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Are the Playoffs Rigged? (Put on Your Tinfoil Hat, We're Going In...)


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And you just went too far toml.

Stop with this non sense. You are acting like one of those spies who would sneak into an enemy faction and do something full retard in order to ruin the reputation of certain group......

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k guys lets get this straightened out the NHL IS NOT RIGGED, but then again it is.

So what are the canucks called? Canucks Sports and Entertainment

Ever wondered what Sports and Entertainment meant? Well its not what you think it is.

Here is the definition for it:

Sports entertainment/Sports and Entertainment is a type of spectacle which presents an ostensibly competitive event using a high level of theatrical flourish and extravagant presentation, with the purpose of entertaining an audience. Unlike typical athletics and games, which are conducted for competition, sportsmanship, exercise or personal recreation, the primary product of sports entertainment is performance for an audience's benefit, thus they are never practiced privately. Commonly, the outcomes are predetermined; as this is an open secret, it is not considered to be match fixing.

This will change the way you look at sports forever.

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k guys lets get this straightened out the NHL IS NOT RIGGED, but then again it is.

So what are the canucks called? Canucks Sports and Entertainment

Ever wondered what Sports and Entertainment meant? Well its not what you think it is.

Here is the definition for it:

This link will change the way you look at sports forever.

k guys lets get this straightened out the NHL IS NOT RIGGED, but then again it is.

So what are the canucks called? Canucks Sports and Entertainment

Ever wondered what Sports and Entertainment meant? Well its not what you think it is.

Here is the definition for it:

This will change the way you look at sports forever.

Nobody cared the first time.

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k guys lets get this straightened out the NHL IS NOT RIGGED, but then again it is.

So what are the canucks called? Canucks Sports and Entertainment

Ever wondered what Sports and Entertainment meant? Well its not what you think it is.

Here is the definition for it:

This will change the way you look at sports forever.

That's a big reach. It's also not the reason entertainment is in the name.

BTW If you're never watching sports again because of this you should probably stop supporting the advertising found on the message boards that are driven by numbers of people visiting the site.

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k guys lets get this straightened out the NHL IS NOT RIGGED, but then again it is.

So what are the canucks called? Canucks Sports and Entertainment

Ever wondered what Sports and Entertainment meant? Well its not what you think it is.

Here is the definition for it:

This will change the way you look at sports forever.

You're absolutely right! After reading that ENTIRE wiki page, I will never look at wrestling matches, rock-scissor-paper exhibitions, or pierogi races at the ball game in the same way! Glad thats been cleared up for me.
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Depends on how you define rigged. If you mean staged, WWE type matches with a pre-determined outcome, I doubt it is feasible or even possible. It would require player involvement, which involves too many people (the odds of a someone opening their mouth and blowing it is equal to the square of the number of people involved), it would also require the owners to share the take with the players (fat chance of Jeremy Jacobs sharing anything with anyone). It also puts a doomsday weapon in the NHLPA's hands next time the CBA expires. I have no doubt that the NHL does use some questionable officiating to increase the odds in favour of their preferred teams, not every game or even every series, just certain matchups and key games if required. Not really match fixing so much as stacking the deck in their favour. All it takes is a few refs, maybe not even with their knowledge. For example if they want a rough team like Boston or Philadelphia to win, assign refs that tend to stick the whistle up their arse and "let them play", if they want the finesse team to win assign the ref that calls it tight in regards to holding & interference.

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So sports is rigged for entertainment? Ya that was quite the entertaining ECF last year eh a sweep of Pittsburgh? I'm sure that was scripted to be entertaining. Or this year, the Price injury made that series so boring. Or How about teams who barely score in the playoffs? That must be so exciting as fans to watch.....

LA and CHI are by far the two best teams in the West. That's why they go far every year. If NHL was rigged, Nashville would have a cup.

Also, why would teams management get fired then if they followed a script? Pittsburgh collapsed and wasn't supposed to lose. If they were, Shero would still have a job.

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Depends on how you define rigged. If you mean staged, WWE type matches with a pre-determined outcome, I doubt it is feasible or even possible. It would require player involvement, which involves too many people (the odds of a someone opening their mouth and blowing it is equal to the square of the number of people involved), it would also require the owners to share the take with the players (fat chance of Jeremy Jacobs sharing anything with anyone). It also puts a doomsday weapon in the NHLPA's hands next time the CBA expires. I have no doubt that the NHL does use some questionable officiating to increase the odds in favour of their preferred teams, not every game or even every series, just certain matchups and key games if required. Not really match fixing so much as stacking the deck in their favour. All it takes is a few refs, maybe not even with their knowledge. For example if they want a rough team like Boston or Philadelphia to win, assign refs that tend to stick the whistle up their arse and "let them play", if they want the finesse team to win assign the ref that calls it tight in regards to holding & interference.

Player involvement is definitely far-fetched and complicated, but not completely out of the realm of possibility. Perhaps a few key players aren't involved directly, but they can smell something fishy. Every now and then you hear the odd one piping up about it. Like OV. Shane Doan. etc. But to claim they are all involved is reaching, I admit.

With parity and how close games and series are these days, it's fairly easy to manage games and series through call/non-call control. This is how it's done in basketball at least. Soccer. Football. All easily-controlled. Why would hockey be any different?

The reasoning is sound: Entertain the masses through creations of storybook playoffs (History will be MADE UP) while promoting the game in the league's large US markets and new southern US markets via extended playoff runs. This is for the betterment of the league, and it's happening whether you think it's rigged or not.

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So sports is rigged for entertainment? Ya that was quite the entertaining ECF last year eh a sweep of Pittsburgh? I'm sure that was scripted to be entertaining. Or this year, the Price injury made that series so boring. Or How about teams who barely score in the playoffs? That must be so exciting as fans to watch.....

LA and CHI are by far the two best teams in the West. That's why they go far every year. If NHL was rigged, Nashville would have a cup.

Also, why would teams management get fired then if they followed a script? Pittsburgh collapsed and wasn't supposed to lose. If they were, Shero would still have a job.

Not every series can be made awesome, but they have managed to create a large amount of storybook sweethearts over the past few seasons here nonetheless.

Analysis of how LA and Chicago got to the positions they're at will reveal league favoritism. Meanwhile, pre-sold Phoenix making the playoffs while being awful is a clear example of the NHL determining which teams (they owned it) will succeed. As soon as they were sold, bam, out.

GM's/coaches being fired and replaced is all part of the entertainment package.

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I've said this a long, long time ago so hopefully someone remembers. I was a huge supporter of the Lightning because my 2nd cousin was Dave Andreychuk (Captain of the 2004 SCF winner). I posted signed pictures/jerseys and stuff with him as proof in the past, (under my old handle Henrik Sedin). That being said, why not ask someone who's been there like he has? I was curious, so I messaged him on FB about this, and he told me that's crazy. The NHL isn't fixed, these players just work their hardest to get their goal, the SCF. According to him, who's still in the NHL there is NO fix, NO conspiracy. Is it that hard to accept that? Every time a Canadian team got to the SCF since '93, they were the underdogs except 2011. And that year, our team was destroyed with injuries.

People can cry and moan and tell themselves the NHL is fixed because their team didn't win it all, and it actually helps some people sleep at night. But if any of you know any high end player, past or present, I'm sure he'll tell you the exact same thing. That's crazy talk.

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Well if you watched game 7 you would notice on every two on one that every player took the puck straight to Thomas instead of passing it and getting a goal like the Torres goal in game 1 and the Lapierre goal in Boston. Heck even the sedins weren't passing on the two on one's. If you know something is working why not do it again :lol: .


0:26 sec's if Henrik passes empty net goal for Burrows. Takes it to the net no pass(yes this is Henrik I am talking about)

2:40 Burrows to bieksa empty net goal for Bieksa. Takes shot even though there is nothing to shoot it

4:36 Daniel to Hansen empty net goal for Hansen. Yes once again I am talking about another sedin who failed to make a pass for a guy in perfect position something they never pass up on.

Sounds like the Sedin's weren't themselves that game neither was burrows in the most important game of their lives.

:bigblush: gimme a break.

Cant help but think how that game could have been different if Henrik made the pass to Burrows.. He had an open net. To be fair though Henrik still made a scoring chance out of it but I think you have to dish that

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