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[Report] Torts to have in person hearing Mon

Del Rio

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i don't have any issue with the PLAYERS fighting, and i recognize that Hartley was being a weirdo throughout, but that doesn't mean I don't think Torts was not only wrong, but also deserves a fine and suspension. he needs to control himself better

sometimes it seems like he embellishes the 'spectacle' of himself for the cameras or something, or to justify his reputation. how many coaches in the league are bona fide stars and ticket sellers in their own right? one, that i can think of. and he is ours. which is great and all, but he needs to be put in place sometimes, and for me this is one of those times. OR he is not trying to embellish the spectacle and he literally is, as you say, THAT short sighted. and that, to me, is bad. dude needs to put a cap on it.

(although you could say Roy is a star, too, but that is because of his playing, not because of his coaching antics -- yet)

Out of your element yet again.

Youtube Coach Roy in QMJHL, See how he bent the glass practically on to that poor bench attendee.

Back to white noise with you troll. Argue over the colour of a sunset or some such nonsense. Get your hamster and microwave ready again, you're being proved wrong and we know you hate that

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If Torts still coached the Rangers he would get a fine and maybe a few games...cause he coaches the Canucks. The book will be thrown at him. Maybe if we are lucky we will get him back in time for the playoffs.

So DO it for Torts guys, Play for him even if he can't be there with you. Play for him and show the other teams you ain't going take it anymore. Goon it up Vancouver. Goon it up.

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Love Torts. But he will get suspended and should be for the locker debacle. But to hear people talking about the "ship is sinking and needs to be righted" is laughable. If we were at the bottom of the standings, yeah I could see that argument. We have a coach that stands up for his guys(shouldn't have to in this jacked up league), but he does. Maybe not the right way all the times, but I'll still take it. He'll be back after whatever punishment is dealt and I as many fans will be happy when he does return to lead our guys!!!

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Out of your element yet again.

Youtube Coach Roy in QMJHL, See how he bent the glass practically on to that poor bench attendee.

Back to white noise with you troll. Argue over the colour of a sunset or some such nonsense. Get your hamster and microwave ready again, you're being proved wrong and we know you hate that

gotta love his cynical views over trivial matters

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gotta love his cynical views over trivial matters

I certainly do. Not as much as I dig me some MLP with my 5 year old, but since I hit that block/ignore button things have been less aggravating.

Good to see more of you in the hockey realms :)

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If Torts still coached the Rangers he would get a fine and maybe a few games...cause he coaches the Canucks. The book will be thrown at him. Maybe if we are lucky we will get him back in time for the playoffs.

torts was suspended in new york for trying to spear a fan with a hockey stick and got only 1 game. it'll be interesting to see where this goes

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This was an embassasment for the Canucks and their fans. The Torts specticle is the most negative thing he has done todate. Splitting the Sedins - sensless jumbled lines -- Kessler a winger really? These were just stupid coaching decisions that cost the Canucks many early season wins.. Now Torts creates a fiction to justify his panic response. What is tough about this nonsense. The Canucks continue to be the joke of the new Pacific Division -- not because of their win loss record. But because of the constant we're getting tough jabber. Moral victrories rather than wins -- what a joke. I only hope the league imposes a substantial suspension so we get someone else on the bench. Time for the Canucks to correct the ship. This is jus the tip of the iceberg.

Well let's see:

When Kes was on the wing he was the hottest player in the league.

Splitting up the Sedins in Calgary made is win.

I think you need to step away from your computer or mobile device.

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torts was suspended in new york for trying to spear a fan with a hockey stick and got only 1 game. it'll be interesting to see where this goes

yes my point for only a game- on an original six team- wait ...torts tried to spear a fan. Oh torts you crazy crazy man. I love him lol

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First period shenanigans are going to net both Torts and Hartley a fine, does not matter who gets what. Torts little walk in the park however will definitely get him a suspension, probably 5-8 games. I`ve got no problems with Torts actions in either case, at the end of the day NHL hockey is just entertainment. All the pundits and fans who are going over the top in their assessments of this talking about how it`s "dragging the Canucks name through the mud", or "we have to get this out of the game" are talking out of their you-know-whats. NHL hockey is sometimes beautiful, sometimes brutal and sometimes ridiculous. Has been forever and always will be. If you don't like it go watch figure skating. Watching Stock blow a gasket last night was laughable, like that fool somehow thinks he has the moral high ground to get emotionally invested in the proceedings. Torts walked down the hallway to confront a coach he doesn't like, big deal, no-one got hurt. What was your reaction to Chara's attempted decapitation of Pacioretty, Stock ? Whatta goof.

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I agree with wheels, we will get a lot of five on three's for the rest of the season. I want to say, though, that i love it, love our team, and i don't care about the cup as much as i care about how we play. Respect, honour, it means stuff. Only useless fracks do not understand this. Play like this Vancouver, we will support you.

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First period shenanigans are going to net both Torts and Hartley a fine, does not matter who gets what. Torts little walk in the park however will definitely get him a suspension, probably 5-8 games. I`ve got no problems with Torts actions in either case, at the end of the day NHL hockey is just entertainment. All the pundits and fans who are going over the top in their assessments of this talking about how it`s "dragging the Canucks name through the mud", or "we have to get this out of the game" are talking out of their you-know-whats. NHL hockey is sometimes beautiful, sometimes brutal and sometimes ridiculous. Has been forever and always will be. If you don't like it go watch figure skating. Watching Stock blow a gasket last night was laughable, like that fool somehow thinks he has the moral high ground to get emotionally invested in the proceedings. Torts walked down the hallway to confront a coach he doesn't like, big deal, no-one got hurt. What was your reaction to Chara's attempted decapitation of Pacioretty, Stock ? Whatta goof.

I don't know who was more worked up Tortz or Stock's reaction to tortz lol. what an over reaction to something that had nothing to do with him not like tortz said something bad about his mom or anything.

was freaking hilarious to watch though.

p.s. Tortz is everything this team needs even if it only lasts for this season this team needed this coach in so many ways win or lose.

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