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[PGT] Kings win 3-2 in OT

Brad Bellick^

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No. You've gotten it bass ackwards. I could care less to make an effort to correct you - in fact welcomed anyone to correct me - and fairly clearly said that I don't really care to continue to argue semantics or wrestle over whose definition is officially more authoritative.

Your definition is fine. Thanks.

Then stop criticizing CDC members as bandwagoners please. No one here is a bandwagoner. They may be a troll or a member who trolls but they are not bandwagoners please understand that distinction.
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Then stop criticizing CDC members as bandwagoners please. No one here is a bandwagoner. They may be a troll or a member who trolls but they are not bandwagoners please understand that distinction.

With all due respect, I'll use the term when I see fit - and I don't really care to argue semantics over the definition of what a troll is either - a case can easily be made that there are both that frequent these boards. Defining "CDC members" as if there are no variations isn't really very convincing imo. Feel free to argue with the usage all you want. It can just as easily be argued that there are no "trolls" here, as it is to say "no one here is a bandwagoner" - ie stop criticizing CDC members as trolls please, they are just frustrated fans with a greater sense of 'realism'...

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With all due respect, I'll use the term when I see fit - and I don't really care to argue semantics over the definition of what a troll is either - a case can easily be made that there are both that frequent these boards. Defining "CDC members" as if there are no variations isn't really very convincing imo. Feel free to argue with the usage all you want. It can just as easily be argued that there are no "trolls" here, as it is to say "no one here is a bandwagoner" - ie stop criticizing CDC members as trolls please, they are just frustrated fans with a greater sense of 'realism'...

I just argued there are no bandwagoners with reason. You didn't argue there are no trolls. That isn't very convincing imo. If the case is so easily made, why not state it?
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I agree with you.

People seem to be under the impression that hockey isn't played at an exceptionally torrid pace, particularly in the heat of a close game with the final minutes counting down.

Edler has been getting ripped constantly for not being aggressive enough, being too cautious....ie. where's the Edler we used to know? Well, being healthier may be a part of it, but also, he is notably more aggressive, and it has resulted in a lot of good defensive play thus far. He makes an error in judgement (he did play 28 minutes last night), that wasn't fatal in itself - it still required another blown coverage in front of the net and a failed save - and he's instantly back to scapegoat (if it ever ceased).

I personally am relieved by Tortorella's post game response - the odd mistake is going to happen, particularly when erring on the side of aggression, but keep at it. I like the trajectory that Edler is on - I could care less about isolated stats like +/- that take his situational play out of context - I hope he continues to take risks and play with some edge. When he's managed that in the past, he has neutralized some very good opponents (nailing Patrick Kane, who disappeared thereafter comes to mind).

Same goes for Bieksa - he missed a puck that was on edge and it wound up on the stick of an opponent. It happens. It really has nothing to do with sucking or being a terrible defense corps.

Exactly. A lot of people around here are quick to chime in with the "that was a brutal giveaway", or "he completely blew his coverage on that play" without examining the possible underlying reasons for what happened.

This is the reason that you don't see the coach losing his mind like you do some of the fans.

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We should miss the playoffs.

Ship out whoever sucks.

Get a higher draft pick.

Rest the Sedins after 12 playoffs rounds in 6 years.

Horvat, Shinkaruk, and Gaunce come up and we finally compete with California

Sedin Sedin Kassian

Shinkaruk Horvat Kesler

Burrows Gaunce Higgins

Santorelli Richardson Hansen

Hamhuis Corrado

Garrison Bieksa

Edler Tanev




If you think putting the kids in the lineup is going to improve their chances against the Ducks, Sharks and Kings, you're in for a rude awakening.

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If you think putting the kids in the lineup is going to improve their chances against the Ducks, Sharks and Kings, you're in for a rude awakening.

As much I love Bo, Gaunce and Shinkaruk, they're going to be eaten alive by the western teams.

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When a guy is left wide open right in front of the net with the play happening behind it (directing Lu's attention THERE), it's hard to fault him.

We started off really bad/shaky but took over. It was sad that a couple of gaffs had things go the way they did because, overall, we played tough (I hate LA, they're so stinkin dirty). I don't know, as much as I hate losing in OT, I love the pushback we're seeing and I'd rather go down swinging than not.

Cheap ass stuff happening and the refs were on top of it...we HAVE to capitalize on all those PP's when they're making the calls.

We have to control the puck better...guys are really fumbly with the puck...not sure if the ice was bad or what, but it was hopping over/around their sticks a lot.

I'm not completely devastated as some are....I want my team to stand in there with goons and thugs and stand their ground. They did that.

I don't get why JT is not putting Kassian on the PP. He has great hands, is probably the second or third best playmaker on the team, can stand in front and go up against almost any defender, physically, in the league.

I get he's had a few defensive mishaps recently, so why not put him out there in a purely offensive situation? The longer the season goes, the less enamoured I am by JT.

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Hopefully Lu doesn't have to play both back to back games in the upcoming road trip.

He said on AfterHours that he decided to play both games.

That is the one thing he said that rubbed me the wrong way.

Like it or not, the Canucks have had young prospects that are fully capable of pushing him for starts.

As far as I'm concerned, if you want to make those decisions as a player, you have to play like a marquis, franchise goaltender.

Unfortunately Luongo hasn't exactly been that - he's been getting outplayed by opponents on a regular basis - and his numbers are neck and neck with Lack's, who has had only four starts.

I was disappointed that Lack didn't get one of those back to back starts.

I think it's a combination of him having earned it, and Luongo not exactly having exclusively claimed the crease.

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The definition you chose is convenient, but certainly not exhaustive.

From the same source....

2. bandwagoner

A fan of a particular sports team who had no previous interest in the team until they began winning.

[in other words, dependent upon winning. And when that particular team is no longer winning....flock onto CDC to cry about every last aspect of that team and pronounce their divorce, ad infinitum.]

As far as I'm concerned, the whole disidentification thing is part and parcel of it.

Vancouver certainly isn't immune to the bandwagon effect. Is it a coincidence that the sellout phenomena has come to an end? A pretty tangible aspect of it. No longer so cool for all the suits who can afford tickets to identify with the team?

Fear of chairs!
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Has Vancouver had Bandwagon fans...sure. Has their play/reputation in the past 3 years attracted this sort of fan, not bloody likely. The vast majority following this team now and for the past couple years, are real fans. The Nucks aren't the most popular, successful or deemed to be a contender by most hockey pundits so why would a bandwagoner be following them and posting about them?

Because a fan expresses their frustration,anger and dislike for how the team is playing, that does not mean they have jumped off the wagon. On the contrary, if they come here to participate and exchange comments, it is a sign they remain a fan. Those who post that the Leafs are better or "I won't watch anymore" fair game.

AS for the seats and suits comments, you may well be right. I seldom get to attend live games so would have to take your word as to the motivation of those fans.

fair enough, but we are risking getting whacked with folded chairs at this point...

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Dale Weise had the game of his life, that's all I'll say

I liked his game - at the other end of the ice - and I don't want to take away from that - but it was hard not to notice that in the last three or four minutes of the game, he was standing around in his own end, watching his team-mates high tail it after loose pucks. He can be a real asset on the forecheck and laying the body on the opposition's blueline, but he frustrates the hell out of me in the defensive zone, not to mention his (and Sestito's) struggles with moving the puck over their own blueline at times...

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