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[Updated Article] Alain Vigneault to be Commended for work in New York

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Rangers definitely won the coaching trade

They've got a better team too. Better forwards, better defense, goaltending, and youngsters. That helps. Nash alone has more goals than our "top line". Vrbata has done what was expected of him of course, but the other two are utter disappointments and will only continue to slide. I wouldn't be surprised if both failed to reach 15. Hank is a lock for that and Daniel is bloody close to a lock as well.

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They've got a better team too. Better forwards, better defense, goaltending, and youngsters. That helps. Nash alone has more goals than our "top line".

Our first line: 39 goals

Nash: 32 goals

So not really. Also AV took the same team Tort's struggled to produce offense out of and took them to the finals with a good offense in his first year.

I know you love Tort's but right now it's showing a lil more. ;)

But credit where credit is due.



Coaching Ability


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Our first line: 39 goals

Nash: 32 goals

So not really. Also AV took the same team Tort's struggled to produce offense out of and took them to the finals with a good offense in his first year.

I know you love Tort's but right now it's showing a lil more. ;)

But credit where credit is due.



Coaching Ability


I know. I was in bed watching tv and thinking about this post and realized my math was wrong. It's late :(

g'night folks

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So would AV have given Horvat a chance? AV also tried to get Kassian going and failed.

AV doesn't coach to win, he coaches not to lose. He will do well with the Rangers. In 2 more seasons the team will get sick of him.

And his coaching strategy will be open to everyone, and they will get predictable, and start to lose more.

He might get to the finals, but other coaches can provide counter moves and shut him down. He's a nice guy, and a good coach.

But not a great coach.

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Had to laugh at the asking of Dale Weise for his opinion on AV vs Torts.

Meanwhile, if memory serves, AV also coached a lot of boring-looking squads here. It was Gillis who busted the trap mentality and gave AV the tools he needed to do it.

Now we're seeing it again, merely because of the age cycle of the team. At the end of the day, any coach can look like a genius just because of the lineup he has at his disposal. For example, Dan Bylsma in Pittsburgh.

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Pat Quinn, hands down.

Quinn had the advantage of Being President and GM as well which allowed him to make the roster the way he liked it.

AV had to put up with MG's BS roster management.

So IMO Although its very close and I love everything about Quinn, I think the best coach honors can only go to AV.

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Quinn had the advantage of Being President and GM as well which allowed him to make the roster the way he liked it.

AV had to put up with MG's BS roster management.

So IMO Although its very close and I love everything about Quinn, I think the best coach honors can only go to AV.

I think both had their strengths and weaknesses. AV wasn't much of a player coach and didn't have a great sense of who was going at the time, but was a good deployment coach and chess match guy. Quinn was a great player coach and could generally get the most out of his guys, but had a old school temper and wasn't the best at deployment. Different era though. The game passed him by during his time in TO.

Both are good, but I think I admire Quinn's ability to get all his guys going the most. Total advantage to be GM and President though yes. May add to his legacy. The team started it's 90's collapse when he let coaching fall to Ley.

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Pat Quinn, hands down.

No offence but Quinn never had even close to the level of success that AV had. Not to mention he was playing in a much easier era with the top goal scorer in Canucks history in bure. Can you imagine for a second what Av could have done had he had a bure type player to his disposal. Av got the most out his players which became evident with the torts hiring when the Sedins went from near point per game players to almost half of that before Jensen and burrows caught on fire near the end of last season.

I can almost guarantee had Av been there last season Henrik has higher point totals

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I think both had their strengths and weaknesses. AV wasn't much of a player coach and didn't have a great sense of who was going at the time, but was a good deployment coach and chess match guy. Quinn was a great player coach and could generally get the most out of his guys, but had a old school temper and wasn't the best at deployment. Different era though. The game passed him by during his time in TO.

Both are good, but I think I admire Quinn's ability to get all his guys going the most. Total advantage to be GM and President though yes. May add to his legacy. The team started it's 90's collapse when he let coaching fall to Ley.

AV was known and is still known for getting the most out of his players. Ironic you say thats his weakness when that is his strength.

Our team has not looked half as good since he left and that was a year when we didn't have eastern teams to increase our point totals.

Nonetheless firing him was the right move, but he's not as bad as you think he is.

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No offence but Quinn never had even close to the level of success that AV had. Not to mention he was playing in a much easier era with the top goal scorer in Canucks history in bure. Can you imagine for a second what Av could have done had he had a bure type player to his disposal. Av got the most out his players which became evident with the torts hiring when the Sedins went from near point per game players to almost half of that before Jensen and burrows caught on fire near the end of last season.

I can almost guarantee had Av been there last season Henrik has higher point totals

Pat Quinn: 1980 Flyers Lost in Stanley Cup Finals

1984-85 LA Kings, First season as head coach, 23 point improvement, and made the playoffs.

1993-94 Canucks, Lost in Finals

1998-99 Maple Leafs, Lost in Conference Finals

2001-02 Maple Leafs, Lost in Conference Finals

2002 Olympic Gold Head Coach Team Canada

2004 Winner World Cup Head Coach Team Canada

2008 U18 Gold Medal Team Canada

2009 U20 Gold Medal Team Canada

2 Time Jack Adams winner

Alain Vigneault:

2011 Canucks Lost in Stanley Cup Finals

2014 Rangers Lost in Stanley Cup Finals

Only twice past the 2nd round and those were the Finals he was in.

2007 Jack Adams Trophy Winner

1988 Won QMJHL with Hull.

Sorry, not even close.

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So would AV have given Horvat a chance? AV also tried to get Kassian going and failed.

AV doesn't coach to win, he coaches not to lose. He will do well with the Rangers. In 2 more seasons the team will get sick of him.

And his coaching strategy will be open to everyone, and they will get predictable, and start to lose more.

He might get to the finals, but other coaches can provide counter moves and shut him down. He's a nice guy, and a good coach.

But not a great coach.

3 different coaches have tried to get Kassian going and failed. Maybe its not the coach's fault, maybe its just Kassian??

He might get to the finals? Going to the finals is a big achievement, most coaches dream of just being in the finals to get a chance to win a cup. You say that like its easy to get to the finals...we might not make the playoffs this season, nevermind going into the finals.

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AV was underrated and underappreciated by too many while he was here.

he brought or developed the canucks into an elite team

some of his tactics were innovative to the league

haters will hate

but his record while here speaks for itself

Some people don't appreciate what they have until its gone. As the saying goes, the grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence.

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His time here was done years before he was let go. It was either him or a huge change within the core. Good for him he is doing well in NY.

Now am thinking maybe it was better to change the core instead of the coach. The core of this team is just stale and isn't as strong as the years past.

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