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[Official] Canucks coach talk. Keep all talk here.


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I'm not too keen on J. Martin as the new coach. Plus, he has experience as a GM so would Gillis hire a guy who could potentially step into his job if things get shaky?

I can't take him seriously, I can't get past his ears when he talks. Does that make me a bad person ?

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As MG said this is what the NHL is now and he has to adapt his personnel to play this way, based on that I guess we should go with Torts.

He is an interesting option and as has been said before he may indeed be a good fit but likely not long term.

Then why are the Hawks in the finals? They don't play that way.

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Then why are the Hawks in the finals? They don't play that way.

the Hawks are a good team, and a lucky team. The thing to understand is there is no magic winning formula, there are differing styles and depending on luck, skill, timing, health certain teams come out on top.

I guess I feel the Canucks really do need a coach to hold players accountable no matter which system they play.

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Haven't seen any mention of Willie Desjardins as a candidate at all. All he's done is win at every level. Didn't realize he has a couple of years as an associate coach with the Stars, so might even meet MG's requirement to have NHL coaching experience.

Good write-up in this Dallas hockey blog yesterday:


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why do i feel that Gillis is going to take too long with this coaching thing and by the time he decided he want that coach it's going to be picked up by another team? look at eakin.. Edmonton wanted him before other team snatches him so they fired their coach and hired him the next day lol.. Ruff will prolly end up in NYR and Torts maybe in dallas.. then we'll e left with the tier 2 coaches like boucher and stevens.. not saying they ain't good coaches.. but i don't think it'll work with a veteran group.. and they really have no success in the NHL to back up their coaching pedigree

Maybe we should hire a rabbit as our GM ..

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I'm hoping we get a really solid powerplay coach.

Garisson can get 16 goals again the way he was shooting this season.

That guy has so much untapped offensive power and it went to waste most of the year.

One of the assistants has to be a powerplay specialist. If three games go by and Garrison isn't with the Sedins on the PP then Gillis screwed up big time.

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It depends on your definition of success. NY Rangers were 1st in the East last season and went on to the Conference Finals. Torts is also a Cup-winning coach and while at times his demeanor and comments leave much to be desired, he is extremely fair and treats all players equally based on merit and play.

I think he is a great coach and would be a very good short-term solution, which is probably why he will not be considered...but I think I would dislike the side-show that comes with him. Although as a general fan I look forward to it.

i'd have to agree. as much as I like torts the media BS would follow him and be as much a distracton as the lu v. schneids situation.

the likelihood of any coach coming in and getting us a cup next year is slim. I really think the no NHL experience thing isn't a big issue. If he comes in next year, gets in to the system and learns as he gets his rookie coaching year out of the way. then maybe the '14-'15 season were looking at a cup barring player movements and what not.

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Anyone who wants Tortorella clearly hasn't been following the Rangers very closely.

If we wanna play the same boring inneffective dump and chase game that AV employed, then we should go with him.

This team doesn't have the muscle along the boards to play that game though. We need a coach that is creative, and likes his players to create things off the rush.

The Sedins are passers, not grinders. As soon as they start playing along the boards, it's over for them. They get outmuscled too easily, and everyone knows exactly where the puck is gonna go. Bottom line is, they need to be more unpredictable. Think about how differently the Sedins played in 09/10, and how much more effective that was. That's what they need.

Kesler is another player that needs to be making plays on the fly. Getting him a passer that can get him the puck for one timers is what he needs.

This team needs a coach that preaches a fast transition game, with lots of shooting. Tortorella isn't that guy.

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By virtue of living in Pennsylvania, I get to see a lot of Rangers games, and your assessment is bang on.

Torts' "systems" and the Canucks players DO NOT MESH. Torts relies too heavily on the goalie keeping his team in the game, which is fine at times, but it CANNOT be the only game plan a coach has if he is going to be successful. Also, Torts teams are known for being low scoring DESPITE having all star caliber players like Gaborik and Richards. In addition, when his team most needs said players to produce, he has an uncanny ability to piss them off and alienate them (at least in NY anyway). Sure sounds like someone I want in the same room as Kesler, Bieksa, and the Sedins.

Instead, the Canucks need a coach who can get them back to playing the game like they did from 2009-2011 (this includes the first half of the 2011/12 season as the Sedins were looking like 100pt players up until the calendar changed to 2012) where there was a fast transition from defense to offense, creativity and scoring on the rush, and wicked good special teams.

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One of the assistants has to be a powerplay specialist. If three games go by and Garrison isn't with the Sedins on the PP then Gillis screwed up big time.

I agree with the assistant powerplay specialist theme.

Garrison is a shooter but he is not Al MacInnis. Garrison does not seem to have control on the height of his shots and is likely to take out the twins instead of helping them score goals.

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just wait for garrisons shot from the point next season, its power will be off the hook. Anger for loss of mayray will be used for it, predicting someone will die, I'm hoping for marchand's nose to be fixed.

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I liked what Eakins had to say at the Oilers' presser about "coaching players and not a team", and that there would have to be a "change of attitude" coming from the players on the team. Seemed pretty direct and blunt, which is what our team probably needs. Someone to stand up and tell the emperor that his clothes are NOT new.

But when I hear that MG is talking to people like Jacques Martin, I wonder whether he actually wants to hear the truth. Hopefully he's not simply looking for a caretaker coach who won't rock the boat, just to get through the next two or three years until the twins retire, and then blow it up.

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I agree with the assistant powerplay specialist theme.

Garrison is a shooter but he is not Al MacInnis. Garrison does not seem to have control on the height of his shots and is likely to take out the twins instead of helping them score goals.

How many players did Garrison take out with his shot this season? I can think of four at least. You couldn't pay me enough money to sit in front of one of those shots.

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