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Predict how long before we are elite

Lui's Knob

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I've never been sure what people even mean by "elite" teams.

It is a silly term really. Teams that weren't "elite" have won the Cup like the Hurricanes in 2006 and the 8th seeded Kings in 2012. In terms of the Canucks being in the mix for top spot in the west, they might be there next year with smart moves and free agent signings. It could be ten years if the team's luck doesn't turn around.

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Here's the thing...elite counts for squat. I don't want the team to be elite, I want them to grind out a SC win.

So I don't care if they're not on top or the best overall through the season....been there, done that. Counts for nothing.

Get into the playoffs and play like your life depends upon it and win. Doesn't have to be pretty, the best, beautiful or perfect.

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Here's the thing...elite counts for squat. I don't want the team to be elite, I want them to grind out a SC win.

So I don't care if they're not on top or the best overall through the season....been there, done that. Counts for nothing.

Get into the playoffs and play like your life depends upon it and win. Doesn't have to be pretty, the best, beautiful or perfect.

This actually has a chance to happen this year. Sneak into the playoffs on a roll and who knows what happens. The Canucks actually do have a team that can grind it out. No glitter or glamour. Just ugly low scoring wins. I will take a chance at winning over worrying about when this team may be a top contender again.

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How Long will the retool rebuild take before the team is competing again with the elites? Top of the league?

I predict it'll be a 3 year turnaround when the Sedins are relegated to 2nd or third line and guys like horvat gaunce shink and maybe Jensen are more mature and experienced

I think your close with your three year prediction. That would be a pretty fast rebuild and can easily be done if gillis can move edler ad Kesler this off season for a good return... All I know is that when van is back as one of the best teams, and they make the final, they had better win it!! Not sure this province can handle another game seven loss

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IF: Aqua man can talk to the Sedins go to retired end of the season , and Gillis and Torts is fired,buy out Booth , trade Kesler , Edler,Burrows,Bieksa , and build with a good GM AND COACH , yessss , then 4 year and the Canucks can make a deep run again. If nothing , or just small change the is go up to 10-12 years

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I think with a couple additions this team is not far from where they were a few short years ago. I think next season will be a lot different than this one. I think this is an off year, an anomally of sorts.

Only thing I am a little worried about is goaltending. But teams like Detroit and Chicago that solid (not elite) goalies can be very sufficient in a cup run.

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Here's the thing...elite counts for squat. I don't want the team to be elite, I want them to grind out a SC win.

So I don't care if they're not on top or the best overall through the season....been there, done that. Counts for nothing.

Get into the playoffs and play like your life depends upon it and win. Doesn't have to be pretty, the best, beautiful or perfect.

Fair enough and I totally agree. To answer the OP, I think Vancouver will have a legitimate shot at contending for the SC in 2 years time.

Although I think that may get pushed back if Kesler gets traded.

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Depends on whatever MG's plan is which seems to be unknown. If he is trying to make a run with this core and doesn't shake up some of the pieces then probably 5-8 years at soonest.

If he is going to go the rebuild route and assuming he makes decent trades and has good scouting then probably 3-4 years.

If he goes retool and of course doesn't botch the trades and FA signings then 2 years.

And by elite I am just defining it as a playoff team that is dangerous even if not a favorite. Not a team that may sneak in the playoffs and be cannon fodder

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It all depends on our rookies, if horvat and fox can bring their games to the NHL and the Sedins rebound we could be elite as early as next season. I'm pretty excited to see a Kassian Horvat Fox/jensen line.

im crying

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A look at their 43 year history shows an almost perfect set of 8-10 years cycles of ascendency and decline. They entered the league in 1970/71, took 12 seasons to reach the finals in 1981/82, fell into decline until the early 1990s then reached the finals again in 93/94 (12 seasons after their first run), then fell into decline until the early 2000s when the "West Coast Express" era brought them to the conference semi-finals in 2002/03 before losing in 7 to the Wild, then the Bertuzzi debacle and relatively short rebuild leading to the cup finals loss to the Bruins in 2010/11.

I would argue that this cycle is going to be on the long side. The last shorter cycle, after the dismantling of the West Coast Express, had some significant differences from what we have today. The Sedins were already well established on the Canucks second line by the time Bertuzzi was traded and both Kesler and Burrows were already with the Canucks. We also got value for Bertuzzi, who was traded for Luongo. Compare this to what we have today. Luongo is traded for an underachieving 3rd liner and an unproven back-up goalie, Schneider traded for a draft pick who is not likely to have an impact for 3-4 years and our best playing prospect, Hodgson, traded for another underachiever in Kasian. There are no young players currently on the Canucks roster or in our farm system who compare to the Sedins, Burrows or Kesler and lets face it, while Lack is a nice kid who is playing his heart out, he is simply too raw and unproven in the NHL.

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It's my opinion the Canucks will never become an elite team until the management fiasco is straightened out. Gillis needs to be replaced, and the owner needs to stay out of things and stop sticking his oar in. I don't believe this will happen any time soon; and even if Gillis is fired it won't help any if the owner keeps on interfering with management decisions.

- by an elite team I really mean an elite organization. i.e. good ownership, management, scouting, player development, and players.

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I have a feeling that this team COULD have an elite year or two at the end of the Sedins tenure.

Ideally they twins will be a veteran pair of second/third liners replaced by a top 6 of youth. Suddenly we could have, for a short time, some amazing offensive depth overlapping the new with the old.

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