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The joke that's become the Calgary Flames and Edmonton Oilers


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But Calgary IS a joke with Bob Hartless at the helm. Guy creeps me out...wish Torts had got in there that day. Beyond that, I'm kind of glad their team picked it up and we can renew an old rivalry just like the good old days.

I can't stand Hartley either, but I have a hard time holding that against the players.

Being from Calgary is all the motivation that I need to dislike the Flames. ;)

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Let the rivalry renew :emot-parrot:

If the Flames beat the Nucks you know there is going to be some serious :frantic::frantic::frantic::frantic::frantic::frantic: around here...

Bring it on... For a team that was supposed to be in the bottom three going for McDavid. Even if they had missed the playoffs Flames fans would have been ok. Now that they have made the playoffs, all exceeding expectations.

If they beat the Nucks though that takes it to a whole new level of :bigblush:

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I remember you too lol

I remember posting a few factual posts here and historical info and promptly getting Banned. I don't know how my handle magically changed to Banned01 from Banned_for_truth over my long break but oh well...

Had a few interesting debates here but I do poke around for the memes and gifs which are always entertaining...

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But Calgary IS a joke with Bob Hartless at the helm. Guy creeps me out...wish Torts had got in there that day. Beyond that, I'm kind of glad their team picked it up and we can renew an old rivalry just like the good old days.


Like him or not that creep is a great coach. He came here with a plan, the youngsters bought in, and now they are taking off and forming a heck of a core doing so. Not to mention, he'll likely be a Jack Adams finalist, if not win the trophy.

But yes, a rivalry will be fun, still wish Edmonton would pick it up too, that rivalry's funner, its only a 2.5 hour drive haha

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Not going to dig up my old post but I never though Calgary was a "joke" if I recall.

They've certainly surprised me with their ability to keep coming as I thought they'd start to fade in the second half, particularly given how they play. But going forward they're building a darn good team (and seem to be a pretty decent one now).

Edmonton is still Edmonton though...

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I remember posting a few factual posts here and historical info and promptly getting Banned. I don't know how my handle magically changed to Banned01 from Banned_for_truth over my long break but oh well...

Had a few interesting debates here but I do poke around for the memes and gifs which are always entertaining...

I'm not sure you've learned much in your absence.

I see the stuff you're posting regarding guys like RNH, Eberle, Hall - how Edmonton has "dug it's own grave" with their contracts, are "locked in" to those players, and how they've "fapped" and "squirted" prematurely - and I have to wonder not only about your ability to look realistically at player values, but whether you have any idea what a "fact" is.

You come accross more as someone who likes to agitate with superficial material, wears homer glasses, and resorts to trolling your rivals - in this case, on your rivals message board.

You've marched into this thread without apparently reading it nor realizing the majority of the perspectives here. If you merely want some simplistic trash talk, hey bring that on, but if you actually read the material here, you'll realize that a lot of folks here have a pretty good idea and appreciation of how well Treliving has managed to turn the Flames around.

Anyhow. good luck with that uppity act of yours.

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Let the rivalry renew :emot-parrot:

If the Flames beat the Nucks you know there is going to be some serious :frantic::frantic::frantic::frantic::frantic::frantic: around here...

Bring it on... For a team that was supposed to be in the bottom three going for McDavid. Even if they had missed the playoffs Flames fans would have been ok. Now that they have made the playoffs, all exceeding expectations.

If they beat the Nucks though that takes it to a whole new level of :bigblush:

tell is why you think it's possible that the flames will beat the canucks,

then we will tell why we think it's possible that we beat the flames.

After our response, you will be convinced that the flames will lose. :bigblush:

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Had a few interesting debates here but I do poke around for the memes and gifs which are always entertaining...

Sometimes I head over to CP and read the Bob Hartley quotes thread, that thread is just comic gold.

But most of us agree on one thing; Calgary has no place in the title of this thread, the OP is just being stubborn keeping it there.

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I'm not sure you've learned much in your absence.

You've marched into this thread without apparently reading it nor realizing the majority of the perspectives here. If you merely want some simplistic trash talk, hey bring that on, but if you actually read the material here, you'll realize that a lot of folks here have a pretty good idea and appreciation of how well Treliving has managed to turn the Flames around.

Anyhow. good luck with that uppity act of yours.

You obviously are not one of them.

The team you are looking at today with the exception of Hiller, Raymond and Eng is almost entirely a result of Feaster with a few Sutter Vets. Hiller is by far the most significant contribution to this team by BT.

To say nothing of the coach which Feaster got and is in the Jack Adams conversation.

Lets go through the Roster to illustrate how clueless you are on what GM either drafted or acquired what players.

Sutter (5)

Mikael Backlund / Lance Bouma / T. J. Brodie / Mark Giordano © / Matt Stajan

Feaster (14) + coach Hartley

Paul Byron / Joe Colborne / Michael Ferland / Johnny Gaudreau / Jiri Hudler (A) / David Jones / Josh Jooris / Sean Monahan / Emile Poirier / Corey Potter / Karri Ramo / Kris Russell (A) / Ladislav Smid / Dennis Wideman (A)

BT (really it is just Hiller and maybe Raymond for impact but we can try and stretch it to (7)

Mason Raymond (BT) Raphael Diaz (BT) Deryk Engelland (BT) Brandon Bollig (BT) Jonas Hiller (BT) David Schlemko (BT) Drew Shore

Either way over half of this team is of Feaster's doing and your suggestion that BT has turned this team around is completely uninformed. What BT has done right is get NHL level goaltending and stay in the background and let Hartley do his job. You might just want to sit down or try doing 2 minutes of searching on google before you comment again...

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You obviously are not one of them.

The team you are looking at today with the exception of Hiller, Raymond and Eng is almost entirely a result of Feaster with a few Sutter Vets. Hiller is by far the most significant contribution to this team by BT.

To say nothing of the coach of course which Feaster went over to Europe to get...

Lets go through the Roster to illustrate how clueless you are.

Sutter (5)

Mikael Backlund / Lance Bouma / T. J. Brodie / Mark Giordano © / Matt Stajan

Feaster (14)

Paul Byron / Joe Colborne / Michael Ferland / Johnny Gaudreau / Jiri Hudler (A) / David Jones / Josh Jooris / Sean Monahan / Emile Poirier / Corey Potter / Karri Ramo / Kris Russell (A) / Ladislav Smid / Dennis Wideman (A)

BT (really it is just Hiller and maybe Raymond for impact but we can try and stretch it to (7)

Mason Raymond (BT) Raphael Diaz (BT) Deryk Engelland (BT) Brandon Bollig (BT) Jonas Hiller (BT) David Schlemko (BT) Drew Shore

Either way over half of this team is of Feaster's doing and

Brad Trevling has extended Hartley & Brodie's contracts for decent $.

He also added to the organization's depth by signing David Wolf, Kenney Morrison, & Garnet Hathaway.

I'm not hacking on Feaster, he did some good things and some bad things; but now he is gone.

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tell is why you think it's possible that the flames will beat the canucks,

Better coaching, better conditioning, discipline (low penalties) and blocked shots and better 5 on 5. I also think the Flames have better resiliency. They will fight right to the last minute of the last game.

The Canucks will win if the series has a lot of whistles. Their PP and special teams is superior. Goaltending is also in the Nucks favor plus Sedins...

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Hmmmmm, interesting... The whole thread is like a pile of bad karma going into the playoffs...

The Calgary Flames haven't been considered a joke around here for some time.

Someone like you coming here and posting this without reading what most people in this thread actually think, however, is a joke.

You're late to the rodeo and have no idea what you're going on about.

Welcome back. I see you're the same deluded, obnoxious poster you were when you were banned for what you tell yourself was posting "truth".

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I remember posting a few factual posts here and historical info and promptly getting Banned. I don't know how my handle magically changed to Banned01 from Banned_for_truth over my long break but oh well...

Had a few interesting debates here but I do poke around for the memes and gifs which are always entertaining...

So, what you are saying, is that you simply posted "truth", and were banned for it? How remarkably self-fulfilling!


Maybe the admin who axed you just wanted to clarify something...

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I often post links for what I say and make pretty neutral observations in what is already hostile ground.

If you think CDC is 'hostile ground' then I guess you don't frequent Calgarypuck.

Of course, CP is generally less hostile to Flames fans....and absolutely disgusting and vile to everyone else, regardless of their opinion.

I was banned simply for suggesting that Mike Vernon had a better career than Miikka Kiprusoff (which is easy to prove)

I think I remember you....I think you are the one who tried to convince me that J-Bo was a good deal for Calgary.....SMH

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If you think CDC is 'hostile ground' then I guess you don't frequent Calgarypuck.

Of course, CP is generally less hostile to Flames fans....and absolutely disgusting and vile to everyone else, regardless of their opinion.

I was banned simply for suggesting that Mike Vernon had a better career than Miikka Kiprusoff (which is easy to prove)

I think I remember you....I think you are the one who tried to convince me that J-Bo was a good deal for Calgary.....SMH

Everyone on Calgary Puck is laughing about Sven being sent back down. It's funny how clueless they are. Our regulars are coming back and he can clear waivers so he jumps back down the depth chart. It's pretty simple. Yet they're taking every opportunity to bash him at every turn. It's sad how quick they turned on him and now spew venom in his direction.

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