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Mafia: The Game [The Paradise] Game over please Sign Up!


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Easy for a player like VIC to concoct a little PM conversation if he is infact mafia again.

It is. I remember talking to Intoews one time in a PM not too long ago. He claimed that VIC isn't one to go out of his way to make a risky play. Said that VIC would rather make the safe play then do that. This would be a risky play then, no?

Like I said, it's in KH's hands at this point and time. VIC will get his Sheriff to tell us if the investigation came up clean, or if we have a Mafia member. I'll argue that one Mafia being lynched isn't close enough to trust the Sheriff, but two could be sufficient.

Yeah. Unfortunately, I think we have to trust him a little (he won't be told who the vig is by me, who I am now in contact with). If the real sheriff is dead, we're in trouble regardless.

You should keep it like this. That's what me, PPC and Dral did last game, with JE acting as the Sheriff. You can see it was a smart play, even if the result ended in a loss. It could've ended a lot worse.

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Yeah. Unfortunately, I think we have to trust him a little (he won't be told who the vig is by me, who I am now in contact with). If the real sheriff is dead, we're in trouble regardless.

Fair enough man, I will follow your play since you have way more info than me at this point, it just that while hosting I was witness to how great VIC can lie ;)

Unvote1 VICanucksfan5551

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It is. I remember talking to Intoews one time in a PM not too long ago. He claimed that VIC isn't one to go out of his way to make a risky play. Said that VIC would rather make the safe play then do that. This would be a risky play then, no?

Like I said, it's in KH's hands at this point and time. VIC will get his Sheriff to tell us if the investigation came up clean, or if we have a Mafia member. I'll argue that one Mafia being lynched isn't close enough to trust the Sheriff, but two could be sufficient.

Toews is right. The only time I can think of that I made a risky play as mafia was the cult game where I got Mikey to VK JE. I sometimes suggest risky plays (like the fake sheriff last game), but I'm never the one to execute it myself. I really need to switch that up and get more creative because I seem to end up dead as mafia regardless.

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Ok, so it's 2AM, and I'm bored. So I decided to compose a list of the ROUND 1 VOTING. I'll also add little snippets from the game I thought were worth mentioning.

I'll start this after all the joke voting had subsided. So, we start here.

Act One: Beginning Of The First Nightfall

Kesler says that he caught CanucksLegacy using his PM, he quickly votes him. Peaches and King Heffy follow

CanucksLegacy hints that using his PM should not be a valid reason to pinpoint him as Mafia

VIC follows afterwords, voting for CanucksLegacy

Peaches unvotes CanucksLegacy, claiming that after looking back, the reasoning for voting him is pretty terrible.

Act Two: The Spokesperson

CanucksLegacy now claims a Sheriff has contacted him. Kesler, for the moment doesn't believe him, nor does VIC.

Kj29 votes for VIC, jokingly it seems.

King Heffy, VIC, and Kesler, all unvote CanucksLegacy.

Kryten jokingly votes Junko, and then does the same with OTTS. Burr votes Kesler, because she was on his suspicion list. OTTS jokingly follows.

King Heffy suggests that at this point and time, the TP vote for someone who is less active then they usually are. He suggests that we vote for ilduce. 112 follows up by suggesting that ilduce didn't post a lot last game, and was the Sheriff.

Suddenly, ilduce appears after being called out.

ilduce votes for CanucksLegacy, suggesting that it's ridiculous someone would investigate him over some of the other people in this game.

OTTS votes for Peaches. Dral votes for ilduce. Kryten votes for TPP, suggesting he's too quiet for his liking. LT votes for Dral. TPP votes Kesler.

CanucksLegacy then decides to post what the supposed Sheriff thought so far, along with his own opinion on the matter

Words from the sheriff:

-They didn't like LT's "what's a vigilante" post, however they feel it isn't a good idea to vote people out on jokes

-the vote for VIC by kj29 didn't make much sense, so that would be their best course of action

My 2c:

-LT might be playing the rookie card like Dral tried to do when he was Mafia, just my theory

-Honestly don't know what to make of kj29's VIC vote (honestly I thought kj29 was just voting for the sake of voting)

-I honestly don't think i'm getting played (like what JE did last round)

Act Three: The Contradiction

This is where things take an interesting turn. VIC claims he has been contacted by a supposed Sheriff as well. This contradicts what CanucksLegacy said earlier to defend himself from the votes being laid upon him. CanucksLegacy said either one of them is getting played, or VIC is attempting to save someone from a lynch.

VIC votes CanucksLegacy with his post.

TTP also suggests it's odd that ilduce come out of the darkness after being accused. ilduce, from what I can interpret, said that the reason he came out from hiding right after is because no-one wants to be lynched be it TP or Mafia.

Kryten unvotes TPP, and votes CanucksLegacy. King Heffy follows, unvote ilduce in the process.

There was confusion as to if King Heffy really was the Doctor at this point. King Heffy then comes out and cuts his fun little way of claiming he was the Doctor earlier, and says he is infact the doctor.

Lots of people at this point agree that CanucksLegacy is likely getting played by a fake Sheriff. VIC disagrees and thinks CanucksLegacy is playing this alone.

GreenDemon votes Kesler, Drouin votes Peaches, Peaches votes OTTS. GreenDemon changes shortly after and votes CanucksLegacy

Junko votes CanucksLegacy

PPCLI unvotes Kesler and votes Dral ~ He is drinking at this point, don't look too much into his votes

Act Four: Final Moments

CanucksLegacy votes for himself. At this point he feels there is no longer a reason to even bother defending himself. VIC asks CanucksLegacy to allow King Heffy into his conversation with the supposed Sheriff. Kryten, Junko, and King Heffy all agree that if he does that, and King Heffy says he is in contact with said Sheriff, then they would unvote him.

CanucksLegacy says it doesn't matter anyways, as he has a failsafe to out the Sheriff at nightfall. He claims that VIC and KH might be playing him to get in contact with the supposed Sheriff, and he'd rather not take that risk and would rather play it out.

This post was considered very suspicious at the time, which was made by Dral:

Why don't you invite your sheriff into a convo with KH ? If KH comes back saying you're telling the truth, I'll unvote you.

Unvote, Vote1 VIC

For the record, I've just had a PM with CL, and I'm pretty sure worst case scenario he's being played. I definitely believe he's TP and we should vote out someone who is being quiet and suspicious instead.

Unvote, Vote1 Drouin

Kesler votes CanucksLegacy. Kj29 follows

Aladeen votes Kj29 jokingly, then changes and votes CanucksLegacy

OTTS votes Peaches

Where's Wellwood, making his appearance in the game at last, votes for Dral

Act Five: End Of The First Nightfall

112, after not posting since the beginning of the game, finally comes out last second to post this...

Right, sorry guys, I think I screwed this up big time and don't know who to trust. In case I die tonight, I'm 90% sure VIC is Mafia. At the very least he's been played hard.

I tried my best and everything would've gone a lot more smoothly if Kesler didn't call CL out for looking at PMs. Pending tonight's results, I urge the specials to put their trust in Heffy.

After the nightfall, this is what follows. Since we know CanucksLegacy is TP, I thought it was relevant to post this.

Last words:

@Heffy - I think our sheriff (112) was actually Mafia and the Mafia sacrificed him, too much of a coincidence. A la deciding to PM you right near nightfall.

Here's my list of suspicions:

-Kesler87 - strongly believe he is Mafia











That's all for round ONE!

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