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Jake Virtanen | #18 | RW


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he can play for us OR the comets if calgary is eliminated tomorrow... it's VERY unlikely he does for either one, though.

Finding it interesting that Bennett was called up, and there's even talk of Ehlers being called up, even though neither are ready imho. Not sure if either will play a game unless his team is out of playoff contention though. You wanna talk risky.
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Hansen holds that line together, putting Virtanen there would be a recipe for disaster. I have noticed the line having a lot of trouble lately, spending much more time in there own zone and chalking up more minus ratings along the way.

Not that it's hard to point out minuses in back-to-back losses, this doesn't compute too well... 'Hansen's holding the line together, but his line is having a lot of trouble lately, but keep him in there.' Whut?

Anyway, there's no point in speculating lineups until the time comes. (To me it's the Vey line that needs looking at first.)

Edited by TOMapleLaughs
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Right. And my point was not to suggest that you were saying that he'd outproduce Petan or Merkley, but that he would not be in the same realm as other top performers around the league if he played top performer minutes like the others (just bringing another point of view in interpreting those numbers)

As you point out, consistency is what you are concerned about (pretty much everyone in this thread, for that matter), and it may have been what the Hitmen staff were concerned about as well - one simply could not rely on Virtanen to be the offensive engine of the team game in and game out this season.

It makes me wonder whether it really is the case that Jake "did well given his circumstances," or "his circumstances" (not playing top performer minutes with top linemates) were brought on as a result of his inconsistent play and the coach not being able to trust Jake to bring it every night because he just didn't know which Jake was going to show on any given night

I think we're on the same page here. But I guess I'll (re)iterate my intent when I posted the original post.

I guess I shouldn't have brought up Petan or Merkley and their respective icetimes -- that probably threw my point off. I'm also not talking about what he "deserved to get" or his game-to-game consistency.

The only thing I meant to emphasize was that over a fairly large sample size (884 minutes played) he produced at a good p/60 clip. I'm not sure how you could say any different. Would he produce at the same clip over more minutes? Likely not, and I don't care. I'm not concerned with what he could/couldn't do with more/less icetime. I'm only concerned with what he DID do with what he DID get... and he did alright.

His ability to even those points out over a consistent game-to-game basis is another matter completely.

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Guest Dasein

nice swarm by Calgary, 1-0 Hitmen

Burke's out so backup goalie Shields in net and Dumba's little brother is on the bench

shots are 5-0 Hitmen

Man I just looked him up


I hope he has another growth spurt in him for his sake

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Kootenay literally can't do anything lol. Makes you wonder how this went to game 7

That's easy, the coach is no good. Same crap as the line juggling with Virtanen, lazy lines after goals setting up for a 2spot, and some of the systems he set up. Luckily he cleaned up a bit mid season, and got some help, as the Hitmen were looking like absolute crap in the front end.

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Now that is why there is nothing to worry about with Jake. No goals in the series, he could have tried to get the goal on the 2-0 with Helgesen, but feeds is back and gets another assist.

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