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At One of Life's Forks in the Road - can you help me?


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Here is the scenario:

living in Vancouver with my new wife. In our 30s - neither of us have family here - just jobs.

I was accepted at school in Alberta; nursing: 2 years of schooling and when I'm done a job starting at $30/hr when finished and all the way up to $40/hr. We would move back to Victoria after the two years.

We plan on getting pregnant but only after she would be able to secure a job in Alberta (I'd be in school of course). Some challenges with me in school and her on maternity leave financial I would be guessing

The problem is, my mom has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. We don't know how long she has. She has her fiance to help and lives with my 21 year old sister who his a single mother of a 2 month old.

We can move back to Victoria where they all are, including my grandparents, and likely be able to start a family sooner. Plus my grandpa offered to help with the down payment on a house.

However, I would have to continue working a job that I like but will only ever pay me $20-$25/hr.

Should I choose Alberta or Vancouver island?


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It would be easy to say tuff it out and go to school in Alberta for the bigger paydays down the road except your situation is far more complex than usual. There are always other opportunities to move up either where you work or elsewhere.

But its about your Mother. You cant put off anything to do with her. Thats a personal choice nobody can make for you.

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Are you going for your LPN or RN? I know that LPNs are being hired all the time in Victoria for around $23 an hour... often with unlimited overtime.

Getting a job as an RN is very difficult in Victoria since LPNs can do most of RN work at a much lower price.

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I have a degree in Kinesiology I was going to do 2 more years for an RN.

It made some much more which the right choice was as soon as I began writing it out

and I knew what the responses from people were going to be.

Thanks a lot guys/gals I am beginning to see things more clearly

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Oh, goodness. That is really rough. First of all, sorry about your situation. My heart goes out to you.

Is there any way that you could talk to the school in Alberta and see if the offer still stands, if you wait a year or two (explain to them the "why")?

On a side-ish note, while it is easier to have children with more $ and job security, it isn't impossible to have kids when you aren't making millions. Aside from diapers and clothes, babies don't need every new and trendy thing on the market - they need love. That's free. You can work and move up in the world while you have a child, it doesn't always have to be before. (Just my personal experience and opinion).

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MONEY isnt everything i walked away from 100k.+ in alberta

was stuck in deadmonton for 10 years

im so happy to be back in beautiful British Columbia surrounded by loved ones

also one of my friends from edmonton moved here , moved back after 3 months. said he missed his family back in alberta

always pick family over money

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My mom passed away in April of this year. I left my job of 20 years in commercial banking last summer to spend as much time with her as possible. Helped her by driving her around to all her doctors appointments and going in with her to each appointment as I was worried that with her mind racing she'd miss things doctors would tell her. Also kept on top of all the medication she had to take daily. And best part was just hanging with her, taking her for coffee or lunch, and just talking to her every day.

I'm so glad I did it as I know I would have regretted it for the rest of my life had I not done it.

Spend as much time with her and your family as you can.

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It sounds like the only thing you can't put off is spending time with your mom.

Also, "in our 30s" is fine and dandy for a guy, but is it early or late 30s for your wife? Because if it's late 30s (or even mid) and you want to knock out a couple of kids, you best get started pretty soon.

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My mom passed away in April of this year. I left my job of 20 years in commercial banking last summer to spend as much time with her as possible. Helped her by driving her around to all her doctors appointments and going in with her to each appointment as I was worried that with her mind racing she'd miss things doctors would tell her. Also kept on top of all the medication she had to take daily. And best part was just hanging with her, taking her for coffee or lunch, and just talking to her every day.

I'm so glad I did it as I know I would have regretted it for the rest of my life had I not done it.

Spend as much time with her and your family as you can.

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Condolences mate , it was good that you got to spend a lot of time with her. I have hung out with people whose families are dysfunctional and this has always made me appreciate mine all the more. OP personally I am glad to see that the majority of posters are encouraging you to spend time with your mum , this is the choice I would make.

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