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Opinions on Mike Gillis

Bren Mo

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Sundin paid dividends on Kesler and the twins.

Bernier trade...meh.

Ballard trade was a good one at the time. The issue with him was AV's mishandling of him (not Gillis).

Booth trade was a win and would still be viewed as one if he hadn't gotten injured on cheap shots. Good trade with a bad outcome.

Sturm was of little consequence.

Grabner was doing nothing and was waived for nothing by Florida. THEY lost that deal, not us.

Mitchell, it was uncertain whether he could even play again. We couldn't afford the risk of signing him for the $ offered by LA.

Did you just compare Schneider to Neely?! :blink::lol: :lol:

Salo went for money (as did Erhoff)...I love Salo but he is OLD...we're not really missing much there.

Garrison is a good signing. He's a great 3/4 guy.

O'Brien is the only guy who you could argue was "run out". Good riddance.

1. Sundin - provide proof of said "dividends"

2. Bernier - $2.5 M per year... nuff said.

3. Ballard - $4.2 M should not buy you a 6/7 defencemen which he is on Minnesota (can't blame coach AV here)

4. Booth - has been healthy for some time now and still unproductive, will be bought out at the end of the year proving it was a mistake.

5. Sturm - no consequence other than he was what was traded for aforementioned Booth

6. Grabner - I'd say giving up on a future 30-goal scorer on a team that barely manages 2 per game is a loss.

7. Mitchell - I agree this was probably not a bad move at the time

8. Schneider - MG waited too long, Schneider's market value had depreciated due only to the fact that MG had to unload one of his goalies

9. Salo - yes they lost Salo (and Ehrhoff), who was old.. However, they have failed to pick up someone who can fill his shoes on the PP.

10. Garrison - a good 3/4 guy maybe, but he makes 1/2 money.

11. O'Brien - he is missed at the Roxy.

Overall, MG has really mismanaged the cap and failed to draft anyone of impact.

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I've been a supporter up until now. Didn't agree with everything he did in the past, but still believed he could pull something off that would put our team back on track. This trade deadline was the last chance I gave him and he done basically nothing to help our team. The Luongo trade was horribly timed, now we are using Lack as our starter who is great, but I think I don't need to explain why that is risky. His beard alone symbolizes how our team is doing.

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He's a good gm. Some mistakes, but he's a good GM in the end of the day. Canucks fans no jack sh!t. You guys don't know anything. You guys are complaining about the Twins, well what do you want? let them go for nothing? silly Canucks fans never know.

wrong, we have seen a decline in scoring and have know for quite some time we need secondary scoring, as we cant rely on the twins to maintain art ross form the rest of their careers.

Kesler hasnt had a proper playmaker or legit top 6 winger in forever. These are facts, every fan sees it. When you cant score and your top guys go on the longest droughts of their careers and your GM doesnt see that as an indication, but all the fans do...ya thousands of ppl no jack crap but one guy MG knows everything thats for sure...give me a break

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It is disappointing trade after trade that we always get the short end of the stick! The Lu trade was a shock but what we got in return is frustrating. If we are going younger then why are we throwning in a prospect?Lu by himself should be able to get 2 players and a pick not have us give a prospect and pay 15%. Cory for a 1st round pick, really? Miller and Ott were able to return 5 players in their trade. Goaltender was not an issue for us, no offence to Eddie but Gillis did not improve our club with these trades. Different time different NHL, when Quinn was the GM but the trades he made helped our club immediately and he didn't seem to get jobbed on any deal.

What player are we going to build around to create this new Canuck face? I have no clue who our future is in 4 or 5 years. How long is this plan that they have in place?

I never thought anyone could make Mike Milbury look like a genius as a GM, but Gillis certainly has in my opinion. I expect nothing more then a bag of practice pucks for Kesler and some water bottles for Edler when they are traded.

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5) he prefers good skating and skill over toughness and determination

Why didn't he re-sign Raymond?

Also, who is a good skater and have "skill."

We can't score in the shootout. And from the way I watch this team they are standing still most of the time.

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It is disappointing trade after trade that we always get the short end of the stick! The Lu trade was a shock but what we got in return is frustrating. If we are going younger then why are we throwning in a prospect?Lu by himself should be able to get 2 players and a pick not have us give a prospect and pay 15%. Cory for a 1st round pick, really? Miller and Ott were able to return 5 players in their trade. Goaltender was not an issue for us, no offence to Eddie but Gillis did not improve our club with these trades. Different time different NHL, when Quinn was the GM but the trades he made helped our club immediately and he didn't seem to get jobbed on any deal.

What player are we going to build around to create this new Canuck face? I have no clue who our future is in 4 or 5 years. How long is this plan that they have in place?

I never thought anyone could make Mike Milbury look like a genius as a GM, but Gillis certainly has in my opinion. I expect nothing more then a bag of practice pucks for Kesler and some water bottles for Edler when they are traded.

maybe he wants to tank on purpose .. haha get a few high picks ..
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- Gillis keeps talking about the direction the Canucks are on.... but no one seems to have a clue what this is... other than round and round in circles in some kind of whirlpool descent to the bottom.

He has said a number of times that he wants the line up to get younger, and diversify it based on this seasons performance.

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The Canucks today are a complete laughing stock. Gillis is sitting at the table playing poker, only to be told he doesn't have the clout to play. I wonder what it's like to have your balls cut off in public, because that's what Aquaman did to Gilllis today. Embarrassing to the hilt. The rest of the GM's around the league gotta be laughing their heads off at Gillis' plight. It's clear Mike will now be cut loose in the summer....his boss obviously doesn't trust him any longer. Maybe it's for the best that way, I dunno.

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People who are frustrated with Gillis because of standing pat at the deadline are angry at the wrong person. The guy is just as frustrated as you are by the lack of moves on the Canucks part. But a lack of proposals that would have fit within the Canucks plans arn't his fault.

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Gillis is a ???? joke.

He better be FIRED by the offseason.

Or what?.. you are going to throw a hissy and set another artificial deadline? .. please refrain from such over-reative outbursts .. you are frightening the children ..

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It is disappointing trade after trade that we always get the short end of the stick! The Lu trade was a shock but what we got in return is frustrating. If we are going younger then why are we throwning in a prospect?Lu by himself should be able to get 2 players and a pick not have us give a prospect and pay 15%. Cory for a 1st round pick, really? Miller and Ott were able to return 5 players in their trade. Goaltender was not an issue for us, no offence to Eddie but Gillis did not improve our club with these trades. Different time different NHL, when Quinn was the GM but the trades he made helped our club immediately and he didn't seem to get jobbed on any deal.

What player are we going to build around to create this new Canuck face? I have no clue who our future is in 4 or 5 years. How long is this plan that they have in place?

I never thought anyone could make Mike Milbury look like a genius as a GM, but Gillis certainly has in my opinion. I expect nothing more then a bag of practice pucks for Kesler and some water bottles for Edler when they are traded.

Anthony was thrown into the trade to balance 'contracts' .. 2 for 2 .. logic has a place in todays society after all ..

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Im not too sure about that.

As far as I can remember Gillis was given the green light and then some; he was afforded every luxury (sleep doctors for example)

This is the only time the owners have ever interfered. I would guess its because hes not actually the GM anymore in any realistic sense.

I think the Aquilinis realize that meddling ownership creates disasters.

And yet there was Fransesco Aqulini sitting in the War Room today. I personally think Fransesco's ego is too big to realize he is part of the problem.

A good owner just stays out of the way in terms of day to day operations. I don't think any real qualified GM would want to work under Francesco Aquilini right now. He needs a puppet and Gillis is a puppet.

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Problem is, you have the luxury of hindsight...GM's don't have that and there are risks involved in moving players.

Not fair to do it now, after the fact.

Yes hindsight is 20/20, but that doesn't excuse foresight. Gillis is terrible at evaluating talent.

Garrison is not a replacement for Ehrhoff or Salo. Yes Garrison has a hard shot, but that's where the similarities end. Ehrhoff and Salo have much better skating, passing, and hockey sense, which are far more dangerous on the PP than any hard shot.

We have had no replacement for Hodgson as 3C. Schroeder has not stepped up. Lapierre, shipped out. Richardson plays on the 4th line in a competitive team. Oh crap, no centres? Let's play Burrows or Raymond at centre! For a team that was once overflowing with Centre depth, we sure have fallen far.

No top 6 wingers. Booth experiment is over, end it already. Moving Higgins and Hansen up to a regular top 6 shift is not a solution, it's an excuse that a crappy GM uses. Are we developing Kassian or not? Decide already!

I already saw the writing on the wall after the 2011 SCF. Losing Ehrhoff + Torres and gaining... Sturm? using How is that an upgrade? Once Hodgson was traded, I knew MG was in desperation/idiot mode.

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