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3 hours ago, Blue Jay 22 said:

Vote Kaz


1. Investigate AV n0

2. Investigate MR n1

3. Go head to head with MH during nightfall

4. Lynch Zfetch?


Long story short: Lynching him will give us the best answers. If he is true to his word, then he should survive and somehow provide us with an investigation as well. He proves he is true to his word, survives, and also get's to provide an investigation. Seems like a short term victory for him since if he is telling the truth, there is no long term outlook for him.


If he's lying, then another mafia goes down, his death is celebrated and made a national holiday, and 112/MR look bad.


Kaz, if you are true to your word, then you should survive a lynch. And even if you get MK'd after that, you would have cleared the field for everyone. You would of had to known though that your lifespan in this game was going to be short lived once you claimed.



Everyone should go Kaz.

The regime agrees with this line of thought - nothing has been said or done to change his previous vote.  Either a mafioso is lynched or a large amount of townspeople are cleared and Kaz still survives.


Vote Kaz

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2 minutes ago, g_bassi13 said:

What is the Fwy vote based on? I legit don't get it. 

I saw that his post times were not matching up with his last visited times and so I called him out on that.


He said that he may have been logged in anon on one of the devices he uses.


And apparently that means he must be mafia to everybody else.


It could have been improvisation on his part but not likely.

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@Kazmanian Devil The regime scoffs at your accusation for there is no person of the town more true and committed to the cause of rooting out the evil mafioso than your righteous Duce. 


Though, perhaps the true Vig themselves shall take care of you for the false claim.  Further, an alternative solution to our predicament would be to "call your kill" as Vig.


Unvote Vote Jazz

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There is no downside to voting Kaz.


If he is lying, he is Mafia.


If he is telling the truth, we get to witness the first ever self lynch/MK save + investigation and it makes MR, AV, Kaz confirmed TP - narrowing the playing field/lynch pool. On top of that, we get another investigation from the demigod sherivig.


Either scenario benefits the TP, and anyone voting for someone else should be looked at with scrutiny.

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Just now, Blue Jay 22 said:

There is no downside to voting Kaz.


If he is lying, he is Mafia.


If he is telling the truth, we get to witness the first ever self lynch/MK save + investigation and it makes MR, AV, Kaz confirmed TP - narrowing the playing field/lynch pool. On top of that, we get another investigation from the demigod sherivig.


Either scenario benefits the TP, and anyone voting for someone else should be looked at with scrutiny.

I'm all for this.

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15 minutes ago, Alain Vigneault said:

I saw that his post times were not matching up with his last visited times and so I called him out on that.


He said that he may have been logged in anon on one of the devices he uses.


And apparently that means he must be mafia to everybody else.


It could have been improvisation on his part but not likely.

I think that is pretty weaksauce for a lynch target though, as I pointed out tangentially earlier, I think the privacy/"reading PM's" thing is bad for anything but a basic launching pad.


Seems like people just jumped on him because he was an option that was not Kaz.

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1 minute ago, Kazmanian Devil said:

For the last time:


I can lose both my saves if I'm lynched. Lynching me gives the Mafia a chance to kill an extra TP, and gives me one less investigation.


The Mafia have to use 3 kill attempts to get rid of me. Don't make it 2 by lynching me.

2 is still a lot you will get an investigation this round and next if you're legit. We have to know.


unvote; vote Kaz

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