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GMMG wants to wait and see this team


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He knows what this team is. Would have been better to not say anything

Well he has to say something or else morons like you will probably criticize him for saying nothing.

So no matter what he says, there's nothing you along with the 12 other morons who gave you a positive for your original your comment , will be satisfied. Give him a chance to fix things. No GM has come close to accomplishing what he has, and I can tell you straight out, there's not much a new gm can do right off the bat anyways.

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Well he has to say something or else morons like you will probably criticize him for saying nothing.

So no matter what he says, there's nothing you along with the 12 other morons who gave you a positive for your original your comment , will be satisfied. Give him a chance to fix things. No GM has come close to accomplishing what he has, and I can tell you straight out, there's not much a new gm can do right off the bat anyways.

Now now, no need for name calling.

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I don't think Gillis is cut out to be a GM. He is too damn passive. He just likes to "wait and see" for years and years. Well sorry to rush things, but we don't have all the freaking time in the world. The core is aging, the window is closing, and it is painfully obvious that there are significant issues with scoring on this team, and that is not something new. Its been like that for 3 years. We need a guy like Burke, a man who is more aggressive and not afraid to take action and make moves once in a while when necessary, and has the business savvy to pull it off and get good, equitable returns. Building a hockey team is a process, but there has to be some progress at some point. The progress under Gillis has been glacial. We need to accelerate this process and be a bit creative in finding ways to get things done.

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As long as the Aqua's provide him with a cheque and support MG is staying.

Of course,the arena has to fill and revenues have to grow.

The team is no longer winning those tight games and the Rog is no longer the invincible fortress it once was.

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I don't think Gillis is cut out to be a GM. He is too damn passive and insouciant. He just likes to "wait and see" for years and years. Well sorry to rush things, but we don't have all the freaking time in the world. The core is aging, the window is closing, and it is painfully obvious that there are significant issues with scoring on this team, and that is not something new. Its been like that for 3 years. We need a guy like Burke, a man who is more aggressive and not afraid to take action and makes moves once in a while when necessary, and has the business savvy to pull it off and get good returns. Building a hockey team is a process, but there has to be some progress at some point. The progress under Gillis has been glacial. We need to accelerate this process and be a bit creative in finding ways to get things done.

The 'window closing' argument always strikes me as a Catch-22 situation. The more we try to keep it open, the faster it closes.

Honest question, since no one ever seems to address it in their Gillis tirades. Who do you have in mind to replace him?

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But regarding the wait and see thing - I still like this team this year.

They've been making due without production from half of their top 9 thus far.

Burrows and Hansen are two guys you won't keep down.

Booth and Schroeder could be real boosts to this team if they regain health and form.

This team, when healthy, has solid depth.

Sedin Sedin Burrows

Booth Kesler Kassian

Higgins Schroeder Hansen

Archibald Richardson Santorelli / Richardson Santorelli Weise

Nothing wrong with that lineup, nor having guys like Alberts and Corrado to back up the top 6.

Your sense of faith is admirable.

I am no less a fan than a year, or 3, ago. If anything my enjoyment had from baracking for the team is stronger than ever. It does not make me more confident.

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I think the best trade chip we have is Tanev. I don't know if he'll be any better than a 4th defenceman, there's no NTC, his value is rising and he can be replaced by calling up Corrado.

We have a top 4 D that's locked up with NTC's and I just think that a 5th/6th D will always expendable. If we're looking for offense, picks and/or prospects, I think that's the way to go. Realistically due to the cap I think that the return would have to be for a rookie/soph forward.

I just hope that if a trade is made that it will benefit us for more than 2 years. I can see if we introduce Horvat, Shinkaruk and another promising young forward that the complexition of the team changes dramatically. We can rebuild on the fly like the Sharks. I would like to see this team become younger and faster.

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What bugs me about Gillis is that he passes off the Fans as idiots, and does not take responsibily.

2 comments that really bug me:

'In this day and age, it's really hard to make trades'. NO $h!?. It's the same for every GM, but the ones who are winning seem to be able to make those trades.

'Scoring is down league wide'. What does that have to do with the Canucks not being able to score as much as (most of) the rest of the league?

Grow a pair, show some confidence in your group, and say 'we're just not playing good enough, and I believe that the answers are in the room'. If that's not the case, make some real changes like the other big boys can.

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What bugs me about Gillis is that he passes off the Fans as idiots, and does not take responsibily.

2 comments that really bug me:

'In this day and age, it's really hard to make trades'. NO $h!?. It's the same for every GM, but the ones who are winning seem to be able to make those trades.

'Scoring is down league wide'. What does that have to do with the Canucks not being able to score as much as (most of) the rest of the league?

Grow a pair, show some confidence in your group, and say 'we're just not playing good enough, and I believe that the answers are in the room'. If that's not the case, make some real changes like the other big boys can.

Gillis is not the right GM for this team.

But his followers will believe his every word again when he starts spewing BS again after another dissappointing season for this canucks team.

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Gillis is not the right GM for this team.

But his followers will believe his every word again when he starts spewing BS again after another dissappointing season for this canucks team.

His signing, drafting is pretty good. Trading no, he is a conservative GM. But I am going to trust him, he is still the same GM from 2011 a real tactician of being a GM.
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Maybe Gillis lost some confidence in trading because he thinks he lost the Hodgson trade? All speculation and I know it isn't decided who lost it but right now it looks like we lost it until Kassian shows what he can become.

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Something tells me that lack of confidence is not the issue with Gillis. Probably too much, boardering on arrogance.

whatever it is, the team needs to play .600 hockey now to make the playoffs if the points are 93-97ish to make it. If gillis is happy with playing .500 hockey he's gonna wait and see to the point where he watched his job fly out the window

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