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Explosion In Manhattan Injures At Least 29 A Few Hours After Pipe Bomb Explosion In New Jersey


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1 hour ago, Alflives said:

Don't you think killing another human being goes against a sane person's thoughts?  Of course it does.  Soldiers are trained to get beyond that feeling.  Military training dehumanized the enemy to further support that construct.  Yes, from our point of view its deplorable.  From a military point of view it's absolutely necessary.  

government should be lead by the people for the people. not the military.  they are a tool and government should reflect the people.  if the tool the military we have been using is ineffective and causing the wound to be infected.  I think it's clear another approach is needed.   


the media should be talking about what is actually happening. instead their sensationalize  content and distort the narrative which permits or permeates  ignorance among the people.


I havent  watched main stream news in years. local news is usually good but the US National stuff is garbage.


not sure which topic u were referring too but answered a few topics. sorry if it's not directly correlating. 

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2 hours ago, Alflives said:

Soldiers in war kill each other; it's their job to kill the enemy.  What's you point?  State clearly please. 

the story goes. they were after a terror cell.  then accidently hit the wrong target.  the US is not at war with Syria. just going after terrorists in Syria. 


it was bound to happen with how trigger happy us drones are.  we've seen wedding party's blown up before but hitting a Syrian miltsry target is a bit surprising.

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I'm quiet familiar with the details humanization process.  I haven't served in the miltary but I grew up playing games both on the consoles and pc where violence was the mission and way of life.


I'm not saying i have the same or anywhere near level of detail de humanization but it's crazy to think the media and content we are exposed too.


I was 13 years old in my first week of grade 8 when 9/11 took place.  I had no idea the context of the situation until I began to absorb hours and hours of media content leading up too the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.


it's a crazy thing when you imagine a young teen is exposed too such chaos and media content at such a young age.


playing games and killing people is not the same as real death.  after the Boston bombing I saw a photo of a man who's leg was blown off.  it feels a lot more personal when it's a person not a pixelled depiction. 


seeing people in other parts of the world  who live in peace and harmony feels like a foreign concept.   I envy their lives but know we don't have that culture here where we as a community are whole. 


we are so segregated in our homes and own personal lives feels like we live with strangers all around us.


maybe that's why I like this forum. because we all can come together despite our difference and communicate.  Maybe my reality is just so fractured but  I'm sure it's not just me. 


I have no idea why I'm rambling this is getting off topic lol.  but ya that's that 

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9 minutes ago, Rush17 said:

I'm quiet familiar with the details humanization process.  I haven't served in the miltary but I grew up playing games both on the consoles and pc where violence was the mission and way of life.


I'm not saying i have the same or anywhere near level of detail de humanization but it's crazy to think the media and content we are exposed too.


I was 13 years old in my first week of grade 8 when 9/11 took place.  I had no idea the context of the situation until I began to absorb hours and hours of media content leading up too the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.


it's a crazy thing when you imagine a young teen is exposed too such chaos and media content at such a young age.


playing games and killing people is not the same as real death.  after the Boston bombing I saw a photo of a man who's leg was blown off.  it feels a lot more personal when it's a person not a pixelled depiction. 


seeing people in other parts of the world  who live in peace and harmony feels like a foreign concept.   I envy their lives but know we don't have that culture here where we as a community are whole. 


we are so segregated in our homes and own personal lives feels like we live with strangers all around us.


maybe that's why I like this forum. because we all can come together despite our difference and communicate.  Maybe my reality is just so fractured but  I'm sure it's not just me. 


I have no idea why I'm rambling this is getting off topic lol.  but ya that's that 

I appreciate your ramble; it makes perfect sense to a sane person.  War is not sane.  It's seen, by many, as a necessary evil.  

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12 minutes ago, Alflives said:

I appreciate your ramble; it makes perfect sense to a sane person.  War is not sane.  It's seen, by many, as a necessary evil.  

I recently watched Michael Moores where go invade next on netflix.   watching that made me feel like I had a hole in my heart.


I'm not the biggest fan or supporter  of his work but the love and culture he casts a light on in that film made me feel so sad for our way of life.   


I'm sure some family's are whole and function well but I think too many suffer from dysfunctional relationships and lack of community.  


for those interested. all though the title "where to invade next" sounds war related it's actually about taking ideas used around the world to make America better.


Healthcare, education, work standards, economy etc.  It's  truly a great flick. 

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4 hours ago, Rush17 said:

the story goes. they were after a terror cell.  then accidently hit the wrong target.  the US is not at war with Syria. just going after terrorists in Syria. 


it was bound to happen with how trigger happy us drones are.  we've seen wedding party's blown up before but hitting a Syrian miltsry target is a bit surprising.

The leader is a terrorist who gasses his own people. Highly unlikely a mistake was made. They just have to tell people that when the 'mistakes' are made. 

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1 hour ago, Realtor Rod said:

The leader is a terrorist who gasses his own people. Highly unlikely a mistake was made. They just have to tell people that when the 'mistakes' are made. 

sounds like a messed up situation.   curious if the new movie snowden will shed some light into that chaotic world.


just going too see it now. hope it isn't some sensationalized version of the story. lol

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50 minutes ago, Rush17 said:

sounds like a messed up situation.   curious if the new movie snowden will shed some light into that chaotic world.


just going too see it now. hope it isn't some sensationalized version of the story. lol

Let us know how it is, I am on the fence.

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21 minutes ago, TheRussianRocket. said:

Tbh I just copy/pasted the link from Twitter. I don't even know if it's his video. 


If it is, still doesn't make the video wrong.

At the end of the video it says "infowars.com".  That means that it's an Alex Jones video. 


Also, the video is jumping to conclusions to fit Alex Jone's narrative.  In other words, as usual, he's making sh*t up.  It's people who are ignorant to whatever story that he's talking about that he thrives on duping.


Congratulations, you're a dupe.

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10 minutes ago, SabreFan1 said:

At the end of the video it says "infowars.com".  That means that it's an Alex Jones video. 


Also, the video is jumping to conclusions to fit Alex Jone's narrative.  In other words, as usual, he's making sh*t up.  It's people who are ignorant to whatever story that he's talking about that he thrives on duping.


Congratulations, you're a dupe.



...you just mad Hillary and the mainstream media getting exposed 

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3 minutes ago, TheRussianRocket. said:



...you just mad Hillary and the mainstream media getting exposed 

I'm not voting for Hillary or Trump.  I've said so plenty of times on CDC.  Also, I've laid into the mainstream media more than once in this very thread as well as other threads over the years on CDC.


Don't react to a post from someone by making stuff up.  You look foolish doing so. 



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3 hours ago, SabreFan1 said:

Oh good grief, you just posted an Alex Jones video.  :wacko:  I just lost a bit of respect for you.

we don't have to necceary agree with everything Alex Jones posts


but he has broken a lot of news stories so I wouldn't write it off so quick.  of course it's probably a little biasd but what media outlets isn't.


Jones interviewed trump and jumps on anything Hilary does that's negative.   some of his stories have valuable information though.   just gotta weed through some of the bias and find the golden nuggets.  but let's be realistic we have to do that with most news sources.


props to poster for not being afraid to share another source dispite the stigma some may hold towards it.

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Just now, Rush17 said:

we don't have to necceary agree with everything Alex Jones posts


but he has broken a lot of news stories so I wouldn't write it off so quick.  of course it's probably a little biasd but what media outlets isn't.


Jones interviewed trump and jumps on anything goes Hilary that's negative.   some of his stories have valuable information though.   just gotta weed through some of the bias and find the golden nuggets.  but let's be realistic we have to do that with most news sources.


props to poster for not being afraid to share another source dispite the stigma some may hold towards it.

He's a moron.  Continue to buy into his idiocy if you choose to.


Exhibit A:  


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