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So, what factions did you guys join so far? Anyone join the Brotherhood of Steel?

Havent joined them yet but I'm going to. Loved them in New Vegas and 3.

So I did the Caps glitch and it was so worth it.. Was able to clean out the supplies and now have some wicked weapons and supplies specially copper..

So worth it. I found a way to make them owe me 100,000+ caps so I dont have to press X 4000 times. I use the 3 vendors in Diamond City then wait in Kellogs house for 48 hours and repeat. I do the chems dealer, the main gun dealer and the girl to the right.

Im basically set now. Also used my first 10 level ups on SPECIAL traits. Im now a tank.

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One thing I love about Fallout games is that they are a grind.  They're slow paced and you have to work damn hard to get rewarded with caps and items.  

Glitching to get infinite caps sounds like a good way to make the game boring and easy.  Might as well just play on 'Very Easy' mode while you're at it.  Just eliminate all of the challenges.

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One thing I love about Fallout games is that they are a grind.  They're slow paced and you have to work damn hard to get rewarded with caps and items.  

Glitching to get infinite caps sounds like a good way to make the game boring and easy.  Might as well just play on 'Very Easy' mode while you're at it.  Just eliminate all of the challenges.

I understand it from that perspective, but I just dont want to be limited with my items. I like having everything and then playing on Hard/Very Hard. I find that more fun than using crappy weapons with limited ammo and being poor on Normal. I have a sweet Settlement and everything I could want and the game is still very challenging since I upped the difficulty. 

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I understand it from that perspective, but I just dont want to be limited with my items. I like having everything and then playing on Hard/Very Hard. I find that more fun than using crappy weapons with limited ammo and being poor on Normal. I have a sweet Settlement and everything I could want and the game is still very challenging since I upped the difficulty. 

Not going to lie though, Fallout is probably one of the only games I wouldn't use a glitch like that for.

And I'm still real tempted to use it to buy resources.  Just not weapons or armour.

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Not going to lie though, Fallout is probably one of the only games I wouldn't use a glitch like that for.

And I'm still real tempted to use it to buy resources.  Just not weapons or armour.

I dont really care for armour to be honest. I have stimpacks for days. Maybe if I find a cool set ill use it. I dont like using it because of weight lol

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Can someone please tell me how to power up a building? My generator at the moment is outside the building but the wires won't go through the walls lol. Do I have to put a generator inside, and do I have to wire every individual lightbulb for example? 

Connect a conduit to the wall of the building that should power some of the house.

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I accidentally told dogmeat to go to a settlement and now I can't find him. Is there an easy way to find him? Cause he was carrying a lot of stuff.


I joined the brotherhood pretty early in the game. You get a gun called the righteous authority which is pretty good.

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I accidentally told dogmeat to go to a settlement and now I can't find him. Is there an easy way to find him? Cause he was carrying a lot of stuff.


I joined the brotherhood pretty early in the game. You get a gun called the righteous authority which is pretty good.

I don't think there is a way to find him. You'll just have to visit the settlements and see if he's at one of them. Apparently, some people who lost him found him at Sanctuary. There's a house on the right, right after the bridge. Supposedly people have found him behind that house where the dog house is.

Myself, I lost him once but found him where he originally was, at the Rocket gas station or whatever.

Yeah, I still have and use that Righteous Authority weapon and I'm Lvl16. Although I've been finding it hard to find any cells for ammo unless I'm doing a Synth killing quest.

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I don't think there is a way to find him. You'll just have to visit the settlements and see if he's at one of them. Apparently, some people who lost him found him at Sanctuary. There's a house on the right, right after the bridge. Supposedly people have found him behind that house where the dog house is.

Myself, I lost him once but found him where he originally was, at the Rocket gas station or whatever.

Yeah, I still have and use that Righteous Authority weapon and I'm Lvl16. Although I've been finding it hard to find any cells for ammo unless I'm doing a Synth killing quest.

Fighting the Gunners is also a good way of finding cells, as a lot of them like using energy weapons.

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Loving the game, just finished a 6 hour run. 


But I'm starting to find the lack of power weapons have is kinda sucky. Might be time to go back to regular 

In one of the first brotherhood quests, you clear a factory full of synths. Institution guns are decent and you can pick up a few there. I think I have about 4.

I found dogmeat at the red rocket. :) Thanks daad.

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Wow, glitching in this? Why are you playing if not to check out all the cool places and grab stuff!? isn't that like, half the point of the game; you know how they refer to you as a "Scavver" half the damn time? .... Sad to hear. You should feel shame every single time you visit your Cheatsy Doodle Settlement.

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What legendarys have you guys found? I just killed a legendary raider and got a 10mm pistol that dishes out 15 fire damage with every shot.

I've found numerous. Mainly, legendary raiders.

One of them had a 10mm assassins pistol which does 50% damage against human enemies, modified it to get 40 damage. Its phenomenal. 

Here's a list of the legendary guns you can find.


Legendary Weapons Effects

  • Assassin's - Effect: 50% more damage against humans
  • Automatic - Effect: Automatic fire mode
  • Berserker's - Effect: More damage the lower your damage resistance is
  • Bloodied - Effect: More damage the lower your health is
  • Cavalier's - Effect: 15% less damage while blocking or sprinting
  • Crippling - Effect: 50% more limb damage
  • Enraging - Effect: Critical hits cause target to frenzy
  • Explosive - Effect: Bullets explode on impact doing 15 area effect damage
  • Exterminator's - Effect: 50% more damage against Mirelurks and bugs.
  • Freezing - Effect: 10 points cryo damage and will freeze targets on critical hits
  • Furious - Effect: Damage increase after each hit on same target
  • Ghoul Slayer's - Effect: 50% more damage against Ghouls
  • Hunter's - Effect: 50% more damage against animals
  • Incendiary Effect: Sets target on fire for 15 points of damage
  • Instigating - Effect: 2x damage if the target is at full health
  • Irradiated - Effect: 50 points additional radiation damage
  • Junkie's - Effect: Damage increase more withdrawal affects you are suffering
  • Kneecapper - Effect: 20% chance to cripple the target's leg
  • Lucky Weapon - Effect: Critical shots do double damage and the critical meter fills 15% faster
  • Medic's - Effect: Heals targets instead of hurting them
  • Mutant Slayer's - Effect: 50% more damage against Super Mutants
  • Never Ending - Effect: Unlimited ammo capacity
  • Nimble - Effect: 75% faster movement while aiming
  • Nocturnal - Effect: Does increasing amounts of damage as the night grows longer and less damage during the day
  • Penetrating - Effect: Ignores 30% of the target's damage and energy resistance
  • Plasma Infused - Effect: Adds 10 points of energy damage and can turn enemies into goo
  • Poisoner's - Effect: Target is poisoned for 10 seconds
  • Powerful - Effect: Provides 25% more damage
  • Quickdraw - Effect: Costs 25% fewer Action Points
  • Rapid - Effect: Provides 25% faster fire rate, 15% faster reload
  • Relentless - Effect: Refills your Action Points on a critical hit
  • Sentinel's - Effect: 15% less damage while standing and not moving
  • Staggering - Effect: Chance to stagger on hit
  • Stalker's - Effect: If you are not yet in combat, increases VATS accuracy but costs more AP
  • Troubleshooter's - Effect: Does 50% more damage against robots.
  • Two Shot - Effect: Shoots an additional projectile
  • VATS Enhanced - Effect: Improved VATS hit chance, 25% less Action Point cost
  • VATS Enhanced - Effect: 40% less Action Point cost
  • Violent - Effect: Deals +25% damage and limb damage, but has more recoil
  • Wounding - Effect: Targets bleed for 25 points of additional damage

Legendary Shield Effects

  • Cunning - Effect: Agility +1, Perception +1
  • V.A.T.S. Enhanced - Effect: 10% reduction in Action Point costs in V.A.T.S.
  • Powered - Effect: Increases Action Point refresh speed
  • Chameleon - Effect: Hard to detect while sneaking and not moving
  • Sharp - Effect: Charisma +1, Intelligence +1
  • Duelist's - Effect: 10% chance to disarm melee attacker on hit
  • Freefall - Effect: No falling damage
  • Cavalier's - Effect: 15% reduces damage while blocking or sprinting
  • Titan's - Effect: 15 % reduces damage while standing and not moving
  • Hunter's - Effect: 15% reduces damage from animals
  • Exterminator's - Effect: 15% reduces damage from Mirelurks and bugs
  • Ghoul Slayer's - Effect: 15% reduces damage from Ghouls
  • Assassin's - Effect: 15% reduces damage from humans
  • Troubleshooter's - Effect: 15% reduces damage from robots
  • Mutant Slayer's - Effect: 15% reduces damage from Super Mutants
  • Acrobat's - Effect: 50% reduces damage from falling
  • Safecracker's - Effect: Increases size of sweet spot while picking locks.
  • Martyr's - Effect: Temporarily slows time during combat when you are at 20% or less Health
  • Lucky - Effect: Luck +2.
  • Herbalist's - Effect: +25 poison resistance
  • Punishing - Effect: Reflects 10% of melee damage back on attacker
  • Bolstering - Effect: Grants increasing energy and damage resistance the lower your Health (up to +35)
  • Sprinter's - Effect: Increases wearer's movement speed by 15%
  • Fortifying - Effect: Strength +1, Endurance +1
  • Low Weight - Effect: Low carry weight
  • Almost Unbreakable - Effect: Quadruples durability


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What legendarys have you guys found? I just killed a legendary raider and got a 10mm pistol that dishes out 15 fire damage with every shot.

i dont have my game open, but i have that legendary leg guard from a mirelurk. And a legendary shotgun from some raider. I'll name them when I load my game.

I stll have yet to meet the railroad, the institute, or the brotherhood of steel. But I have had to face the mirelurk queen. God damn, the mirelurk queen, lol. 

I have about 22-23 hours in. I've had some fun with random encounters. My favourite moment so far was tracking down cries for help to the roof of an abandoned, unmarked building, to find to guys who looked the same, but one was a synth.  Was able to solve the situation using charisma and speech. It was awesome.

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