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What would Wayne Gretzky be traded for today?

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Im not much for making new topics but I saw this posted on HF boards and was a curious thread. I thought I would start it here. Since today is the 25th anniversary of his royal shipment down the coast, what do you guys think he would go for today ?

Remember , we cant include cash anymore.

Here were Waynes last 4 seasons heading up to the trade :

1984-85 Edmonton Oilers NHL 80 73 135 208 98

1985-86 Edmonton Oilers NHL 80 52 163 215 71

1986-87 Edmonton Oilers NHL 79 62 121 183 70

1987-88 Edmonton Oilers NHL 64 40 109 149 39


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Honestly, this is an impossible question to answer; it was a different era and the players were paid ALOT less up until this point, I think to START you would have to figure out how much Gretzky would be making in his prime in today's era and go from there; This trade also made players realize how much they were actually worth and is one of the most important trades in NHL history; From a players standpoint.

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Not sure how to quantify his value in terms of players but basically you can just get two guys off the street to be his line-mates, put sticks in their hands, instruct them to have the blades down on the ice and Wayne'll find them and make them 30-40 goal scorers.

Goon/ Plug with stick - 99 - Goon/ Plug with stick

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I doubt even Gretzky would be scoring that much in today's NHL. Much less ice, far more physical and goalies are much better now than they were before. If Crosby can still put up 100 points (on pace for anyway), I could imagine Gretzky scoring in this league at around the 150 point clip, 50-60 goals.

That being said, you only trade 150 points/50-60 goals worth for him. That's the Sedins straight up for Gretzky. 150 points traded for 150 points. Marvel about him as much as you want, but that's as fair as fair gets.

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