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Shawn Thornton Slew Foots Orpik, Proceeds to Punch Him While He's Down UPDATE : 15 GAME SUSPENSION

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I honestly don't care what you think.

And I was completely shocked that the entire building chanted "Flopper" and that no stretcher was brought onto the ice. Now, I'm not sure who is responsible for that and, as suggested by others, likely Canucks medical/training staff didn't give the word. But I don't think they bring their own ambulance/stretcher and none was dispatched to the ice. I didn't say "refused", I said none intervened and Raymond was down for awhile. Not sure why that happened but I didn't see anyone waiting in the wings/ready to attend to things. Just an observation, not an accusation. And why shouldn't I hate a team like this?...with fans with zero class and players that make me nauseous?

blaming the bruins in the slightest for raymond not being taken out on a stretcher is bananas. the canucks trainers have full control in that situation. they call for the stretcher or they don't. no EMTs in any arena in the NHL would unilaterally decide to bring a stretcher out before being told to by the people tending to the downed player. all the canucks' trainers had to do is give the signal and the EMTs would have been out there within a few seconds (see the orpik incident yesterday for instance).

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My point included that the jackasses in the building were completely oblivious to the severity of things and were loudly jeering that downed player. Maybe that contributed? I just didn't get it?...why, after a lengthy delay (which they cut away to show replays of), he ended up getting helped off by teammates. What city does that?....loudly mocks an injured player on the ice? So perhaps (and I've wondered about it) the call wasn't made from the ice. Where they were (far corner) also might have factored in because I doubt anyone would have heard/noticed.

I do hate the Bruins. I don't try to hide or feel I have to explain or justify that...no need for me to be PC because that would be faking it. I mean, just LOOK at the concerned Bruins here. Generally, you have a couple players from both teams waiting in the wings to see if a player's ok. But not these clowns.


Anyhow, let's focus on the current.

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I honestly don't care what you think.

And I was completely shocked that the entire building chanted "Flopper" and that no stretcher was brought onto the ice. Now, I'm not sure who is responsible for that and, as suggested by others, likely Canucks medical/training staff didn't give the word. But I don't think they bring their own ambulance/stretcher and none was dispatched to the ice. I didn't say "refused", I said none intervened and Raymond was down for awhile. Not sure why that happened but I didn't see anyone waiting in the wings/ready to attend to things. Just an observation, not an accusation. And why shouldn't I hate a team like this?...with fans with zero class and players that make me nauseous?

Go Deb!

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tough year for eriksson, first this...


now orkpik. 2nd concussion within weeks.

anyways, i hope orpik recovers and i don't like the bruins like most here but i wouldn't paint them all with the same brush. i like guys like bergeron, iggy, and eriksson. same thing would be said about savard if his career wasn't cut short.

if you wanna cut down on dirty plays then hit the offender where it hurts most: their wallet.

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I think for some people, until we will a cup. There is still a lot of hatred over Messiers play on Linden too.

I understand to an extent. But it's turned into blind homerism hatred.

- comapring Thornton's incident to Bertuzzi's. Seriously?

- Marchand apperently deserves to have his head cut off with a skate.

- accusing Boston's arena for not having proper medical response during Raymond's incident.

Makes sense right?

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This is as bad as the Bertuzzi incident. I fully expect Orpik to press charges and wouldn't be surprised if Thornton spends time in the slammer for assault.

It does remind me alot of the Bertuzzi incident, only Bert didn't hit Moore once he was down. Both were stupid retaliation plays and way over the line.

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I understand to an extent. But it's turned into blind homerism hatred.

- comapring Thornton's incident to Bertuzzi's. Seriously?

- Marchand apperently deserves to have his head cut off with a skate.

- accusing Boston's arena for not having proper medical response during Raymond's incident.

Makes sense right?

-Comparing Bertuzzis to Thorntons is wrong. As bad as Bertuzzi's looked it wasnt nearly as premeditated and vicious as Thornton's attempted murder

-Noone is calling for his Marchand's head; maybe an arm or leg, or a couple toes - but you cant just exaggerate like that

-It has been widely recognized that Boston management had a lot to do with the refusal to medically treat Raymond after that blindsided assault. I have not come across a decent person who denies this reality

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I understand to an extent. But it's turned into blind homerism hatred.

- comapring Thornton's incident to Bertuzzi's. Seriously?

- Marchand apperently deserves to have his head cut off with a skate.

- accusing Boston's arena for not having proper medical response during Raymond's incident.

Makes sense right?

Why do you care?

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Guuuiiise, they're a clean team. They don't go after anybody remember? Shawn Thornton was just protecting himself

At least that's what the coach says. I mean, who am I to not believe Bill from King of the Hill.


Stop with the sarcasim. This is why other fans hate the Cancuks fanbase. You're a big meanie..blah blah blah blah blah.

I hate Boston. I hate Boston fans. I hate their coach. The PC police can do you know what to my you know what.

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