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Mafia: Declassified

Alchemy Time

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The town, by majority vote, chose to lynch JE14.

Kryten was on a walk in the forest, just a relaxing calm walk. He casually glanced a passing car. It was good to get away from it all, all the craziness going on in the town. Being out here also helped him forget that it was partly his fault it had started. If I hadn't taken up with those damn mafia, maybe things could've stayed the way they were.Kryten began to feel guilty. No, he thought, rationalizing his actions, It was only a matter of time. A t least this way I can keep them from being too brutal.

A man approached from the distance, and looked momentarily shocked to see Kryten, but then he smiled and began to speak, "For one that turns away from God to come in person to receive judgment! Today is a good day!"

"What?" said Kryten, thinking this guy to be some crazy Jehovah's witness, but then he noticed the gun in the man's hand, the blood spreading across his chest.

"W-who... who are you?" said Kryten weakly.

"I am an instrument of divine judgment." said the man.

The Yakuza also went looking for Kryten, and found him in the morgue.

Snake Doctor used to be the pride of the town, but had recently become a firm believer in alcohol. He practically worshiped the stuff. Today was one of the days where he practiced his self-written "Ten Commandments of Alcoholism", which were:

1. Drink

2. Drink

3. Drink


As Snake Doctor was stumbling through the street completely drunk out of his mind, he vaguely noticed some men in suits approaching them. "Of all man's inventions," Snake Doctor slurred, "Alcohol is his finest. Got any money for booze?"

"Yeah man, let me just check my pockets" said one of the men.

"Great." said Snake Doctor, but then he saw the gun in the man's hand.

"How the mighty have fallen." said the man as he filled Snake Doctor with lead.

Luckily, a doctor was nearby and was able to save Snake Doctor from his injuries.

Gally was cruising around town in his new convertible. He was enjoying the late night summer breeze, when he noticed that his gas was running low. He pulled into a gas station. An employee approached the car, "Hello sir, would you like me to fill up the tank for you?" said the man,

"Sure,"said Gally.

"Pretty nice car you got here." said the man.

"Yeah, it's brand new." said Gally, but just then he noticed a sign that said "Self-serve".

"You get it with your drug money?" said the man as he pulled out a gun and shot Gally.

He poured gasoline in a trail leading towards the car.

“I’m going to make the world know I’m here… that somebody is passing righteous judgement on them.”

He lit a match.

The god of Alchemy and Time struck down Heisenberg for being inactive.

JE14[TP] is lynched.

Kryten [MAFIA] is killed by the SK.

Yakuza also targeted Kryten.

Snake Doctor was targeted by the Mafia but saved by the Doctor.

Gally [TP] was killed by the Vigilante.

Heisenberg [TP] was god-killed

edit: forgot god-kills

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