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Bo Horvat | #53 | C

-Vintage Canuck-

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I rather they just stick Richardson with his fellow grinders Hansen and Dorsett. Matthias and Kansen actually have offensive potential that Vey a play making offensive center can bring out.

Yet Richardson is outscoring Hansen,Kassian,Matthias and Dorsett.

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Bo would have to have exceptional skating abilities. Skating backwards as good and/or better than skating forwards is a skill that is learned over many years. Only extremely exceptional skaters could make this particular transition at the NHL level.

A competitive NHL team is not thinking of going down that road unless Bo began playing hockey at D or played the position at some point in time during his playing life.

The young man would do well to go back to junior in December,play a few weeks in London,have Christmas with his family and play out the season for his team.

In the new year he has a half year left in his junior career. His experience here will give him the knowledge base of how much he needs to do to compete and stay at the elite,NHL level.

meh, just threw it out there for "crazy talk"

But I will say this, Bo looks his best when facing an oncoming rush or zone entry. And in those moments he's shined the most, he looked like a D man, typically a center would cover the slot or the back of the net, and I've seen Bo leave both areas to challenge an oncoming for checker,

....If Fedorov could do it.....(Yes, I know Federov could skate....really well)

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He hasn't been given any chance to succeed.

He's proven he isn't a liability, so why they aren't even giving him any semblance of an opportunity to show what he can do is beyond me.

He definitely needs to go back to London, being used like this is going to kill his offensive confidence, if it isn't shot already.

I think he's had a pretty good showing in this roll, but he just isn't getting the minutes.


Why exactly should Bo be given a better chance to succeed than he already has? "Given" is an awful word - let's try "earned" instead - and I think that's what you meant anyways. You're saying that Bo has "earned" a better chance to succeed - something like, given more minutes with better linemates - by proving that he isn't a liability?

Since when did the standard for being rewarded more ice time and better linemates become just merely "not being a liability"?

Look up and down our lineup. There is nobody who is a liability out there - not being a liability is literally the basic standard you should meet to be able to play in the NHL. It's not something that any player should be rewarded with by being given a "better chance to succeed." If you want to play in the NHL, you are supposed to not be a liability, first and foremost. Then, you gotta do the extra things to earn more.

Everybody in our lineup has done more than Bo with their ice time, and nobody is a liability. For Bo to earn more ice time, he needs to do more with even the limited ice time that he got. He hasn't done that, and so he continues to get the same minutes that he's been getting.

The kid is simply not ready right now. HIs offense still needs work in junior. Just like how some offensive junior superstars are sent back to become better defensively, Bo will need to go back to junior to become better ofensively.

Edited by Dasein
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Welcome to the dark side everyone.

Thanks for treating me like a leper when I've said the exact same thing since October 1st.

Well don't get all pompous about it now as if you were the only one and that you had it right all along - because you didn't.

You just happened to pick the safer side on the odds.

Truth is, nobody knew, including yourself, if Bo would be ready on October 1st. Nobody. The kid hadn't even played his 1st NHL game. To make statements about whether he is ready or not before even seeing a regular season game does not mean you had great insight into the future - it just means you picked a side and that side happened to be right afterwards.

FYI, I also thought, as well as many others on this board if you paid attention to other people's posts on this thread, that Bo would probably be sent back before the season began. The only difference is, now that I see that that indeed is the case, I'm not acting like I was right all along. Although I thought he wouldn't be ready, I respected the idea that Bo could be since he hadn't even played his first NHL game, and nobody was more right or more wrong at that point. Everyone was just speculating.

To rule out a player before he even gets a chance to play is to make a judgement on insufficient information. You're not anything special.

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I may be in the minority here, but I think he should stay past the 9 game mark. He has more to gain playing 8-10 minutes a night in the NHL than 30 a night in the OHL.

I would however send him back for the WJC to give him another crack at a medal in a high-pressured situation then bring him back for the remainder of the season.

The Canuck's brass like what they've seen in him during his limited minutes and I believe if they do keep him up, that his minutes will slowly trend upwards, as will his play.

That said, sending him down certainly won't ruin him. He hasn't dominated junior offensively yet, but he likely won't do that if he's sent down either. Domi and Marner are London's primary offensive catalysts and Bo would likely become their shutdown centre and get all the hard minutes meaning he'd have to pace himself rather than work on his explosiveness every shift.

Wouldn't you rather he played the shutdown role versus NHL talent than junior talent? I would.

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Welcome to the dark side everyone.

Thanks for treating me like a leper when I've said the exact same thing since October 1st.

Saying it before he had played an NHL game and saying it after he's played 6 games are two different things though.

Now I think most people can say he should be sent back with actual evidence to prove it.

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Saying it before he had played an NHL game and saying it after he's played 6 games are two different things though.

Now I think most people can say he should be sent back with actual evidence to prove it.

so don't predict anything. Ever. Until halfway through the event that is to be predicted.

Got it.

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I may be in the minority here, but I think he should stay past the 9 game mark. He has more to gain playing 8-10 minutes a night in the NHL than 30 a night in the OHL.

I would however send him back for the WJC to give him another crack at a medal in a high-pressured situation then bring him back for the remainder of the season.

The Canuck's brass like what they've seen in him during his limited minutes and I believe if they do keep him up, that his minutes will slowly trend upwards, as will his play.

That said, sending him down certainly won't ruin him. He hasn't dominated junior offensively yet, but he likely won't do that if he's sent down either. Domi and Marner are London's primary offensive catalysts and Bo would likely become their shutdown centre and get all the hard minutes meaning he'd have to pace himself rather than work on his explosiveness every shift.

Wouldn't you rather he played the shutdown role versus NHL talent than junior talent? I would.

Playing 8-10 minutes against NHLers in a shutdown role? The guy is playing against the other team's 3rd and 4th line - he's not shutting down anybody right now. He gets an average of 2-3 defensive zone draws per game, and only 9-10 total per game. Henrik, Bonino and Richardson all get more defensive zone draws than Bo.

Stop sugarcoating Bo's role on this team. He's a 4th liner getting sheltered minutes against the opposing bottom 6 forwards.

Then take into consideration that, aside from his pre-season tally, Bo has not scored a goal since March 27, 2014 vs Windsor in round 1 of the OHL playoffs. Bo had 1 assist vs Guelph in the first game of round 2 of the OHL playoffs on April 4th, 2014, which was his last. Nothing in the Memorial Cup. Nothing in the AHL. Nothing in the NHL.

We'd only be hurting his offensive development by keeping him as a 4th liner/extra forward for the duration of the year. Bo needs to go back and score some goals and produce again. He's not being developed into a bottom 6 forward - we hope to turn him into a top 6 center with offensive capabilities some day.

Look at Cole Cassels tearing up the OHL offensively. That's what we need to see out of Bo this year - not 8 minutes per game against the opposing team's bottom 6 forwards - that is, if he's even playing and not sitting in the press box as the extra forward.

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What's wrong with a rookie getting sheltered minutes on the 4th line, I seriously don't get that argument at all? He's only going to get better over time. I support whatever decision JB decides to make, keeping or sending down Bo will not change our season drastically. Plus, if they do send down Bo it only means a greater chance for Jensen, Gaunce or Shinkaruk to get a shot on the team when there are injuries.

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What's wrong with a rookie getting sheltered minutes on the 4th line, I seriously don't get that argument at all? He's only going to get better over time. I support whatever decision JB decides to make, keeping or sending down Bo will not change our season drastically. Plus, if they do send down Bo it only means a greater chance for Jensen, Gaunce or Shinkaruk to get a shot on the team when there are injuries.

you dont understand how giving a young developing forward 8 mins a game hurts his development? Edited by Gooseberries
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If he gets sent down to juniors after his 9th game, what are you guys' expectations of him offensively. Let's be honest here, all we want from him in Junior is to put up numbers, there's no other reason why we'd want him back down there.

The problem is, Marner has slotted into that no.1 center role and Horvat, like someone suggested earlier, might play with lesser junior players and might have to carry the load on the line and develop some bad habits or whatever.

If he goes back to Junior for the season, I'd expect him to score 1.75 ppg - 2.00 pgg depending on how many games he plays (i think there are about 35+ games left him to play in Junior)

Edited by junglesniper
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you dont understand how giving a young developing forward 8 mins a game hurts his development?

No I really don't.

The guy is getting a shot in the NHL at 18 years old... he shouldn't be playing 19 minutes a game. He is learning a ton from being around pros, practicing with them, and getting used to the speed of the game. We need to stop focusing so much on his number of minutes in his first six NHL games.

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No I really don't.

The guy is getting a shot in the NHL at 18 years old... he shouldn't be playing 19 minutes a game. He is learning a ton from being around pros, practicing with them, and getting used to the speed of the game. We need to stop focusing so much on his number of minutes in his first six NHL games.

If your team is substantially better with him than sure, but he's not making or breaking this team in terms of his value to the team. He's more valuable to us, long term, if he rounds out his offensive game playing 20 minutes a game and scoring points in Junior. He's already been with the team for 4 months and knows the routine. I'm sure he can bring back with him the lessons he's learned in Vancouver to London and play his game while developing his offensive touch.

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If your team is substantially better with him than sure, but he's not making or breaking this team in terms of his value to the team. He's more valuable to us, long term, if he rounds out his offensive game playing 20 minutes a game and scoring points in Junior. He's already been with the team for 4 months and knows the routine. I'm sure he can bring back with him the lessons he's learned in Vancouver to London and play his game while developing his offensive touch.

Junior offensive success does not always equate to Pro level success offensively.

Although I'm not a fan of wasting him around for less than 8 minutes a game, but sniping goals past a junior goalie won't refine his offensive skills. Learning to play the pro game and work even harder to score against harder competition is better. He has already shown that he can put points up i Junior, but once you get to the NHL its a whole different realm and way to figure how to beat goalies who are much better trained, technically sound and etc.

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If your team is substantially better with him than sure, but he's not making or breaking this team in terms of his value to the team. He's more valuable to us, long term, if he rounds out his offensive game playing 20 minutes a game and scoring points in Junior. He's already been with the team for 4 months and knows the routine. I'm sure he can bring back with him the lessons he's learned in Vancouver to London and play his game while developing his offensive touch.

I agree with most of what you said, except your statement on his value to the team. I don't think it's fair to say what his value to the team is or isn't quite yet. And back to my original point, everyone always focuses on quantity of minutes, being he'll get 20 in junior and less than 8 in the NHL. The 8 he gets in the NHL are very different than the 20 in junior. I'm happy either way.

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