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CBC continues to ignore West and the Canucks


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CBC's television schedule it OUT and its annual neglect towards the Canucks is back IN.

There are a mere 15 Canucks regular season games on CBC this year. Meanwhile, Toronto gets 25 games, and Montreal gets 29 games. This is not right. I recognize those two markets are bigger, but that should not be an issue for CBC. With TSN and Sportsnet, it's fine. But there's a difference. CBC is the ONLY television station that broadcasts NHL games at taxpayers' expense.

It is a public broadcaster with a MANDATE to "reflect Canada and its regions to national and regional audiences, while serving the special needs of those regions."

With its Saturday night double-header, CBC airs two regional broadcasts for the first billing. That allows far more eastern team broadcasts. In this day and age, there is no stopping CBC from showing TWO regional broadcasts for its second billing as well. But it doesn't.

Why does it matter?

How it affects fans

- Canucks are NOT given enough exposure in other regions, while Westerns continue to get inundated with Leafs / Habs games. This translates into brainwashing by CBC to those who watch CBC and not cable, and these brainwashed fans continue to infiltrate Canucks home games whenever Leafs / Habs come to play.

How it affects you individually

- YOUR tax dollars are disproportionately paying for airings of Leafs / Habs games. As in, when you buy a car, some clothes, or a Canucks jersey, part of those taxes are going to Don Cherry and all the related fees and expenses to air Maple Leaf and Habs games across Canada.

How it affects the players

- CBC is a lead company in dictating the NHL schedule every year. Their influence impacts each Canadian team's schedules. You'll see Toronto has home games on Saturdays 95% of the time. Believe it or not, this translates into a more balanced work-life schedule for the players, being home every weekend, and a generally more consistent schedule. Canucks will often play Fridays, Sundays, all over North America.

We pay for CBC. We, the fans, should demand two regional broadcasts on the western billing. CBC will still make a profit, and it would help CBC to address its own mandate to reflect Canada and its regions to national and regional audiences, while serving the special needs of those regions.

I'm born and raised in BC now living in Ontario. This is the EXACT reason why Easterners despise Westerners and their poor me inferiority complex whining agendas.

Life is unfair. Deal with it. Be happy. In this day and age you can watch any Canuck game anywhere anyway. Do what you can and boycott CBC then, or stop whining...it's nauseating and overdone.

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I'm born and raised in BC now living in Ontario. This is the EXACT reason why Easterners despise Westerners and their poor me inferiority complex whining agendas.

Life is unfair. Deal with it. Be happy. In this day and age you can watch any Canuck game anywhere anyway. Do what you can and boycott CBC then, or stop whining...it's nauseating and overdone.

WOW :shock: !!! Well done...*wiser clap*

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This is the EXACT reason why Easterners despise Westerners and their poor me inferiority complex whining agendas.

Life is unfair. Deal with it. Be happy.

.....stop whining...it's nauseating and overdone.

I sincerely doubt Eastern Canadians despise Western Canadians because of CBC hockey coverage grievances.

I do,however,suspect Western Canadians despise Eastern Canadians because we have had to pay for their way since Confederation and we are told we are whining and inferior while we get rammed up the rear end.

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LOL I Remember when you would finally get a Canucks/Oiler/or Flames game on CBC(when it was only 1 game a night) and then you would have to sit there during the intermissions and listen to (i'm a )Dyck Irvining and the rest of the CBC Boobs talk about the Canadiens or Leafs ignoring the game(except for Meeker) they broadcasting. That's where my hatred of all things Leafs and Canadien's came from anyways lol

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who cares? the leafs are entertaining this year. i dont mind watching them. what are they supposed to do? their market is freaking eastern based. west only accounts for 1/4 of their market.

Try to imagine the US networks pulling this crap with the New York market on their NFL programming. This just makes Canada seem bush league; a one horse country.

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I got a good chuckle out of this. But yeah, it should either be increased quantity and QUALITY of all Canadian teams, OR eliminate Hockey Night in Canada from the CBC schedule, because right now, it's Hockey Night in Toronto / Montreal.

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I'm born and raised in BC now living in Ontario. This is the EXACT reason why Easterners despise Westerners and their poor me inferiority complex whining agendas.

Life is unfair. Deal with it. Be happy. In this day and age you can watch any Canuck game anywhere anyway. Do what you can and boycott CBC then, or stop whining...it's f$&cking nauseating and overdone.

Maybe if you still lived in B.C. you would feel the same way as a lot of people here do,,but seeing as you ran to the Big Smoke and are a new Torontonian with Eastern bias,,I totally think your opinion doesnt mean squat.

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Maybe if you still lived in B.C. you would feel the same way as a lot of people here do,,but seeing as you ran to the Big Smoke and are a new Torontonian with Eastern bias,,I totally think your opinion doesnt mean squat,,so basically STFU.

I think he's bang on!

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Being my first post here, (been lurking here for quite a while, though) first let me say that being a fan of the Canucks since the early 80's, and living in Alberta makes it more expensive to see them play. I, too, am disgusted with how CBC handles games that are important to westerners. I was pissed to miss the home ice season opener "ceremonies". Living in Alberta, I have no problem subscribing to Center Ice because if I didn't, I would likely only see 15-20 Canucks games a season. It's too bad games are blacked out on Center Ice when they're also on CBC because I know I'd never watch them on CBC, given the choice.

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I'm born and raised in BC now living in Ontario. This is the EXACT reason why Easterners despise Westerners and their poor me inferiority complex whining agendas.

Life is unfair. Deal with it. Be happy. In this day and age you can watch any Canuck game anywhere anyway. Do what you can and boycott CBC then, or stop whining...it's nauseating and overdone.

I was born in BC and live in Ontario now, I've never heard anyone say they hate people from out west. They always ask me what the hell I was thinking when I moved oit here. Its been 13 years now not sure what your talking about.

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I am of the exact opposite opinion. Please have CBC do LESS Canucks games, CBC has become absolute garbage over the last 10 years.

I would rather have a deaf/mute boy describe the game to me in charade form before I watch the game on CBC.

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LOL I Remember when you would finally get a Canucks/Oiler/or Flames game on CBC(when it was only 1 game a night) and then you would have to sit there during the intermissions and listen to (i'm a )Dyck Irvining and the rest of the CBC Boobs talk about the Canadiens or Leafs ignoring the game(except for Meeker) they broadcasting. That's where my hatred of all things Leafs and Canadien's came from anyways lol

Ah, memories. I remember watching the Canucks with my dad and older brother b!tching about almost this exact scenario whenever we'd get a Saturday game :P

CBC is still doing the whole Toronto (and to a somewhat lesser degree Montreal) slant on things but it isn't quite as oppressive now as it used to be.

Also..I miss Howie Meeker, they should bring him back to whip those young'uns on the panel into shape.

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We ignore the East just as much as they Ignore west.

You want impartial watch Global Regina.

there might be a reason we try to ignore the East,,but thats impossible,,its rammed down our throats on a daily basis.

People in the West can put up with most things with an Eastern slant,,from news to politics...but when you screw with our hockey team,,,thems fighting words.

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