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Tortorella: Canucks Are Getting Old


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Yes and it's his fault. GMMG said he wanted to get younger. What does Torts do?

- Doesn't even give Shinkaruk and Horvat 9 games. Not saying keep them for sure, but at least give them a shot.

- Plays the "old players" 20-28 minutes per game, right from the get go.

- Plays Kassian < 12 minutes per game until the season was virtually over.

- Doesn't give Jensen a shot until the season is virtually over (even though he didn't deserve it really).

- Sent Corrado down for basically the whole season.


THIS....Torts has to go,, with him around Im afraid our young players will never get a shot.

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Agreed. I can read paraphrased quotes of what Torts said all day long here, I don't crappy Toronto media to spoon feed me their version. We already know more by virtue of being posters here. Call it what you want, everything Torts "said" is true, and I will not be upset if he sticks around...as long as he plays the Sedins with protected minutes and rolls 4 lines.

he never wanted to play the sedins those minutes in the first place, but had to in later stages of the game. People/the media are not very good about contextualizing stats.

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Whether it's a cop out or not, it's obviously true. Most of our best players are on the wrong side of 30 and their numbers are declining.. We've got a few good young players coming up but the new GM must make it a priority to bring in some good players under 25.

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These are the youngest teams in the NHL (26 years avg). There's only one playoff team in this group who barely squeaked in.
Canucks are 27.56 avg. The Sedins and Burrows are the oldest at 33 and the rest of the core group are in mid-late 20's. This isn't a very old team.
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get your facts straight

Torts played Kassian 12 minutes a game and he deserved that he was inconsistent all season

he played Kesler and the Sedins more because those were the only ones doing anything to start the season

Corrado didn't exactly light it up down in the AHL he was lucky to get a shot even now

Jensen didn't light it up until the last couple of months of the season then got called up he earned his spot

don't kid yourself thinking Gillis had any influence on how Torts coached this team

Other than possibly Kassian and the twins, I would think that Torts and Gillis were actually pretty much on the same page on how those players were used.

I would imagine that Gillis had hoped Torts would given Kassian more chances and more time in the top-six, if for no other reason than to help justify the Hodgson trade (and improve fan opinion and his reputation an a GM). But MG probably also hoped Kassian would have played well enough (and consistently so) to force his way up the roster. That didn't happen (at least for the majority of the season). At the same time, I would assume that Kassian's usage was discussed at length during the frequent coach-GM meetings (that both MG and Torts have said took place throughout the season) and that ultimately, Gillis left coaching decisions to the coaches.

Same goes for the twins. Gillis has openly suggested that he didn't really like the idea of using the twins as much as they were used (and in all the situations they were played) but ultimately, he left those decisions in the hands of his coaches (at least until that final presser).

As for Horvat and Shinkaruk, Torts himself stated that he and Gillis were on the same page with wanting those players to actually play full minutes and get the most development time possible. That meant them both going back to junior (unfortunately Shinkaruk got hurt). Both players were given a shot during camp/preseason, however, as they were auditioned with top players and in important roles, and they ended up being among the team's final roster cuts..

For Jensen, he was injured before the season even started so there was no way for him to earn a place in the Canucks' opening lineup. After he was healthy enough to play for Utica, he struggled for months to get his game on track. Even once he was scoring, Gillis said he felt Jensen needed more AHL seasoning and he was only called up after injuries created a need. Torts, meanwhile, wasn't even all that familiar with Jensen and was certainly not clamoring for him being added to the roster. Once Jensen arrived, however, he was given quality minutes with the Sedins (and also demoted, in Torts' usual fashion, when the coach felt he needed correction or "a push").

For Corrado, his Utica play wasn't poor but it wasn't much of a step forward either. He certainly wasn't dominating at the AHL level (which is what you'd hope for after he looked so good in his 2012-13 NHL debut). His first callup to the Canucks this season was very disappointing as he generally struggled and often looked lost and very far from ready for regular NHL duties. It was only during the last few games of his later callup that he looked like anything close to an NHL-level defenseman.

It's funny because people slag on both Gillis and Torts for not using the young players properly or "getting younger" as was the organization's public message to start the season. However, most of the prospects who weren't used either weren't ready or just weren't available for much of the season.

Those who were used, like Kassian, Tanev, Stanton, Jensen (and even guys like Dalpe, Schroeder, Welsh, Archibald, and Corrado) were actually given pretty good opportunities and, when earned, were allowed to advance to important roles in the lineup.

As for the question of depth, this season was always one where adding significant players would have been extremely difficult. The cap situation was extremely challenging and there weren't many surplus assets available to trade for good young talent.

IMHO, the youth movement and "re-tooling" was already well underway this year and would have expanded annually (even if Gillis stayed) as existing players developed and new talent was acquired (through the draft, trades/turnover, and with an improving cap situation). Similarly, I really believe that Torts would have used any young player he believed was an asset to his overall team approach and would give minutes to anyone, regardless of age/experience, that he felt would help the team win games.

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wow really dude???

this is all on torts? torts makes the decisions about where shinkaruk and horvat went? pretty sure he was in favor of horvat. torts sent corrado to farm, didnt call up jensen? perhaps you need to check the responsibilites of GM VS COACH.

seriously think the pansies that can't enjoy what torts says need to give their heads a shake. ive been saying it all along that we need Torts. he brings a major factor. HONESTY!!! i wanted the canucks to win the cup in 2011 as much as the next guy, but time to move on. read things in here, "bring lappy back" etc. canucks have changed and need to continue to change to be successful. kassian started to shine at the end of the season because he is finally developing into a nhl player.


Yes and it's his fault. GMMG said he wanted to get younger. What does Torts do?

- Doesn't even give Shinkaruk and Horvat 9 games. Not saying keep them for sure, but at least give them a shot.

- Plays the "old players" 20-28 minutes per game, right from the get go.

- Plays Kassian &lt; 12 minutes per game until the season was virtually over.

- Doesn't give Jensen a shot until the season is virtually over (even though he didn't deserve it really).

- Sent Corrado down for basically the whole season.


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Not the point of the thread. When the coach says it after a season where he is arguably a good deal responsible for the team at least not making it into the first round, is it a cop out that he said it in public?

Nope, it's the truth. The only person responsible for them not making the playoffs is Mike Gillis and he's gone.

Thank goodness Torts has the balls to come out and say it because the core players are spouting off their usual nonsense about still being good enough.

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These are the youngest teams in the NHL (26 years avg). There's only one playoff team in this group who barely squeaked in.










Canucks are 27.56 avg. The Sedins and Burrows are the oldest at 33 and the rest of the core group are in mid-late 20's. This isn't a very old team.

Old core

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Nope, it's the truth. The only person responsible for them not making the playoffs is Mike Gillis and he's gone.

Thank goodness Torts has the balls to come out and say it because the core players are spouting off their usual nonsense about still being good enough.

Agreed about the Torts thing. The 'core' are still saying they are good enough, they ain't! There's no way if I'm Linden I would ask the players what they think either.

He's paid to make a decision,make it and move on. I would keep Torts for another year.

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Yes and it's his fault. GMMG said he wanted to get younger. What does Torts do?

- Doesn't even give Shinkaruk and Horvat 9 games. Not saying keep them for sure, but at least give them a shot.

- Plays the "old players" 20-28 minutes per game, right from the get go.

- Plays Kassian < 12 minutes per game until the season was virtually over.

- Doesn't give Jensen a shot until the season is virtually over (even though he didn't deserve it really).

- Sent Corrado down for basically the whole season.


You shouldn't post here anymore if you don't understand the simplest of roles the coach and GM play.

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he never wanted to play the sedins those minutes in the first place, but had to in later stages of the game. People/the media are not very good about contextualizing stats.

Either that or they're really good at contextualizing stats to their advantage. They routinely work the stats backwards to fit in any scenario that fits the topic du jour. I disagree a little though, I don't think Torts did have to play them in those minutes, I think he did because the Sedins wanted to prove they could and he believed in them. They better be playing a more protected role next year. I don't blame the Sedins either, it was just a really f'd up year. I will not be upset if Torts stays or goes, but there needs to be changes in both roster and style.

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Are you kidding me? The coach obviously has a say on it, even though it's the GM who pulls the trigger.

The coach does not pick the roster, he decides which roster players play. In many cases the coach has say, look no further than Patrick Roy in COL, but in the case of Torts and Gillis, it is pretty clear from the banter before Gillis' exit that they weren't seeing eye to eye....even with a milk crate.

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He said that the team was "stale" I think he is bang on in that. It was noticeable last season and again right from the start this season.

Injecting some youth and enthusiasm is exactly what we should do. Don't think Tortorella is going to be around to see it though IMHO.

Have a guy under 25 on each line and two young guys in the top 6 defence.... enough spark the shake up the whole roster.

We have many possibilities next year for guys to slip into various spots... Jensen, Kassian, Horvat, Gaunce, Lain, Corrado, Tanev, The return for any of our veterans who are moved (at leasst two of Kesler, Edler, Burrows, Booth, and Hansen are probably the most likely candidates).... also whomever we pick up as our 1st rounder should get every look at making the squad next season.

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There is a reason the players were saying it was them

There is a reason the leadership group stood behind torts

For me I was on the fence with him until I saw that interview

For anyone who UNDERSTANDS COACHING - those that do will understand what kind of a hell of a coach we have there

That man gets it...and his players need to play and he needs depth

Do not fire Tortarella - you'd really need to understand coaching to get my point.

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