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Mafia: Zodiac - GAME OVER, TOWN WINS - Sign-ups open

Master Radishes

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I'm pretty sure that guy hasn't posted more game related things than I can count on one hand. I wonder where he is


Half-assed summary:

- King Heffy and Alchemy Time are giving me weird vibes. Could definitely see one or both of them being Mafia.

- You (VIC) are always Mafia, and I like to take a "guilty until proven innocent" approach when reading you. More so than with other players at least.

- Drouin needs to be killed off tomorrow night.

- Has Aladeen posted yet? Might be worth having a TP special take him out just to see what that PM was all about.

- I've had trouble following the whole CatsPajamas thing, but he's probably a good candidate for a first round lynch even if he does come up TP.

- Take notes, Dral. You don't need to go bat**** crazy when posting drunk. ;)

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A couple quick notes before I head to bed.

1) I'm going to put a ban on saying "if I'm ____ I'll never play mafia again" or similar statements. VIC may remember long ago that was a popular thing to say, and it just got ridiculously out of hand. People would say it, lying, and then be back for next game. So let's just avoid that.

2) AT, I'll make an exception on editing for your post. :lol:

3) This is vastly entertaining for me to watch. Thank you.

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1) I'm going to put a ban on saying "if I'm ____ I'll never play mafia again" or similar statements. VIC may remember long ago that was a popular thing to say, and it just got ridiculously out of hand. People would say it, lying, and then be back for next game. So let's just avoid that.

you can only ever say it once and lie ... after that, you lose all credibility

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Recap, more or less in order for those who don't have time to read everything over:

-Game starts.

-Toews claims to have received a PM saying to kill Aladeen. Others claim not to have received PMs. KeslerLuongo17 claims to have received a similar message.

-Kryten asks who people would target if they were the SK. Unanimous answer is GFY.

-One one two tells TP to contact him (offer still stands).

-OTTS says he'll reveal his sign if others tell him theirs.

-VIC says he has the Dog sign and asks other users with the sign to contact him in order to form an alliance. Is unaware that signs are not exclusive to either Mafia or Town and is questioned about this. GFY especially doesn't like this, remarks that users saying "I'm this sign, PM me" should not be trusted. Dral is also unhappy and accuses VIC of being Mafia for his ignorance.

-Dral reveals his sign as the Rabbit, and his ability to enhance someone's vote to make it count for 2.

-VIC reveals his ability. He can send names in to MR and the person's vote will not count.

-Responding to GFY's earlier banter, One one two accuses him of being afraid of any strong alliances forming. Says "some of us do have abilities that wouldn't work both ways."

-Dral wants to vote for VIC. They trade words, debate over what was "implied" by the OP. Nothing much comes of it.

-Lucy tells Dragons to PM her to get something going, obviously implies that's her sign.

-Dral preaches caution, tells others not to come out with their sign considering it's "likely the Mafia already have an extensive list of what the signs abilities are, you only help them to narrow down targets."

-Dral asks Oxen and Rats to contact him.

-Dral says he's been contacted by someone claiming to be the Sheriff. He and Lucy want Sheriffs to investigate and contact him. One one two calls this a waste of investigations. Debate over what actions are best ensues. Dral eventually places his vote on One one two.

-Dral expresses his suspicion in GFY and Kes. GFY insists he's just observing for the time being. "You're leading the way, so for now there's not much else I can input. You and 112 have done a good enough job of that tonight."

-Lucy says CatsPajamas is doing nothing but lurking, this coming a while after other users noted that the two of them were posting in other threads but not the Mafia thread.

-PPCLI votes for CatsPajamas, tells him to defend himself. Dral follows suit and changes his vote to Cat.

-Dral lobbies users to PM him with their signs and abilities. Full post here: http://forum.canucks...0#entry11944538

-Dral is drunk.

-mau5trap tells him to get it together, says he's putting Doctors in a tough spot.

-Lots of joking around.

-VIC posts a list of users he has caught using the PM system. Full post here: http://forum.canucks...0#entry11944670

-CatsPajamas and AT are most notable members on the list, all others have solid excuses.

-CatsPajamas starts screwing around, quickly accumulates votes.

-CatsPajamas claims to have been PMing GFY for an alliance, GFY disputes this.

-GFY says that CatsPajamas made a PM to threaten him. Contents are: "say you pmed me about alliance. go along with it or you're dead. mob will kill you"

-CatsPajamas in some serious ****.


-Kesler makes important post. Read: http://forum.canucks...0#entry11944773

-One one two and PPCLI vehemently deny any involvement with CatsPajamas.

-"I don't think anyone else is stupid enough to tell everyone their mafia teammates." -OTTS

-Lucy asks to be invited into Kesler's convo with CatsPajamas. Later confirms that it's legitimate.

-Dral still drinking, posts his thoughts: http://forum.canucks...0#entry11944855

-CatsPajamas not helping his case: http://forum.canucks...0#entry11944857

-Kesler says he received a letter of the alphabet. Asks for others with information to PM him. Later hints toward a secret power unlocked by all the letters put together.

-Weather girl on TSN is cute.

-Bo Hunter Booth attempts to start an alliance, is brief and discrete. Asks for opinions on whether or not Dral can be trusted. Has not posted much up to this point and gets questioned for it.


-Fantasy Hockey, gifs, spam.

-Drouin and One one two plus post by HowYaDrouin, Dral orders them killed for doing so.

-Dral makes another request to have people contact him. http://forum.canucks...0#entry11945154

Day 2:

-King Heffy joins the scence, most people don't like his posts.

-Master Radishes releases early vote count, CatsPajamas in the lead. By far.

-Alchemy Time joins the scence.

-PPCLI posts interesting theory here: http://forum.canucks...0#entry11945505

-Goats, woats and boats. More unrelated banter.

-Bo Hunter Booth asks what people think of Dral, and requests that someone verify his role.

-D.Doughty votes for One one two. When pressed D.Doughty tries to claim that One one two admitted to being Mafia. One one two denies, asks him to post proof. D.Doughty is unable to. Read from here: http://forum.canucks...0#entry11945747

-Kesler87 needs one more letter until he gets a "bonus power."

-Super Bowl, Seahawks.

-VIC questions AT about his earlier use of the PM system. AT says he was talking with MR. Not everyone happy with this explanation.

-Kryten shows up and says people are bandwagoning the CatsPJs vote, One one two replies and they start debating. Read from here: http://forum.canucks...0#entry11946078

-Dral says he's not entirely convinced CatsPJs is Mafia, says it's possible/likely that he's just screwing around. Says it wouldn't surprise him if he actually did rat out his fellow Mafia. Advises everyone to kill everyone.


-Sketchy this, sketchy that. Everyone's sketchy. King Heffy and D.Doughty attract bad attention.

-Dral posts claiming that Drouin is confirmed Mafia. Advises Vigilante to target him and everyone else to keep their votes on CatsPajamas. http://forum.canucks...0#entry11946713

-Dral's legitimacy is questioned by Tig'ol Bitties.

-PPCLI/CatsPajamas still debating from Cats' earlier posts claiming that PPCLI, One one two and him are Mafia.

-GFY says he's in contact with a supposed Sheriff. Read: http://forum.canucks...0#entry11946813

-VIC says he hopes Dral hasn't been handing out information to his Sheriff. Dral assures him that the information is well kept.

-Drouin says one of GFY or Dral is lying, accuses the latter.

-King Heffy thinks there are alternate Sheriff roles in the game. Dral says it wouldn't surprise him.

-GFY asks Doctor to save him.

-One one two follows up and asks to be saved by a Doctor as well (do this if you want to win).

-Kesler87 also wishes to be saved by a Doctor.

-Kryten thinks King Heffy is interesting in helping the TP. VIC not quite so sure.


-Toews not posting much, blames busy weekend.

I got lazy at the end but I think that's most of what's important.

Honestly, after reading everything over again, I'd like to point out that Big Mike has been posting a decent amount but most of his posts aren't very engaging/useful from what I can tell.

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A couple quick notes before I head to bed.

1) I'm going to put a ban on saying "if I'm ____ I'll never play mafia again" or similar statements. VIC may remember long ago that was a popular thing to say, and it just got ridiculously out of hand. People would say it, lying, and then be back for next game. So let's just avoid that.

Fair enough

I leave you with this


I will be off until I get into Berlin so until then ......

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A couple quick notes before I head to bed.

1) I'm going to put a ban on saying "if I'm ____ I'll never play mafia again" or similar statements. VIC may remember long ago that was a popular thing to say, and it just got ridiculously out of hand. People would say it, lying, and then be back for next game. So let's just avoid that.

2) AT, I'll make an exception on editing for your post. :lol:

3) This is vastly entertaining for me to watch. Thank you.

Yeah, the calls for self-bans got ridiculous. It was much better once they were eliminated

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Seemed to me he was talking about Survivor in the second quote, but fair enough. Considering the talk of you being in PMs with him and Kesler, the accusation he made and your response about the bandwagon votes however implicates you as well IMO. My vote stands.

Shhhhhhhhhh..... ph34r.gif

FTR, I'm not saying the following posters are mafia, but these are some sketchy bandwagon votes worthy of keeping track of:

Or I just have absolutely no idea how to play this game, so instead of incriminating myself, ill just join the majority until I can figure out what the hell i'm doing :emot-parrot:

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