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(Proposal) Vancouver-Montreal


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After 6 years of ripping on people's proposals I think it's finally my turn to face the music. So my first proposal aims at trying to revitalize a struggling team (Montreal) and bring some much needed depth to a thin Vancouver blue line.

To Montreal

Burrows (4.5M x 1)


To Vancouver

Emelin (4.1M x 2)

The contract figures are based off of memory so feel free to correct me. I haven't looked into the cap figures of Montreal so I have no idea whether they can afford the extra salary.

It is a swap of bad contracts but I think each player could use a change of scenery. The immediate concern for the Canucks is that they are adding an extra year of Emelin but IMO Burrows has become redundant at this point. I think Emelin does bring some physicality to his play that Vancouver could use more.

I know some here would rather receive a pick or prospects in return but I have a feeling Burrows at full salary is undesirable. 

I think Burrows waives because aside from the obvious reason, he gets to go a team better suited to win now. 

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Emelin has actually been really good in Montteeal this season since coming back from injury. He's throwing the hits that made him so effective again. Montreal is already loaded with bottom 6 guys. He really doesnt help them where they need it. Which is scoring

i don't think the value is far off at all. But I don't see Montreal doing it. Emelin brings a physicality to their lineup that few other players on their roster can. Burrows would just be a redundant bottom 6 guy. 

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The reason why I thought the deal could appeal to Montreal was that I felt Burrows could up his game playing in a place close to home. I think playing in a Canadiens jersey in the playoffs might just bring out the best in him.

I also figured that losing the extra year on Emelin's contract might be appealing to Bergevin. Similar to the Bourque for Allen trade. If Emelin has been doing better then this makes less sense obviously.

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Just now, The 5th Line said:

Burrows gives his all every night but he just simply isn't good enough anymore and no scenery can change that imo.  Montreal should stay far away from that unless we eat some serious salary on the deal

I always thought Emelin was thought highly of in Montreal?  Every game I watch he seems to be impacting the game physically, aside from a few bonehead mistakes here and there he seems like the kind of guy we need on this team.  Just doesn't produce enough offense I guess?

I haven't watched a lot of him this season but I was never really impressed by him. He seemed much better to me when he broke into the league and in the more recent games I have watched of him, he ranged from okay to downright bad. On a good day he was a decent #4 but the rest of the time he just looked like a bottom pairing defenseman to me.

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The reality is Burrow's best days have been over for some time now, I don't think any team would take him with that contract, even if Van kept 50%, it's still to much for what he provides.

I believe he will end up taking the Higgins path hopefully sooner than later.

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Montreal has little need for another bottom 6 winger and we have little need for another left side D. Maybe if we move Hamhuis and or Edler we'll be in a pinch that way, but with the possibility of Pedan and Tryamkin soon we're actually pretty well set on the left side apart from higher end talent if we move others.

Now, right side D we could use depending on the usefulness of Sbisa on Hutton's right, and Biega sticking there. Emelin doesn't fit that role any better though.

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Devante Smith-Pelly works for me.  Nice as a 3rd or 4th line player for us.

Give them back Prust, throw in Vrbata and get a good pick as well.

The only way we send Burrows there is if we get similar salary back like Eller and retain some cash on Burrows.

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On January 19, 2016 at 5:34 AM, Toews said:

The reason why I thought the deal could appeal to Montreal was that I felt Burrows could up his game playing in a place close to home. I think playing in a Canadiens jersey in the playoffs might just bring out the best in him.

I also figured that losing the extra year on Emelin's contract might be appealing to Bergevin. Similar to the Bourque for Allen trade. If Emelin has been doing better then this makes less sense obviously.


On January 19, 2016 at 5:06 AM, Toews said:

After 6 years of ripping on people's proposals I think it's finally my turn to face the music. So my first proposal aims at trying to revitalize a struggling team (Montreal) and bring some much needed depth to a thin Vancouver blue line.

To Montreal

Burrows (4.5M x 1)


To Vancouver

Emelin (4.1M x 2)

The contract figures are based off of memory so feel free to correct me. I haven't looked into the cap figures of Montreal so I have no idea whether they can afford the extra salary.

It is a swap of bad contracts but I think each player could use a change of scenery. The immediate concern for the Canucks is that they are adding an extra year of Emelin but IMO Burrows has become redundant at this point. I think Emelin does bring some physicality to his play that Vancouver could use more.

I know some here would rather receive a pick or prospects in return but I have a feeling Burrows at full salary is undesirable. 

I think Burrows waives because aside from the obvious reason, he gets to go a team better suited to win now. 

Good scenario,..  Would be nice to keep Emelin moving along to just keep clearing Capspace.  Really like the chemistry our new core of prospects bring.

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