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[Mafia] Tradurre - Game Over

Master 112

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I regrettably come bearing sad news regarding my good friend PPCLI

This was posted on a forum that both me and PPCLI frequent.

``It is with a heavy heart that I pass on the news that Forum moderator Srgt Canuck (PPCLI) has been involved in a serious car accident. He is in critical condition having suffered serious burns to his arms , serious smoke inhalation and several other undisclosed injuries. At this time we understand that it is unsure whether or not he will be able to make a full recovery.

We will keep you updated as soon as we hear anything. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Peter and his family in this difficult time.

The GMIC Moderating team ``

I contacted PPCLI`s grandfather who lives in the same are as me and he confirmed this.

If I hear anything I will let you guys know as I know he has several good friends here.

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