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Chinese-only sign reignites language debate in Richmond, B.C.


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Why would it be unfortunate to live in Abu Dhabi? The place is amazing lol I'm guessing you think anything related to "Arabic" must be some old poverty driven hellhole. Lived in Dubai for quite a bit and never felt more alive.

Million degree outside. Not exactly a lot of women wearing summer dresses despite the heat. One of the few places in that part of the world where you could get a beer but still not good enough to me.

To each his own but for me it would be unfortunate to live in Abu Dhabi. Better than Saudi that's for sure but still not my cup of tea.

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Million degree outside. Not exactly a lot of women wearing summer dresses despite the heat. One of the few places in that part of the world where you could get a beer but still not good enough to me.

To each his own but for me it would be unfortunate to live in Abu Dhabi. Better than Saudi that's for sure but still not my cup of tea.

Their are certain places in the UAE that allow minskirts, bathing suits etc but if you really need half naked woman and a ton of alcohol to have fun then something's wrong lol. Although I agree better then Saudi Arabia but UAE is much better then most North American cities I've been to IMO besides the heat the place is awesome.

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Their are certain places in the UAE that allow minskirts, bathing suits etc but if you really need half naked woman and a ton of alcohol to have fun then something's wrong lol. Although I agree better then Saudi Arabia but UAE is much better then most North American cities I've been to IMO besides the heat the place is awesome.

Sure I admit that it's a shoppers paradise for example. But I call the mall the em ee double hockey sticks for a reason, it's my form of hell.

I have no trouble believing that some people would think it awesome, just as you probably are aware that some people think sexy women and tons of beer are awesome.

Like I said, it's just not my cup of tea, which as it happens, is ideally and ice cold beer.

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They didn't move to your country. They moved to THEIR new country, is what I meant.

Regardless, for the record, I truly believe that, ideally, new immigrants should learn the language and the culture to the best of their abilities, but only because it is for their own good:

1) They will have far better economic opportunities

2) They will have far more social opportunities

3) They will have a far better selection of potential life mates... On that note, while some white guys don't mind dating FOTB girls (something I can never understand, personally), white girls do not date FOTB guys. They just don't. Period. The non-white guys I know who date white girls are pretty much for all intends and purposes white guys.

But if they choose not to it's their problem, not anyone else's.

Actually you would be surprised. I have seen many FOTB students with white girls at university. I think they like accent I don't know lol, but most of the FOTB students I have met are mega rich.. I guess there's nothing more enticing for a starving college student then being with someone with money..

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Actually you would be surprised. I have seen many FOTB students with white girls at university. I think they like accent I don't know lol, but most of the FOTB students I have met are mega rich.. I guess there's nothing more enticing for a starving college student then being with someone with money..

Try living in the US, especially in California like I did for a while, and being around so many of these Hollywood-stricken women -- I met countless beautiful thin women who were so self-conscious they didn't want to screw in daylight. When I came back to Canada I realized that the women here were more like European women than American. Far more personality, far less Hollywood-esque susceptibility.

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As far as I'm concerned Canada should be a melting pot. That means all walks of life are blended into a distinct, 'Canadian' culture. Not separated and maintained as little pockets of different cultures. That only creates a schism.

But Canada isn't a melting pot like US. Canada is considered a cultural mosaic. Its what separates us from our neighbours to the south and what makes us truly unique. It is also why a lot of different nationalities like Canada or want to immigrate into Canada instead of going to US. Why would you want to change that?

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But Canada isn't a melting pot like US. Canada is considered a cultural mosaic. Its what separates us from our neighbours to the south and what makes us truly unique. It is also why a lot of different nationalities like Canada or want to immigrate into Canada instead of going to US. Why would you want to change that?

You've been on fire today..

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I understand that they don't follow that philosophy when they move here. Which is I'm complaining about it. I wouldn't move to China and not learn the language and expect to turn it into little Canada.

Well, that is the difference between Canada and China. One is a democratic country with free speech, religious freedom and cultural mosaic while the other is a communist country with a horrible human rights record.

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But Canada isn't a melting pot like US. Canada is considered a cultural mosaic. Its what separates us from our neighbours to the south and what makes us truly unique. It is also why a lot of different nationalities like Canada or want to immigrate into Canada instead of going to US. Why would you want to change that?

In what way is Canada any different than the US in this regard, other than the named gimmick for cultural/ethnic diversity?

I see nearly identical situations.

I see a moderate amount of foreign population that comes to these westernized countries to benefit from the freedoms allowed here and the better chances of individual prosperity. Then I see an even larger population that deliberately segregate themselves according to racial/ethnic based criteria. If this criteria was used by those who are white, it would be called racist, and there'd be some major tantrum throwing about it.

Then, much like in California in the time span I lived there, you see them not wanting to partake anymore in the two-way street of assimilation, instead demanding things be the way it was in the crap hole they left.

It's up to both Canada and the US to remember that while the open doors are part of what makes their country great, especially immigrants who actually want to be part of the society they move to instead of some separate clique with special rules, they can't completely bend over to the will of foreigners. The biggest mistake that a rather large handful of foreigners coming to westernized countries make, which I've experienced first hand with Chinese in-laws, is they think that white people are cultureless, and by default should adopt whatever strong-willed foreign culture comes to usurp the way things are done. Rightfully, they deserve a rather large smack upside the head and a reminder.

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In what way is Canada any different than the US in this regard, other than the named gimmick for cultural/ethnic diversity?

I see nearly identical situations.

I see a moderate amount of foreign population that comes to these westernized countries to benefit from the freedoms allowed here and the better chances of individual prosperity. Then I see an even larger population that deliberately segregate themselves according to racial/ethnic based criteria. If this criteria was used by those who are white, it would be called racist, and there'd be some major tantrum throwing about it.

Then, much like in California, you see them not wanting to partake anymore in the two-way street of assimilation, instead demanding things be the way it was in the crap hole they left.

It's up to both Canada and the US to remember that while the open doors are part of what makes their country great, especially immigrants who actually want to be part of the society they move to instead of some separate clique with special rules, they can't completely bend over to the will of foreigners.

The biggest difference I see is actually the language being spoken in public. Most minorities and even refugees in America try to assimilate and learn the English language. Most people that go to US want to live the "American dream". While in Canada, you can be in the skytrain and listen to many different languages spoken. Also, accommodations are made for religious people at workplace whenever they want to do their prayer or rituals (muslims have to pray 5 times/day). Sikhs are given the right to wear their turbans as police officers.


do you see this much leeway in American society?

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The biggest difference I see is actually the language being spoken in public. Most minorities and even refugees in America try to assimilate and learn the English language. Most people that go to US want to live the "American dream". While in Canada, you can be in the skytrain and listen to many different languages spoken. Also, accommodations are made for religious people at workplace whenever they want to do their prayer or rituals (muslims have to pray 5 times/day). Sikhs are given the right to wear their turbans as police officers.


do you see this much leeway in American society?

Yes I do.

When I lived in the US, one of the places I worked for was Google, and they had people like that working security, and even police officers in the Bay Area, who looked like that. There was plenty of Muslims and Sikh's, all bundled up in segregated portions.

Religious accommodations are often made in the US for people of different faiths.

Canadians and Americans are largely tolerant of others, despite the caricatures you see in the media (from a population that is ten times our size).

And they both have the same problem of a growing population of foreigners who want to reap all the benefits of living in a country like these two, yet don't want to do their part in assimilating. They have this presumption that the openness of Canada and the US means we're all cultureless, and spineless, and are just waiting for a more strongly willed culture to come tell us how to do things. The slippery slope was experienced in California where a perceived harmless minority started off by segregating themselves, then as they became vastly more populous, and largely usurped the local culture refusing to assimilate themselves, they successfully had the changes made to fit their culture without any regard for the mentality that allowed them to come in the first place.

This is ultimately the fate of both US and Canada, so long as culturally weak Canadians and Americans make policies and don't stand up for them. Hence why Canadian laws on language must be strongly enforced, and perhaps even expanded.

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Exactly. Which is why I have no problem walking into the Asian mall and asking where I can get a hamburger. If they give me a weird look so what? Just keep asking until you find someone that can speak English.

This works best when not in Canada FYI.

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assimilate or go home .. simple as that ..

People really need to get over this petty stuff. I mean a different language on an ad, OH MY GOD...

We are living in the 21st century, its 2014 and the slavery days are over. We live in a global community. Canada and America are the Western models of multicultural society but it isn't just those two countries. You have Britain, some African countries and even some Arab countries like UAE, China that is starting to accept people of different cultures and race. Those countries also have English in most of their signages. Should they also eradicate the English language (that isn't their official language) in favour of their official and native language? No, because that will take away from global communication, global tourism and more importantly global business. Its the same idea in Canada and we should not just have our only official language on signs or ads.

Assimilation goes against diversity and it goes against multiculturalism. People migrate here due to their freedom of religion, speech and freedom to do what they want without persecution. What you want goes against the rights and freedoms that we have in Canada.

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Exactly. Which is why I have no problem walking into the Asian mall and asking where I can get a hamburger. If they give me a weird look so what? Just keep asking until you find someone that can speak English.

This works best when not in Canada FYI.

The beauty of this is the fact that you don't need to step out of Canada to visit China or Asia. Its right here and we have access to it.

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But Canada isn't a melting pot like US. Canada is considered a cultural mosaic. Its what separates us from our neighbours to the south and what makes us truly unique. It is also why a lot of different nationalities like Canada or want to immigrate into Canada instead of going to US. Why would you want to change that?

Canada's cultural mosaic is just as much a figment of the Canadian national identity as the American melting pot is. There's entire industries in the states that are dominated by racial group X, and there's people that are almost FOB with English as a second language that you couldn't get to speak in their original language if you forced them.

Before the second world war ended and they decided to forcibly displace all the little pockets of communities that had been living in other countries speaking and living as they did back at home, there were areas that acted that way for centuries. This isn't exactly a new phenomena going on in Richmond or Surrey......

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I just realized after all this time that your username is a Russian male porn star... lol I always assumed it was your name and Darcy Hordichuk was the display pic.. and yes carry on the debate.. Sorry for the distraction

I figured the mods would frown upon "dongcopter pirate", so I had to use his "other" name. :lol:

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