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NATO disputes Conservative claim that Russians confronted Canadian warship

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NATO disputes Conservative claim that Russians confronted Canadian warship

The Conservative government has ratcheted up its war of words over Ukraine, with the parliamentary defence secretary claiming Russian warships confronted a Canadian frigate in the Black Sea.
But NATO officials say no such thing happened.
James Bezan, parliamentary secretary to Minister of National Defence Jason Kenney, told the House of Commons earlier this week, “Since arriving in the Black Sea, Royal Canadian Navy sailors have been confronted by Russian warships and buzzed by Russian fighter jets.”
Kenney also repeated the claim the next day, stating that a Russian jet buzzed the Canadian frigate HMCS Fredericton at low altitude.
But NATO officials say the frigate, part of a NATO naval task group, was not buzzed and there was no confrontation.
The Russian vessels could be seen far off on the horizon, kilometres away.
Russian aircraft had flown over the task group at high altitudes and at one point a Russian surveillance aircraft got as close as 69 nautical miles (128 kilometres) from the ships, NATO said.
U.S. Rear Admiral Brad Williamson, commander of the maritime group, said at another point two Russian ships were spotted in the distance. The Russians followed all regulations required of vessels in international waters, NATO added.
NATO officials said the encounter wasn’t unusual and if Russian ships showed up on Canada’s coasts, the Royal Canadian Navy would have followed similar procedures for keeping an eye on foreign vessel traffic.
Asked why Kenney and Bezan would make such claims, Kenney’s press secretary, Lauren Armstrong, issued a statement: “I stand by the Minister’s comments.”
The NATO ships are in the region to send a message to Russia’s government about its annexation of Crimea and activities in Ukraine.
Ukrainians have been fighting each other for the last year, with government troops battling rebels who want to separate. Russia has provided support to the separatist forces and Canada and NATO have accused Russia of sending troops and equipment to support the separatists.
Canada has been one of the most vocal nations condemning Russia’s action.
Some former Canadian diplomats have suggested the Conservative government’s position on Ukraine is aimed at winning votes from Ukrainian-Canadians in the federal election later this year.
Kenney also recently came under fire for tweeting a photo he suggested was of Muslim women put in chains by Islamic extremists. The photo is actually from an annual ceremony that re-enacts the persecution of the prophet Muhammad’s family, the Citizen reported.
Kenney did not acknowledge any mistake. On Friday, he again defended his tweeting of the photo by outlining the brutality of the extremist group, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).
“This guy will do whatever it takes to advance his own party’s political agenda,” Liberal defence critic Joyce Murray said.
She said Kenney’s tweeting of the photo showing Muslim women and claiming the link to brutalities committed by ISIL was the minister “cynically exploiting a cultural group in our country for political benefit.”
Kenney’s statement about HMCS Fredericton is not the first time the government has made claims of Russian aggression against Canada.
In 2010, the Conservatives warned that Russian aircraft had significantly increased their attempts to enter Canadian airspace.
At the time, the prime minister’s spokesman, Dimitri Soudas, told journalists the Russian flights proved the government’s decision to buy the controversial F-35 fighter jet was the right one.
But the North American Aerospace Defence Command, the U.S.-Canadian alliance providing air security for the continent, countered the Conservative claims. NORAD released statistics showing most Russian patrols were near U.S. air space and were considered routine.
The economy must not be expected to improve any time soon. When was the last time we heard the word "surplus" from the Harper government?
Also, Cons lie. Again.
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This frigging clown right here.

Him and Harper will do ANYTHING to further Bill C-51 and prolong their political lives.

The same way they are inventing and fabricating things now is exactly like Netanyahu's statements that the entire world is campaigning against him and undermining his power in israel.

Paranoid delusions and people that have them are NOT suited to lead but sadly always find themselves into positions of power

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I cant wait for a change in power, simply so I can hear different rhetoric and complaints.

I can't wait just so I can hear the Conservatives complain about the Libs and NDP doing the exact same things they were doing on a day to day basis like somehow they're all of a sudden guilt and blame free

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Asked why Kenney and Bezan would make such claims, Kenney’s press secretary, Lauren Armstrong, issued a statement: “I stand by the Minister’s comments.”

This is probably the worst part of the article to me. This government stonewalls any attempts at explanations. Any question is an attack, any answer an opportunity, if you're explaining you're losing, these seem to be the hallmarks of the Harper government. Question period is like a trained seal show at the aquarium. Why the government does what it does is explained with "it's the economy stupid" and any dissent met with "you must be some sort of terrorist/pedophile/environmentalist".

Vote strategically, vote ABC. Canada needs a change.

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I cant wait for a change in power, simply so I can hear different rhetoric and complaints.

I cant wait for a change in power, simply so I can hear different rhetoric and complaints.

I cant wait for a change in power, simply so I can hear different rhetoric and complaints.

There will be no change. Canada is the most emasculated client state of the U.S. watch Trudeau talk tough on the Americans duing the election . Then wAtch him cave to them once he's in power

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I can't wait just so I can hear the Conservatives complain about the Libs and NDP doing the exact same things they were doing on a day to day basis like somehow they're all of a sudden guilt and blame free

I think the good Captain's point was that the hypocrisy will be evident on both sides, once JT takes over the reins.

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I think the good Captain's point was that the hypocrisy will be evident on both sides, once JT takes over the reins.

Oh there's no question about that. But I for one am patiently waiting to hear the Cons complain about it. It will be funny to hear them whining when the other parties bring up their egregious excesses.

Even more funny to hear them claim they are better than all of that during their time in office.

We could make a drinking game out of it during question period

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There will be no change. Canada is the most emasculated client state of the U.S. watch Trudeau talk tough on the Americans duing the election . Then wAtch him cave to them once he's in power

You should totally get the cheer counter out. Oh maybe make some stuff up about their personal lives as well.

That will change things right?

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Oh there's no question about that. But I for one am patiently waiting to hear the Cons complain about it. It will be funny to hear them whining when the other parties bring up their egregious excesses.

Even more funny to hear them claim they are better than all of that during their time in office.

We could make a drinking game out of it during question period

Meh. I've got bigger fish to fry than complaining about the government, or complaining about the opposition complaining about the government, but whatever floats your boat, I suppose....

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I can't wait just so I can hear the Conservatives complain about the Libs and NDP doing the exact same things they were doing on a day to day basis like somehow they're all of a sudden guilt and blame free

If the Conservatives are complaining about the libs and NDP doing the same things then that will mean that there will literally be no difference, except the puppet at the top. We need an overhaul on the whole political system to see any meaningful changes.

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If the Conservatives are complaining about the libs and NDP doing the same things then that will mean that there will literally be no difference, except the puppet at the top. We need an overhaul on the whole political system to see any meaningful changes.

ding ding ding ding ding


But the ONLY way to do that is to actually vote for people who would want to do that. And the big 2 in canada have no desire too much like the big 2 in the US won't either.

Same issues, different colour tie

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Meh. I've got bigger fish to fry than complaining about the government, or complaining about the opposition complaining about the government, but whatever floats your boat, I suppose....

Well, you know. it's vastly different than complaining about or worrying about a hockey team on a forum ;)

So much fear-mongering...the Cons might as well start their own Canadian version of FOX news...

They tried, up to and including funneling hundreds of millions towards SUN News which still failed miserably

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Well, you know. it's vastly different than complaining about or worrying about a hockey team on a forum ;)

I think it is.

I can worry and complain about my hockey team, because history shows us that at least as far as professional sports is concerned, change can and will happen.

However, with politics, it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that even with a change in leadership, people will still be voicing the same tired complaints and acting like all of their problems are direct result of decisions made by the guy sitting in the Prime Minister's chair.

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I think it is.

I can worry and complain about my hockey team, because history shows us that at least as far as professional sports is concerned, change can and will happen.

However, with politics, it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that even with a change in leadership, people will still be voicing the same tired complaints and acting like all of their problems are direct result of decisions made by the guy sitting in the Prime Minister's chair.

The difference is while your hockey team might be entertaining to watch some games.

The people you refuse to worry about are the ones spending your money and making critical decisions about the future of this country.

As per this story are happily lying to both the house and the people about the danger our armed services are under to drum up support for a bill that would effectively erode any and all major rights people have in this country to demonstrate or even criticize the government

That being said it is a shame we are a country being run by the political equivalnet of the edmonton oilers or toronto maple leafs

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People are buying into fear. So they vote Liberal provincially, and Conservative federally. A friend of mine in the interior said she couldn't stand voting Liberal in the last provincial election. But because he's a real estate agent, he was worried that the economy would suffer if the NDP got in, so despite the fact he hates the party, he still voted for them.

Basically politics is now all about slagging the other party, not based on facts. It's no wonder our world is so messed up. When you vote based on who you feel will screw things up the least, there's something majorly wrong.

No wonder there's more corruption, and greed. Politicians are the perfect example of that. Integrity? Honesty? Wanting the best for the country as a whole in the long run? Listening to your voters?

As Bruce Cockburn sang: And they call it democracy.

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Define "bad people".

Politics isn't black and white.

I can't think of a single issue I agree with Harper and his cronies on. That being said, I consider keeping trying to push the spying bill through while using different excuses to be an absolute disgrace to our country.

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