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Reality of a rebuild.

Special Ed

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After the last couple days it's quite obvious to me that the Canucks most likely won't be competing for the Stanley cup next year. Which is very disappointing yes, but inevitable after our last core had their shot at a cup and failed to bring it home.

It's better for us as fans to accept this and move on supporting the team as such. We are now an underdog as far as I'm concerned and that's fine. It had to be done and it was done swiftly enough. I'm excited about the fact that the aging core didn't get dragged on unnecessarily, when it was clearly starting to decline.

This does however raise a big question for me. As much as I don't want to come to terms with this....

Where do the Sedins fit in? The way I see it there are two options. 1) Sedins stick with the team and help mentor the new younger players moving up. And keep the team from sinking all the way. To me this is the best option, the Sedins are two of my favourite players in Canucks history. Still league elite.

But there is another direction which has to be considered. 2) the Sedins eventually want to compete for the cup and perhaps IF it becomes evident the team is not going to, ask to be traded. To me this could very well be a possibility. Although like I said in a perfect world the Sedins retire as Canucks.

All I'm saying here is be prepared Canuck fans. This flight could have some turbulence ahead. As long as you have your seatbelts buckled in, like the captain said, then you will be a little more comfortable.

I'm supporting the team next season regardless the outcome. Just my expectations won't be where they were before. And that I can understand if later the Sedins want to move. I just really hope that management is prepared for that senario and handles it well. The one thing about the last management team that I disliked is how contracts and trades were handled.


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This could still end up looking reasonably good at the end of the day, which means within a couple of weeks. We now know that Bowman refused to offer TT and it's possible that Tallon just decided not to trade the pick. Regardless, we could still end up with a solid playoff team here, wait and see.

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This could still end up looking reasonably good at the end of the day, which means within a couple of weeks. We now know that Bowman refused to offer TT and it's possible that Tallon just decided not to trade the pick. Regardless, we could still end up with a solid playoff team here, wait and see.

Well considering all the new assets being moved around and how a team needs time to develop chemistry, to compete at that level. I personally find it highly unlikely specially for next year. Here's to hoping I'm wrong though. But I'm not going to be disappointed either if I'm right.

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You gotta think the Sedins signed their extension knowing full well that the team was aging and wasn't going to contend for a cup anytime soon.

IMO, for the short term, the Canucks moved laterally with the moves they made over the past couple of days by adding Bonino, Vey, Dorsett and Sbisa and subtracting Kesler and Garrison, but for the long term, added players trending in the right direction and created cap flexibility that gives the team plenty of options to improve for now and the future. Average age of the four players acquired is 25...we gave up two whose average was 29, and though younger doesn't necessarily mean better, IMO, the players we got back are either very good NHLers or going to be very good NHLers for the role they are pegged for.

The Sedins are going to be counted on the re-establish harmony in the dressing room that Kesler was reputed to be tearing down and show the young guys how to be consummate pros. That along with re-establishing themselves as 60 to 80 point players is where I see the Sedins fitting in for the next four years.

Add to this the strengthening of the Canucks prospect pool, especially with Virtanen, McCann, Demko and possible sleeper picks, I think the future looks much brighter today than it did a month ago. Throw in a couple of UFA signings, and the team should be able to compete for a playoff spot, the stated goal of JB/TL/WD for the Canucks.

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You gotta think the Sedins signed their extension knowing full well that the team was aging and wasn't going to contend for a cup anytime soon.

IMO, for the short term, the Canucks moved laterally with the moves they made over the past couple of days by adding Bonino, Vey, Dorsett and Sbisa and subtracting Kesler and Garrison, but for the long term, added players trending in the right direction and created cap flexibility that gives the team plenty of options to improve for now and the future. Average age of the four players acquired is 25...we gave up two whose average was 29, and though younger doesn't necessarily mean better, IMO, the players we got back are either very good NHLers or going to be very good NHLers for the role they are pegged for.

The Sedins are going to be counted on the re-establish harmony in the dressing room that Kesler was reputed to be tearing down and show the young guys how to be consummate pros. That along with re-establishing themselves as 60 to 80 point players is where I see the Sedins fitting in for the next four years.

Add to this the strengthening of the Canucks prospect pool, especially with Virtanen, McCann, Demko and possible sleeper picks, I think the future looks much brighter today than it did a month ago. Throw in a couple of UFA signings, and the team should be able to compete for a playoff spot, the stated goal of JB/TL/WD for the Canucks.

I can agree with your evaluation and I do know that the Sedins love the city. Just it seems all too common these days where superstars want to be shipped off to a contender.

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Tanking for McDavid is our best chance at having any definite success in the future.




That would be an amazing top 9.

Horvat is not a future 1C..

Fox is not a future 2nd liner

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Tanking for McDavid is our best chance at having any definite success in the future.




That would be an amazing top 9.

Did you really just put McDavid behind Horvat in your lineup? lol

Horvat will be a 2C most likely at his ceiling. McDavid is as close to a generational talent as we will likely see for quite some time.

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Guest Dasein

After the last couple days it's quite obvious to me that the Canucks most likely won't be competing for the Stanley cup next year. Which is very disappointing yes, but inevitable after our last core had their shot at a cup and failed to bring it home.


.. It took you the last couple days to figure this one out?

We're not going to be competing for the Stanley Cup, but it isn't a complete rebuild like I thought it would be. Benning has brought in pieces to help us immediately as well as in the future. Through the draft, he's stocked up for a future after the Sedins, but with the Ryan Kesler trade he surrounded our current core with a team that will compete hard every night, and hence have a chance to win every night. We're not going to just roll over in the last few years of the Sedins era. I imagine in the very last couple, we may even push for a Cup - if we are very lucky.

This team will give it its all and we will be a 7-10th place team in the West. We have begun the rebuilding but also managed to retool to remain competitive and build a winning culture, rather than one that gives up and "tanks" for a "saviour."

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Tanking for McDavid is our best chance at having any definite success in the future.




That would be an amazing top 9.

Only 1 of those players has played an NHL game and it will be an amazing top 9? Someone's getting a little carried away. Or a lot.

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Only 1 of those players has played an NHL game and it will be an amazing top 9? Someone's getting a little carried away. Or a lot.

Not to mention that it'll be 2020 or beyond when that top 9 reaches their prime.

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With 14 million in cap space, core members such as the Sedins, Burrows, Higgy, Bieksa, Edler, Hamhuis I don't know why people assume this team is going to be so horrible next season.

A run for the cup? No. But I don't see why we couldn't claim a wildcard spot for the playoffs (dependent on which FA's we get).

Columbus squeaked in this year and gave Pitt a run for their money. A very underrated Minnesota team did quite well for themselves.

At the end of the day, we don't know how these players are going to turn out, and what Benning has planned for Tuesday. Burrows isn't going to go almost an entire season without scoring again, our second line C isn't going to be a puck hog. God, please don't let Edler be as terrible as last year.

Not to be a blind optimistic, but with the right coaching and effort from the players, I fully think we could be a 7th or 8th seed playoff team.

Biggest determinant of whether we are a playoff team or not will be the crease.

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Horvat is not a future 1C..

Fox is not a future 2nd liner

Well not Projected too at least. Crazier things have happened. Optimistic? Yes

Let the boys play and adjust to NHL before we slap labels on them

I bet Horvat has just as big of a chance on being a #1 center as he does being a complete bust all together. He will fall some where in between.

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I can agree with your evaluation and I do know that the Sedins love the city. Just it seems all too common these days where superstars want to be shipped off to a contender.

Yeah, it's too bad that so many players have Kesleritis...otherwise known as "I wanna win now for me" syndrome. I don't think the Sedins are those kind of people.

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