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What's going on with David Booth?

Everybody Hates Raymond

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When originally asked about Booth, Torts said "He's a weird dude". Not a good start to a relationship.

Before last game Torts was asked about Booth and he said "Booth, I can't find him". OUCH!

When Booth was asked about being a healthy scratch before last game he said "If I say anything I'll get into trouble". Well...he may have not said anything but in a way he did and I doubt that sat well with Torts.

Torts has guys who are trying very hard to fill holes and make this team (Dalpe, Archie, Weise etc) Booth, because of his contract has been give golden opportunities to win a top 6 job but most nights is invisible/a non-factor and looks lost as to where he should be, where the puck is or what to do once he gets the puck. HE has fast feet but it is apparent his brain and hands are slow.

Booth is likely done unless he finds a way to elevate his game and is given another chance.

He's not the only one being sent a message thought, Dalpe with the Sedins is a message to Hansen and Santorelli. One which Santorelli responded well to which Torts will like. Hansen, not sure.

The next few weeks should be interesting to weed out who will respond positively to Torts' methods, and who will sulk. This could be when it gets sorted as to who is staying and who is going to be moved.

Hansen nor Santo should be with the Sedins, they are both really 3rd liners and its better for both to be there vs an unfair expectation. We need Burr back plain and simple

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I actually feel kind of bad for Booth, the guy worked tremendously hard during the off season after numerous injuries and now isn't even getting a chance to play. The guy is in phenomenal shape, he's huge, can drive the net, but when you watch him in the offensive zone he just can't cycle, although he can create opportunity's off the rush with his speed. The fact he didn't show up to the super skill competition isn't that surprising if you look at the current situation he's in I wouldn't want to be out there either. Booth is pretty much done in VanCity, hopefully the guy get's a good opportunity elsewhere because he deserves it.

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Where are all those dudes who were arguing and bashing others earlier this season who were saying Booth is/was useless?

I find it hilarious all those 'experts' have disappeared'

Booth's head is just not in hockey as I have said many times and was flamed for....he is useless and bring it Booth lovers...

I also said earlier in the year that his sending to Utica was a message from the GM and coach...yet those same lovers screamed at me saying oh it was 'conditioning' even though the guy had only been out 2 weeks...

Meanwhile, I retorted, well why weren't other players who have been hurt sent down for 'conditioning' ie Burr/Schroeder, when they came back....CLEARLY IT WAS A MESSAGE..

So thanks Booth lovers...I was right....the guy is done here and I have to say there might be some truth to the nucks just making him sit so he doesn't get hurt and they can buy him out ...who knows

But not participating in a fan based, team oriented even (superskills) says ALOT...he is no longer part of the team...

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Another good way of putting it: "spins his wheels". Exactly.

And yes RR, that was the point. Zero production and Torts will sit you down, you have to contribute. A simple and clear message that doesn't care who you are....he has a what have you done for me lately/this game approach that I like.

This has been the opposite of what we've seen from Torts..... Kesler was terrible in the first 5, 6 games and instead of benching or sitting him, he was promoted to the first line. When the Sedins get snakebitten, he lets them play out of it . Higgens can be our most useless player out there ( lazy, non productive ) and he gets nothing but praises from Torts and plenty of ice time. Booth, who is playing on the 3rd line with little offensive support gets zero leeway.

Our powerplay has been horrible this year yet ive seen very little of Booth out there even when he was playing good.

Torts is no different than any other coach, he has his favourites and there are those who will be in the doghouse

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Except that David Booth as a no show is becoming a big deal - whether it be for extra curricular activities or not. Don't you see that's what has led to this discussion in the first place? People are already questioning his role and commitment on this team and are now simply continuing that discussion as a result of this development which, on its own, is nothing. But in the context of the David Booth saga, it's just one more chapter. And, with that, becomes a topic for discussion.

The guy is being paid a good chunk of cash to be PART of the team, not offer constant reasons for why he isn't.

What other times has he no showed on the team???? IT is not weird for a person to miss a singular event during flu season.. he is not on the outs with the team as they wanted him to be there. And the fact that the team had him at practise the very next day with zero repercussions suggests very strongly that it was no big deal that he wasn't there ie.. he was likely sick. There is ZERO reason to think or suggest anything else.

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This has been the opposite of what we've seen from Torts..... Kesler was terrible in the first 5, 6 games and instead of benching or sitting him, he was promoted to the first line. When the Sedins get snakebitten, he lets them play out of it . Higgens can be our most useless player out there ( lazy, non productive ) and he gets nothing but praises from Torts and plenty of ice time. Booth, who is playing on the 3rd line with little offensive support gets zero leeway.

Our powerplay has been horrible this year yet ive seen very little of Booth out there even when he was playing good.

Torts is no different than any other coach, he has his favourites and there are those who will be in the doghouse

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What other times has he no showed on the team???? IT is not weird for a person to miss a singular event during flu season.. he is not on the outs with the team as they wanted him to be there. And the fact that the team had him at practise the very next day with zero repercussions suggests very strongly that it was no big deal that he wasn't there ie.. he was likely sick. There is ZERO reason to think or suggest anything else.

100 % agreed. But ppl like to go all CSI Vancouver

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What other times has he no showed on the team???? IT is not weird for a person to miss a singular event during flu season.. he is not on the outs with the team as they wanted him to be there. And the fact that the team had him at practise the very next day with zero repercussions suggests very strongly that it was no big deal that he wasn't there ie.. he was likely sick. There is ZERO reason to think or suggest anything else.

I meant on the ice. Whether it be through injury or healthy scratches or whatever.

He has been out of the line up a lot.

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This has been the opposite of what we've seen from Torts..... Kesler was terrible in the first 5, 6 games and instead of benching or sitting him, he was promoted to the first line. When the Sedins get snakebitten, he lets them play out of it . Higgens can be our most useless player out there ( lazy, non productive ) and he gets nothing but praises from Torts and plenty of ice time. Booth, who is playing on the 3rd line with little offensive support gets zero leeway.

Our powerplay has been horrible this year yet ive seen very little of Booth out there even when he was playing good.

Torts is no different than any other coach, he has his favourites and there are those who will be in the doghouse

The first 5-6 games Torts was still assessing things and getting to know the team.

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This has been the opposite of what we've seen from Torts..... Kesler was terrible in the first 5, 6 games and instead of benching or sitting him, he was promoted to the first line. When the Sedins get snakebitten, he lets them play out of it . Higgens can be our most useless player out there ( lazy, non productive ) and he gets nothing but praises from Torts and plenty of ice time. Booth, who is playing on the 3rd line with little offensive support gets zero leeway.

Our powerplay has been horrible this year yet ive seen very little of Booth out there even when he was playing good.

Torts is no different than any other coach, he has his favourites and there are those who will be in the doghouse

the difference sir is that those players kesler/sedin's have earned the opportunity / rope...they have proved CONSISTENTLY, over the years that they are elite players.

if you are suggesting that David Booth has proven he is anything other than a fringe player in the NHL who had one good year, and that he has earned the same rope as those you named you are seriously on drugs

its not about 'favorites' - its about what players have proven in their careers....

and higgins has never been lazy, offensively unproductive sure but anyone who understands anything about hockey is well aware he is an incredibly hard working player, not to mention he is actually a 3rd line guy who has been bumped up...whereas Booth is supposed to be a top 6 and bumped down

love your boothy all you want ...he sucks

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I meant on the ice. Whether it be through injury or healthy scratches or whatever.

He has been out of the line up moreso than in it.

This is true. He's been unlucky and for a 4.5 million price tag we want to see more but playing on the 3rd line most of the season isn't going to help. As long as he plays hard and creates offense like he has been I have no problem with him

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Where are all those dudes who were arguing and bashing others earlier this season who were saying Booth is/was useless?

I find it hilarious all those 'experts' have disappeared'

Booth's head is just not in hockey as I have said many times and was flamed for....he is useless and bring it Booth lovers...

I also said earlier in the year that his sending to Utica was a message from the GM and coach...yet those same lovers screamed at me saying oh it was 'conditioning' even though the guy had only been out 2 weeks...

Meanwhile, I retorted, well why weren't other players who have been hurt sent down for 'conditioning' ie Burr/Schroeder, when they came back....CLEARLY IT WAS A MESSAGE..

So thanks Booth lovers...I was right....the guy is done here and I have to say there might be some truth to the nucks just making him sit so he doesn't get hurt and they can buy him out ...who knows

But not participating in a fan based, team oriented even (superskills) says ALOT...he is no longer part of the team...

Wow... me, me, me, blah, blah, blah,..... done tooting your horn there Mr.. "Oh, look at me, I was right" guy?? Some people were right, some were wrong and you just may have been "ONE" who was right, but you werent the only one so stop actling like you were.

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Who knows, maybe Booth just isnt into playing hockey anymore and has lost his drive and love of the sport. He is making a boat load of money and can live pretty comfy so maybe he's happy with that and just wants to go hunting and praying to his god... nothing wrong with that I suppose.

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As much as Booth has potential, it has never translated onto the ice for the Canucks. He had one great season in Florida playing a very different system then we do here. Sadly, potential doesn't make a player great and who knows what his mental ability/confidence is at.

In my personal opinion he has shown flashes of the form he had in Florida, but it has come few and far between. He has had two different coaches who both have sat him due to lack of production and not following the coaches system. Plus the multiple injuries constantly setting him back have certainly given him no help.

I liked what booth was supposed to bring when the trade occurred. But it simply has not materialized and with his salary being what it is, the team could put that to much better use than on a player sitting upstairs.

In his defence, he has tried to change himself to fit into the system, but I just do not see 'enough' of a change. He falls into old habits quickly and I question his hockey sense while watching his game.

Since his game has been in such a state of flux for so long I cannot see a trade occurring unless we take on salary or lose a piece we perhaps don't want to move. A buyout is most likely and I see a team taking a shot at him in the off season at a very reduced rate.

I could be 100% wrong on all accounts here but this is my opinion.

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