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Why the world hates the US of A


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Oh I have no problem admitting that opinions can change, but Harper had already been PM for like, what, 5 years? They should have already known what he was like as a PM, and yet he gained seats, meaning that more people liked the job he did as PM.

The most recent poll I can think of that shows the opinions of Canada is the 2011 election, so you may have a point.

I just think he has done a far better job then any of the opposing leaders would have.

Just because the majority of people have elected him, doesn't mean that they necessarily liked him since he might have been the only better option out of the other parties. People hate him for his foreign policy but he might be good in other aspects that benefits the majority. It doesn't mean he is a good or a great PM, it might mean that he was the better option. Its like electing Obama over Bush. It doesn't mean that he is a great president, it is just picking between the lesser of two evils.

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US interferes with every country more than Russia, China or UK. They are an aggressive superpower that don't listen to anyone and are more arrogant than all of those countries combined. You really think Russia or UK is more influential than the most powerful country in the world? think again.

I also never said those countries don't interfere with others but the US interferes with the foreign politics more than any other country and they flex their muscles every chance they get.

Really? Guess you haven't been paying attention to China and its claims on the South China Sea. When was the last time you saw the USA claim that much territory? And lets not forget Russia's claims on the North Pole. Canada is going to have to contend with that one sooner or later.

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Honestly I love being Canadian but threads like this are stupid. For one fact, the US is Canada's largest trading partner. So if you despise the US don't buy their products (that'll show 'em!). And vice-versa the US depends on Canada as well for trade.

I have never met a person in the US that has said "I hate Canada". In fact, they are very friendly to Canadians in the USA. Most Americans have visited Canada and love the friendliness of it. So when a thread pops up saying "I hate the USA" what kind of message are you sending?

If anyone should be looking at themselves it should be Canada. We kill more mammals (I'm talking seals in the north) than any other nation in the world. So how's that for killing, violence and murder in culture? Just for their damn fur. Granted they are animals, but I'm trying to give an example of our own dirty laundry. In the end, why waste energy hating the USA? We should thank them for employing many Canadian ex-pats... movie stars and NHL'ers included!

No one is saying they hate Americans or American people, they just don't like their government. I find Americans can be more friendlier than some Canadians and I have relative that live in US. I just don't like their government. Heck, even the American people don't even like their government but it is what it is.

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Really? Guess you haven't been paying attention to China and its claims on the South China Sea. When was the last time you saw the USA claim that much territory? And lets not forget Russia's claims on the North Pole. Canada is going to have to contend with that one sooner or later.

Look at the map of the world and the location of US military bases. They even have a huge military base in the Philippines. Do you see Chinese military bases in Iraq, Afghanistan, Philippines etc.? You really have no idea how much power the US holds and how influential they are in world politics. The only reason China has any power whatsoever is due to their population of close to 2 billion. Otherwise China is just another developing country in Asia.

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Look at the map of the world and the location of US military bases. They even have a huge military base in the Philippines. Do you see Chinese military bases in Iraq, Afghanistan, Philippines etc.? You really have no idea how much power the US holds and how influential they are in world politics. The only reason China has any power whatsoever is due to their population of close to 2 billion. Otherwise China is just another developing country in Asia.

Please tell us what US base is in the Philippines? I sure hope you're not talking about Subic bay which closed during the 90's. You do realize the Philippine constitution does not allow for foreign military bases now do you? And you still haven't answered my question about China's territorial grab of the South China Sea?

And yes I do recognize the power that the USA yields. But your statements lack fact and minimize the acts of countries like China, Russia and others. Give them their due credit. They are also power-houses in world events. China has power because of their population? Get real they are about to surpass the USA as the number one economy. Even you're stats are wrong on the population of China (1.4 billion not 2 billion as you cite). Your comment that China is "just another developing Asian country" is very off base. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but your argument about how terrible the USA acts vs. everyone else is full of holes.

Take a big guess which country provides the most aid to developing countries in the world... it has a 3 letter acronym and it's the one country you consistently criticize in this thread (USA). And Canada is up there in aid to developing countries too (proud to be Canadian).

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America is the reason you are typing on the internet.

Please. :rolleyes:

Do you really believe that the internet wouldn't exist if the American military hadn't come up with it?

A Scotsman invented the telephone. An Italian invented radio. Somehow I think someone else in this wide world would have been able to figure this out if an American hadn't.

If anyone should be looking at themselves it should be Canada. We kill more mammals (I'm talking seals in the north) than any other nation in the world. So how's that for killing, violence and murder in culture? Just for their damn fur. Granted they are animals, but I'm trying to give an example of our own dirty laundry. In the end, why waste energy hating the USA? We should thank them for employing many Canadian ex-pats... movie stars and NHL'ers included!

Do you have a source for that claim? It seems a bit far-fetched to me when you consider things like hunting in the USA and Japan's harvesting of marine mammals...

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Do you have a source for that claim? It seems a bit far-fetched to me when you consider things like hunting in the USA and Japan's harvesting of marine mammals...

Here is a Canadian government link below. And I said "mammal" hunting is where Canada exceeds every nation in the world (even Japan) not regular animal hunting. People depend on hunting to survive, which I have no problem with. But many of these seals are used in the fur trade and the hunters are paid $100 per pelt. We've got dirt in our own backyard, so when we talk trash about how another country acts we should look at ourselves first before we start throwing stones.

Direct quote from our Canadian government dept of fisheries; "Changes in the Northwest Atlantic harp seal population...an annual harvest of 325,000 animals." According to the humane society the Canadian government has authorized the slaughter of up to 408,200 seals. Japan pales in comparison at less than 500 whales for year 2010. Both countries are wrong for such a large number of mammal killings in my book.


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Here is a Canadian government link below. And I said "mammal" hunting is where Canada exceeds every nation in the world (even Japan) not regular animal hunting. People depend on hunting to survive, which I have no problem with. But many of these seals are used in the fur trade and the hunters are paid $100 per pelt. We've got dirt in our own backyard, so when we talk trash about how another country acts we should look at ourselves first before we start throwing stones.

Direct quote from our Canadian government dept of fisheries; "Changes in the Northwest Atlantic harp seal population...an annual harvest of 325,000 animals." According to the humane society the Canadian government has authorized the slaughter of up to 408,200 seals. Japan pales in comparison at less than 500 whales for year 2010. Both countries are wrong for such a large number of mammal killings in my book.


Right on mate Aussies do the same thing , we criticise America for its treatment of African americans yet we treat our own aboriginals badly, it is human nature to point out the faults in others that one has themselves. America was stuck with being the most powerful nation on earth ,yet they could not use that power as other nations had done in the past to conquer new territories and form an empire , so they did what they could , manipulate countries and events as much as they could.

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Here is a Canadian government link below. And I said "mammal" hunting is where Canada exceeds every nation in the world (even Japan) not regular animal hunting. People depend on hunting to survive, which I have no problem with. But many of these seals are used in the fur trade and the hunters are paid $100 per pelt. We've got dirt in our own backyard, so when we talk trash about how another country acts we should look at ourselves first before we start throwing stones.

Direct quote from our Canadian government dept of fisheries; "Changes in the Northwest Atlantic harp seal population...an annual harvest of 325,000 animals." According to the humane society the Canadian government has authorized the slaughter of up to 408,200 seals. Japan pales in comparison at less than 500 whales for year 2010. Both countries are wrong for such a large number of mammal killings in my book.



What's the difference between "mammal" and "regular animal" hunting? You don't think that deer are mammals?

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As a Canadian who lives in Los Angeles, I've been reading this thread carefully.

I won't get into the way I see things too much, but I just had to say something with regard to what SNACanuck said:

Honestly I love being Canadian but threads like this are stupid. For one fact, the US is Canada's largest trading partner. So if you despise the US don't buy their products (that'll show 'em!). And vice-versa the US depends on Canada as well for trade.

I have never met a person in the US that has said "I hate Canada". In fact, they are very friendly to Canadians in the USA. Most Americans have visited Canada and love the friendliness of it. So when a thread pops up saying "I hate the USA" what kind of message are you sending?

If anyone should be looking at themselves it should be Canada. We kill more mammals (I'm talking seals in the north) than any other nation in the world. So how's that for killing, violence and murder in culture? Just for their damn fur. Granted they are animals, but I'm trying to give an example of our own dirty laundry. In the end, why waste energy hating the USA? We should thank them for employing many Canadian ex-pats... movie stars and NHL'ers included!

Um...you're wrong. I've been told "f*ck Canada" to my face a few times. And it was told with a very serious face and in a serious tone. By an American. I believe his dad is Canadian, though. But he joined the Navy Seals.

I won't get too personal on this, but I lived in the US before, then moved to Canada, and now I've been here for around 2 years.

I never really considered myself a stereotypical Canadian, but when I moved down here, there were many differences, and my Canadianism was all of a sudden very clear to me.

This wasn't so bad, because I tried to adjust, because as they say, when in Rome.

But the problem was that people constantly picked on me for general Canadianisms. I guess some Americans find it funny to poke fun, and I think that's fine, but when it is constant or quite repetitive, it gets old and is no longer funny.

You wouldn't believe how many people quote South Park to me down here.

I'm not even being a softie because it honestly does not matter to me, but it is obviously a reminder that (1) Canadians are definitely NOT American, despite many almost speaking like one; and (2) you can't generalise and say Americans love Canadians or Americans are like this and that.

In my experience, though, I think it is easier to generalise about Canadians because there are fewer of us.

It's extremely difficult to generalise about the average American or the average American city or even the average person from Los Angeles, because it's like everyone lives in their own little world in this city.

All I will say is that, at times, it is very surreal living in Los Angeles.

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As a Canadian who lives in Los Angeles, I've been reading this thread carefully.

I won't get into the way I see things too much, but I just had to say something with regard to what SNACanuck said:

Um...you're wrong. I've been told "f*ck Canada" to my face a few times. And it was told with a very serious face and in a serious tone. By an American. I believe his dad is Canadian, though. But he joined the Navy Seals.

I won't get too personal on this, but I lived in the US before, then moved to Canada, and now I've been here for around 2 years.

But the problem was that people constantly picked on me for general Canadianisms. I guess some Americans find it funny to poke fun, and I think that's fine, but when it is constant or quite repetitive, it gets old and is no longer funny.

You wouldn't believe how many people quote South Park to me down here.

I'm not even being a softie because it honestly does not matter to me, but it is obviously a reminder that (1) Canadians are definitely NOT American, despite many almost speaking like one; and (2) you can't generalise and say Americans love Canadians or Americans are like this and that.

In my experience, though, I think it is easier to generalise about Canadians because there are fewer of us.

It's extremely difficult to generalise about the average American or the average American city or even the average person from Los Angeles, because it's like everyone lives in their own little world in this city.

All I will say is that, at times, it is very surreal living in Los Angeles.


How am I wrong? Your experience is different than mine in Los Angeles. I've lived in LA alot longer than 2 years(multiplied by years and years and then add some more) and aside from the ribbing I get for being a Canucks fan I find the people very friendly when they find out your Canadian. Again, just because one or a handful of people may say or act idiotic doesn't mean the rest of them are. Sure they give you a ribbing, but so what if someone quotes Southpark? "Canada on Strike" was pretty funny. And yeah, I hate to say it I do think you need to grow some thicker skin. Big difference between saying "I hate USA/Americans hate Canada" and your friends quoting a cartoon. Don't tell me the movie "Canadian Bacon" offended you?

I also have a friend that thinks Canada is the socialist hotbed of North America and constantly nitpicks about Canada. But so what? Do I give a crap about his lack of experience or knowledge about Canada? Nope, not a single bit. Just like there are people for no reason other than their lack of knowledge say "I hate the USA", some other idiot in the USA is walking around saying "I hate Canada".

Think I said my piece about tolerance and self-reflection on CDC. Canada Strong!

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How am I wrong? Your experience is different than mine in Los Angeles. I've lived in LA alot longer than 2 years(multiplied by years and years and then add some more) and aside from the ribbing I get for being a Canucks fan I find the people very friendly when they find out your Canadian. Again, just because one or a handful of people may say or act idiotic doesn't mean the rest of them are. Sure they give you a ribbing, but so what if someone quotes Southpark? "Canada on Strike" was pretty funny. And yeah, I hate to say it I do think you need to grow some thicker skin. Big difference between saying "I hate USA/Americans hate Canada" and your friends quoting a cartoon. Don't tell me the movie "Canadian Bacon" offended you?

I also have a friend that thinks Canada is the socialist hotbed of North America and constantly nitpicks about Canada. But so what? Do I give a crap about his lack of experience or knowledge about Canada? Nope, not a single bit. Just like there are people for no reason other than their lack of knowledge say "I hate the USA", some other idiot in the USA is walking around saying "I hate Canada".

Think I said my piece about tolerance and self-reflection on CDC. Canada Strong!

I'll clarify.

Obviously, I don't mean to say that you are a liar and that you have met people in the US who have said they hate Canada. I believe when you say you've not met anyone that has said that. And that's great.

But first of all, I'll say before the 2 years that I've lived here, I lived 10 years in the US a long time ago. I've met a lot of different people from here in those times.

I actually hardly get ribbed for being a Canucks fan.

When I say you're wrong, I mean the general tone of your post is inaccurate because it paints Americans as generally liking and being friendly to Canada.

What I said, and I'll quote myself here: "It's extremely difficult to generalise about the average American or the average American city or even the average person from Los Angeles, because it's like everyone lives in their own little world in this city".

Not even the American media is generally nice to Canada. And to be quite honest, I don't think we should care, because we already brown-nose the American government enough.

You say , "just because one or a handful of people may say or act idiotic doesn't mean the rest of them are". The same can be said about Canadians, yet you seem to be adamant on how Canada should look in the mirror and you seem to be reprimanding Canada more than you do to the US in your intention to have a 'balanced perspective'.

I'll explain.

I've not read this entire thread, but I read what you said about the hunting of the Northwest Atlantic harp seal.

Do you even know what you're taking about?

The conservation status of the harp seal is categorised as "LEAST CONCERN". What do you know about Newfoundland and Labrador? They went through a pretty bad unemployment period and a hugely depressed economy. Fishing is not only part of their culture, but it is one of the major sources of their economy.

We don't even have to search far for a source. From Wikipedia, "The fishing industry remains an important part of the provincial economy, employing roughly 20,000 and contributing over $440 million to the GDP" (link: http://en.wikipedia....abrador#Economy).

The ramifications of severely decreasing or eliminating the hunt of harp seal can damage the entire province.

Funny thing is, there is something done in the US that kind of parallels what goes on in this part of Canada. You can make an analogy of farming in the American Midwest. Or a state like Michigan relying heavily on the auto sector.

Sorry but what you say sounds like you only know half of it, and I'm not even all that knowledgeable in that area either.

And please don't put words in my mouth. You said, "Big difference between saying "I hate USA/Americans hate Canada" and your friends quoting a cartoon". First of all, people (they are not my friends) have said they do hate Canada, IN ADDITION TO quoting a silly cartoon.

I liked Canadian Bacon. I was never a fan of South Park. But tastes aside, it has nothing to do with having thick skin simply because I don't find it funny when someone calls me "ABOOT" for one straight year. Maybe if the ribbing or comments were harsher and I was complaining about that, I would agree with you.

The point is, it's fun for the first few times, but repeating the same, tired lines and jokes either from South Park or a stereotype dozens of times is just tiring and not funny anymore. I admit I also responded with the American "Y'ALL" stereotype, as well. but I think it kind of isn't funny after a dozen times.

Anyway, we seem to arrive at the same conclusion, but some of our arguments differ. I know there is a tendency to try to view things more diplomatically as Canadians in the US, but I think the US has unfortunately done a lot more harm than Canada has. And I'm not even talking about the times the US screws us over.

Also, I read somewhere you mentioned the OC. The people I've met in OC tend to be nicer and more welcoming and enjoy a bit of LA bashing themselves, so I guess take that for what it's worth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

for me it has always been their sense of entitlement, and arrogance. Two things that are now dwindling.


America's economic might was built on manufacturing and they have shot themselves in the foot repeatedly for short term quarterly profits.......corporations grip on the political process has destroyed the country. I think what we will see in the future is the US trying desperately hang on to what ever influence they have left.....

as people

They are no different than us....powerless to affect any real change.

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