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Mafia the Spanish Main Game over Mutineers win


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Day two was easier going for everyone the jungle slowly gave way to much steeper clear terrain. The crew broke for lunch on an rocky outcropping overlooking the south part of the island. Big Mike was getting very sullen and began to go quiet not even lending his voice to any of the discussion regarding the mutineers. Finally PPCLI had enough and took Big Mike to the edge there he trust his cutlass deep into his chest and spilt his guts on the ledge before kicking him off the edge. Big Mike fell 100 feet down onto the jagged rocks below.

That afternoon all anyone could talk about was who might be a mutineer. Finally as night began to fall they had reached a consensus on who should die. They had unanimously voted for King Heffy to walk the plank. PPCLI had the plank brought out and secured to the cliff face. King Heffy walked to the place of his death cursing the names of everyone he could. At last he accepted the inevitable and turned around flipped PPCLI off and did a perfect backflip laughing all the way down.

The mutineers where starting to feel the heat glad at least that they had gotten rid of Aladeen last night they decided to try their luck again. They grabbed Luciferase during the night and dragged her off into the night. The next morning she was found Impaled outside the camp with a warning carved on the rock near her. “ Beware ye scurvy dogs we be the mutineers an we be leavin no loyal pirate alive “

The SK attempted to murderize Intoewsables but luckily for Toews he had a magical kit to protect him.

The Vigilante had enough of Peaches running around yelling about his gut feelings. Thinking that he might have been turned by the mutineers in an attempt to sew discourse the vig decided to pay Peaches a little visit. He crept up on Peaches tent and drew his knife ready to strike. Peaches heard the vig approach but was too slow to react as the vigilante’s aim was true and peaches died with a throwing knife in his back

God killed Big Mike -TP

Lynched King Heffy - Mutineer

Mafia killed Luciferase - unknown

Vig killed Peaches - TP

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It's really tough to throw out names without knowing if there are discrepancies in people's stories for their roles. That's the most important thing right now, and most of us are in the dark.

There is something to discuss and it's a little worrying that this seems to keep being avoided: one of VIC, Il Duce and WW being a mafia. After two rounds there is plenty of material to look back on.

IMO you and WW are the two most suspicious of the three as Il Duce seems to be keeping his cards pretty close to his chest, would be nice to hear what the Duke thinks. I do think that since Burr was TP, WW as the remaining vote negator may be mafia if PPCLI did split the vote roles.

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There is something to discuss and it's a little worrying that this seems to keep being avoided: one of VIC, Il Duce and WW being a mafia. After two rounds there is plenty of material to look back on.

IMO you and WW are the two most suspicious of the three as Il Duce seems to be keeping his cards pretty close to his chest, would be nice to hear what the Duke thinks. I do think that since Burr was TP, WW as the remaining vote negator may be mafia if PPCLI did split the vote roles.

I know there are things to discuss. I was just pointing out why it's probably been so quiet. That and the discussion going on via PM.

Yup, there is that. I'm not sure why you'd think it's been continually avoided, though. It's probably gotten the most discussion out of anything in the thread. WW would probably be a good bet for an investigation, although he has been non-anonymous for the whole game, as far as I can tell.

Also, why would him keeping his cards close to his chest work in his favour in terms of suspicion?

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I know there are things to discuss. I was just pointing out why it's probably been so quiet. That and the discussion going on via PM.

Yup, there is that. I'm not sure why you'd think it's been continually avoided, though. It's probably gotten the most discussion out of anything in the thread. WW would probably be a good bet for an investigation, although he has been non-anonymous for the whole game, as far as I can tell.

Also, why would him keeping his cards close to his chest work in his favour in terms of suspicion?

Poorly worded, I basically meant to say that he hasn't rang any alarm bells for me and it would be nice to have his input.

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Poorly worded, I basically meant to say that he hasn't rang any alarm bells for me and it would be nice to have his input.

A musical interlude while we wait...


'cause me pirate talk ain't up to snuff. Yarr.

I would like to hear what Ilduce has to say also.

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I haven't heard anything from the sheriff today, but we may as well get some good discussion going.

I collected suspicion lists from a number of players last round, and the two names that showed up most frequently were Kesler and otherwise (KH was one name that showed up on most as well btw). Coincidentally, both of these players are claiming to be trackers but have provided different role names. Even if there are two trackers in the game with different names, would both of them be TP?

I'm not sure which of the two I find more suspicious so I'm probably going to wait and see what others have to say before I place a vote one way or the other.

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I haven't heard anything from the sheriff today, but we may as well get some good discussion going.

I collected suspicion lists from a number of players last round, and the two names that showed up most frequently were Kesler and otherwise (KH was one name that showed up on most as well btw). Coincidentally, both of these players are claiming to be trackers but have provided different role names. Even if there are two trackers in the game with different names, would both of them be TP?

I'm not sure which of the two I find more suspicious so I'm probably going to wait and see what others have to say before I place a vote one way or the other.

If the vig is alive and in contact with you, vig kill one and lynch the other?

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