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(Rumour) torts almost removed updated botch


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Have to steal juniors account to make my point. The problem here isn't Torts. It is Gillis and his bad moves catching up to the team. I have known a rebuild was needed after losing to the Kings in the playoffs two years ago. Last year was so obvious. Why is it that I can see this and our so call awesome GM can't? He said he was going to do something and simply tweaked the team.

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome is the definition of insanity. It is also stupid. The team is too small. It is over. Lets hope we get a new GM and scouting staff.

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How has the last three years been Torts fault? Gillis couldn't trade a player for a decent return if his life depended on it, and now he has sank this team with his bad trade's and perchent to hand out NTC's like halloween candy. This team is a mess.

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How has the last three years been Torts fault? Gillis couldn't trade a player for a decent return if his life depended on it, and now he has sank this team with his bad trade's and perchent to hand out NTC's like halloween candy. This team is a mess.

this year is 10x worse then last year. We have taken a huge step back. AV is laughing so hard right now.

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Although I do not believe Torts is the main result of the Canucks' pathetic season, he should be somewhat accountable. After tonight's debacle, I won't be surprised if he is fired in the off-season. I do hope Torts gets another chance next season, as Gillis has gave him nothing to work with.

There needs to be a total house cleaning at the top, starting with Gillis. Whether Torts stays or not, we will see...

The best thing to happen now is to try and get as high of a top draft pick as possible.

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this year is 10x worse then last year. We have taken a huge step back. AV is laughing so hard right now.

And just who traded away both our starting goalies and left a rookie in charge- not knocking Lack- I like the guy. Its way worse this year because MG continues to frack everything up and refuses to get help for our players.

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Too many injuries this year

Give Torts another year at least.

Fire Gillis tomorrow. He is not fit for GM anymore. Keep him as president maybe, but remove him from his GM duties. Or just get rid of him completely. How can you throw a rookie goalie into the fire like that and make him a starter right away. He may have ruined a future starting goalie with a lot of potential by doing this. If you're going to trade LU get a back-up that has some NHL experience you idiot..

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Ok wait, I don't see how any of this is really Torts' fault. In fact, I can't see this being Gillis' fault either. At the beginning of the season Mike said that we were going to go thru a re - tool and that we'd end up being stronger afterwards. We weren't supposed to start losing this badly but still, this is what happens during a re-tool phase. The Ducks went thru it, The Canadiens and the Blues went thru it as well. But IMO the reason why were losing this badly is because were going thru a few transition phases right now. The first transition is obviously the re-tooling phase as mentioned. The second reason is that the type of players we have and the type of style Torts has don't mesh completely. Torts wants a rough game and our stars require a more skilled oriented finesse game. There must be a period where these players that don't fit into Torts' style are going to leave the team, or we bring in young guns that are willing to play a hard-nosed game. Look at whose been carring us to our success this season. Kesler, Santorelli, maybe even Higgins. All of these guys are pretty hard nosed. The Sedin line looks bad because they want to play the game cute. They are being taken away from their game because they are being asked to hit more and block more shots. So now were at the transition point where the guys who are going to carry us are the guys who play well under torts' style and these players have to be acquired thru the draft or by trade. So we either change the players to people who fit the coaches style, we change our coach to fit or we hope and pray that the players can adapt under a new style (Which so far isn't happening). IMO we should just let the process go thru its natural course, lose some games and draft high on draft day and end up with some high skilled hard nosed players in our system.

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Ok wait, I don't see how any of this is really Torts' fault. In fact, I can't see this being Gillis' fault either. At the beginning of the season Mike said that we were going to go thru a re - tool and that we'd end up being stronger afterwards. We weren't supposed to start losing this badly but still, this is what happens during a re-tool phase. The Ducks went thru it, The Canadiens and the Blues went thru it as well. But IMO the reason why were losing this badly is because were going thru a few transition phases right now. The first transition is obviously the re-tooling phase as mentioned. The second reason is that the type of players we have and the type of style Torts has don't mesh completely. Torts wants a rough game and our stars require a more skilled oriented finesse game. There must be a period where these players that don't fit into Torts' style are going to leave the team, or we bring in young guns that are willing to play a hard-nosed game. Look at whose been carring us to our success this season. Kesler, Santorelli, maybe even Higgins. All of these guys are pretty hard nosed. The Sedin line looks bad because they want to play the game cute. They are being taken away from their game because they are being asked to hit more and block more shots. So now were at the transition point where the guys who are going to carry us are the guys who play well under torts' style and these players have to be acquired thru the draft or by trade. So we either change the players to people who fit the coaches style, we change our coach to fit or we hope and pray that the players can adapt under a new style (Which so far isn't happening). IMO we should just let the process go thru its natural course, lose some games and draft high on draft day and end up with some high skilled hard nosed players in our system.

Either the Sedins grow some balls and stop playing cute and play with heart and soul or we get rid of them/demote them to lesser roles.

The interview after tonight's game with Hank made me want to vomit he was asked directly if he has talked to the other players and he said no because what can you say after that. A part of a captains job is to find some way to take a situation like that and draw postives from it, and not allow it to deflate your entire team.

The sedins style of play, or Tort's coaching style may not even be the main problem. I think its their leadership ablility. Take the C away from Hank and give it to Juice or Kes (if he actually doesn't want to be traded) allow players who actually play with heart and grit and know how to mentior their team mates take over the leadership.

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Yes Torts was a monumental mistake. Chases Hartley onto the locker room. Gillis announces that the Canucks fuly suppot him. Torts goes on. True the players play the game. The coaches lead and inspire. Why did Russel Wilson out perfor Peyton Manning. Because Pete Caroll knows how to lead. Torts coaching staff is a joke, Chalk board at a morning sakate before a game.

The folks who suppot Torts should listen to Glan Sather's interview at the GM meeting. Why not benefit from trhe Rangers' experience.

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Yes Torts was a monumental mistake. Chases Hartley onto the locker room. Gillis announces that the Canucks fuly suppot him. Torts goes on. True the players play the game. The coaches lead and inspire. Why did Russel Wilson out perfor Peyton Manning. Because Pete Caroll knows how to lead. Torts coaching staff is a joke, Chalk board at a morning sakate before a game.

The folks who suppot Torts should listen to Glan Sather's interview at the GM meeting. Why not benefit from trhe Rangers' experience.

Also because Russell Wilson has the "it" fact...the....."jump on my back boys" leadership which no one in the canucks room has.

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It's no one's fault. The Canucks are the prize property of a corporation. No one fundamentally runs the show. It became a machine in which super talent is either traded or forgotten. The list, is uncomfortably too long. And growing.

At some point, someone has to say hey. Don't touch anything anymore.

But who says that to who...

Tortorella is exactly what this team needed. A no nonsense coach and I strongly believe that those massive blowouts are part of what the Canucks need to get this out of them.

Now the Canucks are exposed for what they are; a mediocre team with great goalten...




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Either the Sedins grow some balls and stop playing cute and play with heart and soul or we get rid of them/demote them to lesser roles.

The interview after tonight's game with Hank made me want to vomit he was asked directly if he has talked to the other players and he said no because what can you say after that. A part of a captains job is to find some way to take a situation like that and draw postives from it, and not allow it to deflate your entire team.

The sedins style of play, or Tort's coaching style may not even be the main problem. I think its their leadership ablility. Take the C away from Hank and give it to Juice or Kes (if he actually doesn't want to be traded) allow players who actually play with heart and grit and know how to mentior their team mates take over the leadership.


The Canucks have the money.

The Canucks have a youth friendly coach.

The Canucks could do wonders with a Sedins trade. However, Gillis could really screw up the entire franchise with this one.

How in anyone's right mind does trading two elite goaltenders in Luongo and Schneider, and a top young center in Hodgson while acquiring a bunch of T4Ds but no true 1D any way to build a team is beyond me.

This mess is certainly not Tortorella's fault.

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Blow it all up this summer and give Torts a team he can work with instead of a bunch of aging veterans that are still shell shocked from losing the cup to Boston 3 years ago. The decline is NOT Torts fault. It started the very next season after the cup loss and has been getting worse ever since. It wasn't Torts that was coaching this team for the two years after the cup loss. It was AV, and AV was coaching pretty much the same team that came to one game of winning it all, yet couldn't win a playoff game to save their life in 2012 and 2013. Torts may be the vehicle that has finally exposed this team for what it is, but this disaster was not of his making.

Hope he gets another chance next season. Hope management and or the owners has the balls to give him a decent YOUNG team to work with as well.


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