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[GDT] BUF - 03/23/14 - 5PM


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"Your so dumb" ?

It's "you're" by the way. You may want to check your grammar a little more carefully before you start throwing insults around.

Grammar Police!!!!!

Seriously dough , we all new wut he ment... (LoL)

Grammar is overrated my boo

Oh and

4-0 Van chowder





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Music? I'm sorry I don't consider what he comes out with as music.

Yeah the reason so many people buy his albums is because there are millions of mindless drones like yourself that will listen to what ever is aired on TV and radio 24/7.

A lot of people also buy crack, heroin or eat at McDonalds. Does that make it right or justified?

You sound about 14 so I'm not really going to argue with you.

Um not saying I like lil wayne (because I don't) but a ton of hockey players (including Canucks) listen to his music.

So basically you're calling Malhotra, Kesler, Ehrhoff, Clowe mindless drones?

Everyone has a different taste in everything, so no need to get all rattled about someones "music" preference.....

Unless they listen to more than 2 songs made by creed or nickelback

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Really should lose this one. Not going to make the playoffs and need to improve the draft pick.

However they are not going to lose to Buffalo. 4-1 Canucks.

It matters not one wit whether we draft 8th or 12th...well, not much really...

Only losers tank and lose games to other sub par teams 8-1 near the end of the season.

Go Canucks GO!

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