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The Worst Thing About the Canucks...


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You could have posted this in one of the other "Canuck fans are the problem" threads.

But which one, there are so many?

It hasn't ever changed anything to date, no reason to think yet another thread will do so now.

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The worst thing about this team isn't the fans, but the downright polarity between the groups of fans.

Some see how weak and soft the team is and complain about that, but still want the team to build with more weak and soft players when they're dazzled by one dimensional skill.

Some would prefer we'd sacrifice some one-dimensional skill in favour of some grit and 2-way play.

Both groups are pretty hard-headed about this and completely forget that there's only one goal, and only one team that matters.

Go Canucks Go!

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I've seen this as well and just try to shrug it off but it still sucks seeing how childish and self centered a lot of posters are

True, especially posts like this:

Benning (Longtime scout) >>>>>> Butthurt fans

I'm siding with the guy that knows what he's doing.

Way to many posters fanning the flames by just calling people that dissagree with them stupidheads.

OP: if you want a better board then they are also your enemy. Branch out if you are trying to save everyone. Plenty of silly to go around no matter your stance.

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The trick here is to understand that the board is not a single person. Yep, some people were allover Torts when he was hired. Those posters were not calling for his head later. That was a different group made up of those that never wanted him in the first place. Some posters get louder when the situation changes because their time has come. Nothing else.

Sure it would be quieter if we all just thought alike but the board would be dead in a few weeks.

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I agree! I am too excited for a fresh new look and sick of band wagoners jumping off the deep end each move that is/isn't made.

I feel @ ease with job and look for what's next!a true fan is there through thick and thin!

Maybe, but I hope none of the posters that claim being critical of moves is just being butthurt and bandwagoning were critical about Bennings predecessors. That would be hypocritical.

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All I get from the OP's post is that "I don't like people who blindly love what Canucks management does the way I do".

Whats wrong with being a Canucks fan but not a hockey fan? Why does being a Canucks fan but not a hockey fan automatically mean these fans have a "perfect view" of the team as you say? Why does criticizing what management does automatically mean that person is self entitled? Why do you believe Benning made good trades when we haven't even seen what these players can do for us? Any important individual on a camera gets ripped apart for what they say so why do you single out disgruntled Canuck fans?

Your assuming many things while implying that the Canucks are the only team that has these problems.

The worst thing about the Canucks fan base isn't the self entitled whiners. Its the people that blindly believe everything management does is the right thing, the elitist fans, and the people who waste just as much time whining about other fans.

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LIke that Benning brought in a bunch of new faces, players that I'm really excited to see play. The turn over helps motivate the entire team and drive competetion internally. You NEED that to help keep things fresh and people focused on the goal each season- winning.

I don't really care about standings at this point. I'm happy that the Canucks now have good people, from Linen downwards that will compete hard for one another.

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The worst thing about the Canucks fan base isn't the self entitled whiners. Its the people that blindly believe everything management does is the right thing, the elitist fans, and the people who waste just as much time whining about other fans.

Just because some fans, like me, think there is some rationale, or at least one that remains to be seen for Bennings moves does not make us "blind". No doubt Benning gets his blessings from Linden, and I like that he has aquired players who are also familiar with Willie. To me, that is smart

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These threads are always good for a chuckle.

My fellow fans are all idiots! Except the ones that agree with me, of course.

Stop with the cannibalizing of our own fanbase, please. It just gets tiresome, and I'm not sure how many more high horses we have left in the stable.

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Completely agree with OP here.

It's like people always need to find a scapegoat on our team, whether it be GM, Coach, player, assistant director of _______, there always needs to be someone that gets the blame, and then it gets constantly shifted to another person and it's tiresome.

There's 0% chance that the Canucks are going to make EVERY move that you want, and that's a freaking good thing because we're not running a hockey club here, that's their job.

Benning clearly has a plan laid out, and some moves yesterday didn't go as perfect as I would've liked, but I trust that everything he's doing is right for our club. Once we have drafted a player, it's time to immediately rally your support for them and not dwell on who we could've chosen... because well we didn't choose them.

Obviously this applies to a small minority, and I don't really get why people always complain about CDCers, because I think a lot of you are quite knowledgeable fans and I learn so much everyday from reading posts.. If it weren't for these forums, I would probably be really confused about a lot of things. But it's nice to talk with likeminded people, even though there seems to be quite a variety of people on here. CDC is like an outlet where I can puke out all the hockey I want because not many people in my life have interest in hockey, so it's nice to have these constant discussions with people who care, annoying or not.

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I've said it many times before: It's easy to be a pessimist. If you're proven to be wrong, you can pretend that you weren't pessimistic in the first place and ride the wave of euphoria that accompanies success.

Much harder to put yourself out there and say with conviction that you believe in the team, in the decisions being made and the direction in which they are being taken. You run the risk of being called a pom-pom waver, or fanboy, when the inevitable negative Nellies show up to whine about the latest move that wasn't what they considered the way to go.

Sadly, there seem to be a significant amount of posters on CDC who would rather the team do poorly, as long as it supports whatever negative opinion they had expressed about the team, or a component of it. We saw that a few years back when there were people actually hoping for losses, so the Alain Vigneault would be fired.

True fans don't always have to agree with management decisions. I certainly didn't when Tortorella was hired, however, I put my personal feelings aside and hoped that he would achieve success, because that would translate into team success. This, IMHO, is what every true Canuck fan should be hoping for, whether it supports their personal opinions or not.

Unfortunately, it seems that not everyone here is onboard with this idea.

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All I get from the OP's post is that "I don't like people who blindly love what Canucks management does the way I do".

Whats wrong with being a Canucks fan but not a hockey fan? Why does being a Canucks fan but not a hockey fan automatically mean these fans have a "perfect view" of the team as you say? Why does criticizing what management does automatically mean that person is self entitled? Why do you believe Benning made good trades when we haven't even seen what these players can do for us? Any important individual on a camera gets ripped apart for what they say so why do you single out disgruntled Canuck fans?

Your assuming many things while implying that the Canucks are the only team that has these problems.

The worst thing about the Canucks fan base isn't the self entitled whiners. Its the people that blindly believe everything management does is the right thing, the elitist fans, and the people who waste just as much time whining about other fans.

I don't know if you missed the part where I specified most rather than everybody.

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I love getting in a good rant about how we picked the wrong player, etc. But in the end, I always calm down and realize that I don't have a clue compared to anyone in the hockey business, and that the player they drafted/traded for will most likely fit into the organization in a way that I don't understand. I trust Benning and our scouting group to choose the right players - even though I was initially disgruntled with our picks, I've already moved on and am wholeheartedly cheering for their success.

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