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In-N-Out Burger beats out plunging McDonalds


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Oh look. Unhealthy people screaming at other unhealthy people.

I always laugh when someone assumes a person is unhealthy because they eat a burger from time to time. Live a little, everything in moderation isn't going to kill a person. While it is eventually, but we all have to die sometime. May as well enjoy life.

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Overrated? I've never heard of In-n-out burger and if anything at this point it's underrated.

It's not bad. The buns are probably what makes it for me for In-n-out. The meat tastes the same as Five Guys but it's the buns that got me. Their fries suck. In-N-Out's fries are probably the worst out of all fast food chains. They're skinny as hell and have little to no taste. Best fries for a fast food chain imo is Five Guys.
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Personally think In n Out is hugely overrated. Heard so much about it, so decided to try it while I was in LA this past summer.

First off, was surprised to see they only have 3 items on the menu, so if you're not a beef eater, don't go here.

Second off, there was literally nothing special about how their beef patty's were cooked that make them different or special.

Third, there was no special sauce or anything, just mayo lettuce tomato and I think I recall onions.

Sure, the price is great at $5 for a meal, but I could have the same caliber burger at A&W. It definitely wasn't the be all, end all that I thought it was going to be because of their reputation.

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I don't eat burgers anymore, but when I did I remember Fuddruckers being the best... though I haven't seen one in over a decade.

I think I would try a burger at white castle though... I have wanted to try one since watching Harold and Kumar, though I have no idea where there is a White Castle.

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In N out has like 2 restaurants. How is this a even a thing

290 locations and counting.

They are slow to expand for a couple reasons. 1 they dont franchise. They own every one of their own stores. 2 They are privately owned. They could go public and use the cash to double the number of stores they have in a couple years but shareholders would demand they cut costs (lower quality) and lower the comparatively high wages they pay their employees.

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About a month ago I ate a McDonalds Big Mac. I hadn't had one in a long time. After about 2 hours after eating it, I was going back and forth to sit on the "porcelain throne" the rest of the night. I finally had to take an immodium pill just to make it stop. I don't know if it was food poisoning or just my body saying, "wtf did you just put into my stomach?!" I'm going with the latter since I didn't double up in pain on top of everything else like food poisoning usually makes you do.

I don't know if I'm just getting older or if fast food is just getting worse and even more unhealthy than it used to be.

Now is that too much info or is that too much info? :P

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