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3 hours ago, g_bassi13 said:

I mean it got to the point where Boxing Day sales for not only PC, but console games were outshining them.

Like I said, AAA games were just one thing, but the minute after the sale ended, there were at least 6 items that did one of three things. They went on sale for the same price they were on the winter sale, they went for cheaper than they were on the winter sale, or they went on sale despite not being on sale at all during the winter sale. 

It is a problem with the size of their userbase right now, so it's pretty much like I said, they don't have to try to convince anyone to come to these sales and use Steam anymore. Now that the people are here, they can begin to repeal what brought them there, because those people aren't leaving.



On a different note, there's a humble bundle out there for FMV games, for those that have nostalgia for such things (based on the way that new FMV games are fairly quietly received, and how multiple FMV reboot kickstarters have failed, not many). But There's a couple of decent new games, and a couple of classic ones available. It's bizarre, because all of the classic games are stuck to DRM in Steam form. yet the newer ones are for whatever reason DRM-free on GOG. It's supposed to be the other way around, but whatever. 

Her Story itself seems like a decent enough reason to get it for me, so tossing in everything else (like every Tex Murphy game) makes it likely easily worth the while.


It's $5 US though, so with how much the CAD keeps dropping that's getting less and less appealing, lol (it's almost an extra 50% at this point). 

Her Story seems like an amazing concept for a game.

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20 hours ago, DollarAndADream said:

Her Story seems like an amazing concept for a game.

It really does. The reception to the game seems to indicate that their execution worked as well.

FMV as a style seems to largely be for nostalgic pop nowadays. This makes sense as FMV was all largely about putting the most realistic thing on the screen in the 90's, and the ability of game generated graphics have long since been realistic enough that all the limitations of FMV have made it an expensive and constrictive thing to base a game on, or any form of modified video or imagery for that manner.

The new Tex Murphy is one of those nostalgic games, even if I love that it's allowed to exist. 

But at the same time, there were some creative games that came out which crafted an experience out of the uniqueness you get from having acting performances on the screen. Her Story seems to be one that's entire mechanic is about decoding that performance.

I would love, love to see more games that utilized FMV in the same way. It would make a decent sub-genre of games.

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Just a PSA. That's a link to a game called "Bionic Dues", being given away for free for the next day on the Humble Bundle store. All I know is that it's a mech-based turn-based strategy game, in a top-down perspective. Can't think of any clean way to describe it, as I haven't started playing it yet.

I don't know if you'll like it, or if I'll like it, but free is free (for the next day, at least). They give you a Steam Key, and a link to a DRM Free download option as well.

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On a separate note though, Warner Bros can go to hell. Or can continue to go to hell. In a year where Batman Arkham Knight stunk up the place, Mortal Kombat X is still in solid contention for the worst PC port of 2015 I've played.

After the release where they left 95% or whatever the hell it was off of the disc and left a mandatory 35 GB download to those who needed to avoid it, and put a buggy, unoptimized game, with basic graphic and operating glitches and lag, with broken online play... You'd think they'd work their way towards fixing it. But it's pretty much left as is. That doesn't even include the cross platorm basic complaints of withheld day one DLC, and some other general issues that they held most people to.

The next Mortal Kombat XL "edition", complete with the optimization and modification to run the 2nd DLC pack won't even be coming to PC. Which means on top of them not fixing the game, they won't be releasing the 2nd run of DLC characters on PC at all. I don't know what that means for people who decided to buy the Season Pass already (as I know it had one), but someone who has can maybe fill me in on what that will mean.

These guys clearly don't give one $&!# about their customers. They've essentially dropped support for a full priced AAA game half a year after its release, while continuing it for console customers, they've shunned a group who put their money into the product. They probably looked at the games activity levels, saw that not enough people were playing it, and after too many people had likely moved on from playing the buggy game, decided it wasn't worth their money to continue supporting it. That's what's garbage right there. There's supposed to be an obligation to continue.

All I know is that I feel like an idiot for buying the game for PC. 0/2 with Warner Bros in a really bad way last year. They haven't made any apology for Mortal Kombat X, and the apologies for Arkham Knight were useless.

They offer refunds, but only to those who directly purchased the game on Steam, with no way to get refunds for most (all?), 3rd party retailers, including amazon from where I purchased it (who usually bend over backwards in customer support to accommodate complaints, but gave a simple "no" for a request like this, because it's not as if they've even been approached by Warner Bros about a refun process.) The game's on Steam as DRM, so it's forever stuck on Steam for people like myself, sold a broken game.

Then for an apology, they add decide they're going to add the other Arkham games to people's accounts automatically, if they still own Arkham Knight. While it's nice in that they didn't have to do it, it's really not the grand gesture they make it out to be. It's calculated, and empty. The way Steam works is, that if a game is being automatically added, it's only done so if the person doesn't already own the game, otherwise nothing happens. And if it does end up end that library, it's again non-transferable to a friend, because again, it's Steam. The major issue there is that there's obviously a massive crossover of people who already own Arkham City and Asylum, if they're playing Knight. Maybe more would not have Arkham Origins, but to go backwards and play that game, is a case where you're leaving Knight and its progressions to play a very mediocre Arkham City Expansion. Easy to give away things when they're already redundant, or inconsiquental.

If it were a real apology there would be a mechanism for a choice in a small list of other WB games, or the such. What they did was the easy PR route that does nothing to cut into their potential revenue.

Sucks that any company would do this, but the worst part is that they're ruining fundamentally good games in the process. Like getting these games for PS4 would be comparatively issue free experience of what are fun plays. But there has to be a massive warning siren beside WB game releases for PC in the future. I have zero faith in them. 

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On another seperate not though, XCOM 2 is coming out in 2 weeks. That's going to be the next major Time sink for me in gaming. I've avoided listening into the changes and advances in the game, because I'd rather see it all for myself, but I'm going to likely have a lot to write about when it does hit the shelves. Hopefully largely positive things, as I had to say about the first XCOM game (in this rebooted series).

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4 hours ago, Rush17 said:

Part prices sure have gone up.  Eek. Have half my parts for my new rig but am seeing prices increasing lol.

about a $100 increase on the remaining few parts I need. Pretty high end system though to be fair.

It sucks, but not surprising really. They are quick to raise prices when the dollar is tanking, but slow when things are going the other way.

I'm glad I did my major upgrades last year. I kind of anticipated this happening.

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22 hours ago, Rush17 said:

Part prices sure have gone up.  Eek. Have half my parts for my new rig but am seeing prices increasing lol.

about a $100 increase on the remaining few parts I need. Pretty high end system though to be fair.

Truthfully I was more annoyed at Windows 10 costing $170 after tax.

New rig is finally done, tho. Went from an X4 and a GTX 560 to an I5-4460 and a GTX 970. Feels good, man.

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9 hours ago, DollarAndADream said:

XCOM2? I still need to get XCOM 1.

I don't think it's necessary. It would probably make the gameplay easier to adjust to, but that's about all I can think about. The plot progression seems to be along the lines of you safely assuming you saved the world at the end the last game, to this game saying "lol no." The game itself going from end of humanity apocalypse themed, to more espionage based.

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I've been playing a demo for a game called "World's Dawn" slowly over the last few days, after hearing about it recently. It's a farming simulator game that happened to come out just today, and I've honestly been a bit excited about it, what with the complete dearth of proper games in the genre, especially for PC on the whole, and in all general gaming of late.

It's a pretty solid experience, for a demo. Like to the point where I might just straight up buy the game at release, which isn't a thing that I do on Steam. For someone who really likes Harvest Moon, and doesn't mind playing a game based on the RPG Maker Engine, it's a pleasant game.

After the people who made the game "Wild Season" completely botched their game following their kickstarter and prolonged early access, it's nice to see something in the genre from someone else that actually works. Wild Season seemed to be reason #542 to avoid early access without being certain of what you're walking into (not that I actually bought it myself.)


So yeah, take a look at World's Dawn, if farming simulators are your thing. It has most of the right ideas, and if it continues at this pace, might be better than actual Harvest Moon games.

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On 1/23/2016 at 9:48 AM, Templeton Peck said:

It sucks, but not surprising really. They are quick to raise prices when the dollar is tanking, but slow when things are going the other way.

I'm glad I did my major upgrades last year. I kind of anticipated this happening.

The key is getting them wholesale. I can get high end computer parts for like half price. Pretty legit.

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If I'm in the wrong thread for this, I'm sorry. I was hoping someone might be able to provide some tech support for my gaming rig.

When I hit the power button, nothing happens. No fans, lights, nothing at all. I replaced my PSU yesterday but the problem persisted. My motherboard and CPU are less than 3 weeks old, and I've been monitoring the temperatures under load to ensure I've installed them correctly. They have stayed at acceptable levels. I have tried plugging into multiple sources (power bars, directly into the wall) and I have triple checked my cables to make sure everything is plugged in properly and in the appropriate place.

Frankly, I'm at a loss and starting to miss my games. If any of you have suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated.

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1 hour ago, Bigturk8 said:

If I'm in the wrong thread for this, I'm sorry. I was hoping someone might be able to provide some tech support for my gaming rig.

When I hit the power button, nothing happens. No fans, lights, nothing at all. I replaced my PSU yesterday but the problem persisted. My motherboard and CPU are less than 3 weeks old, and I've been monitoring the temperatures under load to ensure I've installed them correctly. They have stayed at acceptable levels. I have tried plugging into multiple sources (power bars, directly into the wall) and I have triple checked my cables to make sure everything is plugged in properly and in the appropriate place.

Frankly, I'm at a loss and starting to miss my games. If any of you have suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated.

Hardware is totally not my specialty; However, it really still sounds like something isn't plugged in all the way, or plugged in properly, - but considering you say you've gone over that multiple times; perhaps the power supply is faulty? Can you test the voltage? If everything is compatible/working and you are 100% sure about the cables, you should at least be getting a boot up. :\ Is the cable heavy enough for the new power supply load? did you forget to swap to the new PSU cable or something? - I'm really stretching for an answer for ya here, this one sounds weird.

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Check the connections between the MOBO and the front end panel on the case. The power button connection in particular may be loose. 

Also, check the CPU fan. If it's not connected properly nothing will happen. It may have popped loose. 

If that doesn't work there's a nice step by step guide here:


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