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Mafia: Uomini di Onore


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Well, I was going to make a case for myself, but I'm too tired now from work and I'm going to lay down and watch the SJS/LAK game, probably fall asleep with it.

Enjoy your nightfall folks, you're in for a treat.

Remember to take your last words at least?

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SK kill CA please. End the Vigilantes tenure. That would be a wise move for you. I'm the Lackey and obviously after getting lynched tonight, the Vigilante will run free once more and get his kill through tonight. I don't know why I came up "Mafia", but I imagine someone bluffed or some special power came through and made it so I turn up Mafia on investigation. Either way, doesn't matter.

The point is, you wouldn't want to have both the Mafia and Vigilante possibly hit you no? CA likely doesn't have the medkit tonight, but we won't be targeting him. SK, you shouldn't be doing us any favours, but this will do yourself a tremendous one in assuring you have a better chance of winning and increase your survival rate.

By the way, my nap was great.

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SK kill CA please. End the Vigilantes tenure. That would be a wise move for you. I'm the Lackey and obviously after getting lynched tonight, the Vigilante will run free once more and get his kill through tonight. I don't know why I came up "Mafia", but I imagine someone bluffed or some special power came through and made it so I turn up Mafia on investigation. Either way, doesn't matter.

The point is, you wouldn't want to have both the Mafia and Vigilante possibly hit you no? CA likely doesn't have the medkit tonight, but we won't be targeting him. SK, you shouldn't be doing us any favours, but this will do yourself a tremendous one in assuring you have a better chance of winning and increase your survival rate.

By the way, my nap was great.

Lackey comes up TP no? How could you have come up mafia if you were the lackey?

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Lackey comes up TP no? How could you have come up mafia if you were the lackey?

I don't know? The Sheriff bluffing has been a reoccurring theme lately, just last game KH BS'd and got G_bassi killed who was our Kingpin. It's not out of the question to think more BSing happened this game. I've told people to do it in the past too. It's nothing new.

I decided to come out now to plead to the SK, there's no saving me anyways.

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SK kill CA please. End the Vigilantes tenure. That would be a wise move for you. I'm the Lackey and obviously after getting lynched tonight, the Vigilante will run free once more and get his kill through tonight. I don't know why I came up "Mafia", but I imagine someone bluffed or some special power came through and made it so I turn up Mafia on investigation. Either way, doesn't matter.

The point is, you wouldn't want to have both the Mafia and Vigilante possibly hit you no? CA likely doesn't have the medkit tonight, but we won't be targeting him. SK, you shouldn't be doing us any favours, but this will do yourself a tremendous one in assuring you have a better chance of winning and increase your survival rate.

By the way, my nap was great.

You're not the lackey.
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You're not the lackey.

I most certainly am, and @Otis, no I didn't start with the Mafia, I blocked them in round one. Why would I start with the Mafia and then block my own team :lol:

Like I said, you're all in for an interesting nightfall. SK, I'm almost 100% sure CA doesn't have the Med-Kit, do yourself a favour and kill him.

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Also FWIW SK, since the Lackey is going to die tonight and the KP is already dead, you're pretty much in the clear of being found out by those means (Getting your kill blocked/investigated), so at this point, it would be a wise decision to take out one of the last issues you have other than the Mafia, which is the Vigilante.

They've already nailed another Mafia tonight.

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