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[Cleared Waivers] F Scott Gomez, and F Sam Gagner


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Agreed with claiming Gagner, if the team can salvage some value from Sbisa I'd say Sam can have some potential still.

If the team's going to go young I'd be willing to bring on some young veterans who can ride it out with the team as the transition happens and the aging vets are shipped out for future assets (picks/ prospects).  Sam's not the worst guy to bring on seeing how guys like Higgins are doing next to nothing (not trashing but stating fact).

On the other hand, frankly I'm surprised Gomez is still in the league; although he did put up like 1/2 point per game not to long ago with the Devils I'm pretty sure his playing days are finished. 

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If we had to put a claim in on either of these two and it was Willie's decision, we would claim Gomez. Despite the fact that it's been 7 years since Gomez had double digits in goals in a single season.

Ganger on the other hand still has some potential. I would claim him, convert him to winger and ship Higgins out of here in a heartbeat.

Better yet, just ship Higgins out and call up Shinkaruk or Gaunce.

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20 hours ago, oldnews said:

Not a huge Cody lover at all, but credit where it's due - he's a better faceoff guy than either of these guys, and he has decent underlying numbers in Nashville.

His production isn't impressive by any stretch of the imagination - but he's a cheap, expiring contract and he'd be decent competition to challenge Vey for a spot at this point - perhaps a lateral move...


In jest only! CoHo has been averaging 10 minutes of TOI per game and hasn't dressed for the past 2 games. Not sure if that is through injury or not.

Vancouver FO % is worst in the NHL but then the Canucks have two of the youngest C's in the NHL as well with Horvat and McCann. Not to worried about this. I am sure the Canucks are working with them. Unfortunately Richardson walked but I can see why Benning let him do so.

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22 hours ago, Noseforthenet said:

I would put in a claim, then send down McCann. The team is going nowhere fast this season. I mean...we don't want him to turn into Sam Gagner after all.

This... our place in the standings is artificially boosted by playing several games more than the team behind us.  We are around 25th in the league and near the bottom of our division once the games in hand have been figured in.

It is getting close to time to start thinking about being sellers and inflating the numbers of our moveable assets by playing them more minutes and in better situations.

(this isn't tanking... it is being a seller and asset management when the season is already in the toilet)

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