to experiment.

No Stronglifts this week. Pull/Legs/Push for three available days I have this week.

Then back to Stronglifts next week.


Anyone else ever experience one off weeks from a set plan? Successes? Aggravations?


I can tell my workouts are a big deal too me. I am in a foul mood realizing I can't fit a workout in today!  lol

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