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[Proposal] Young #1 defenseman for the future

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To win a cup, you need a true #1 defenseman.  That need to be one of the main targets of our rebuild.  I think there's an opportunity to capitalize on a guy who's value is lower due to injuries, and for a team wanting to really take a run this year in the playoffs.


Trade Proposal #1

To Columbus: Alex Edler

To Vancouver: Ryan Murray


Why for Columbus: Columbus has a real shot of going a couple rounds in the playoffs this year with a very solid team.  Murray is averaging the 5th most ice time of their defenseman, and their d-core has little/no playoff experience.  They have other good young defenseman, but need a guy who has been there before.  I think Edler could be convinced to move to CBJ, now that Columbus is competitive, and will be for years to come.  Edler gives them a solid rock, plus he's less injury prone than Murray, and still in his prime, and has lots of playoff experience to lead their young defense core.


Why for Vancouver: Murray is 23 years old, and has battled injuries over the last three years.  If he can stay healthy, he has potential to still be a true elite defenseman.  He's a bit of a high risk, high reward guy, depending on his health, but he can play now and also be a core part of a rebuild for the future.  He is a left shooting defenseman, like Edler, which helps since we have several young right handed d-men.

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Blue Jackets don't have the cap space to pull off this trade and I doubt the Canucks want to eat any salary. Also, didn't Edler have a terrible time under Tortorella?!? Doubt he waives his NTC to go back to playing for a coach he doesn't like.


That said, Canucks have a lot of young defensemen with "#1 potential" -- and that list includes Nikita Tryamkin (you read it right), Ben Hutton (him and Nikita may become one of the best 1-2 punches in the NHL in a few years if their play right now is any indication of "potential"), Troy Stecher, and Oli Juolevi. I also don't think the Canucks would want to move an asset like Edler if they weren't getting a high end forward back. They're already a bit crowded on D -- and I didn't even list guys like Sbisa (who, I assume, we'd protect in the expansion if Edler is moved before), Gudbranson, and Tanev. And with Subban, Pedan, and McEney pounding at the door in the AHL -- it's tough for me to see where Murray slots in (if not as an extra man on a healthy roster).


Just don't see how this deal works out... though the rationale for why both teams would do the deal is solid.

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TO VAN: Derreck Pouliot + Sprong

TO PIT: Alex Edler + Hansen + Cassels (Canucks eat some cap, or take Fleury on as a cap dump but they'll probably buy him out)


1) Maata's injured, 4M cap space going on LTIR. When he returns after the deadline in the playoffs that cap doesn't count. Massive advantage for Pittsburgh.

2) Pouliot is getting shafted in the AHL, he's like their 2nd or 3rd callup now. Even with Maata out he won't get called up. Could have been one of the best young D-men in the world at a time, now he's getting into his mid-20s and losing potential. Needs a scenery change and NHL time.

3) Sprong was a former 2nd round pick, boosted his value a bit but still more or less NHL unproven. Hansen is likely to get traded for a 2nd round pick.

4) Edler = Pouliot in terms of value. Pittsburgh get a top-3 defenceman for this year and next, then a declining bottom-4 D-man for a year or two. Canucks get a flyer on a potential top-4 young D-man with bust potential. High risk but high reward player. Similar to Justin Schultz IMO.

5) Hansen + Cassels = Sprong (Cassels just for the added boost, but Hansen alone should warrant a 2nd round pick which is roughly what Sprong still is).


When Pittsburgh get Maata back for the playoffs they go in with the best defence in the NHL bar-none. They also have a playoff performer and PKer in Hansen, to be honest there's no way they don't win the Cup unless goaltending mucks up. Good offensive stars, best defence in the NHL, depth scoring up front. Likely to repeat.


For the Canucks we get a guy who can play 20 minutes on defence, get the most value from Edler and a playmaking winger with some elite-end skill who can complement our raft of forwards. Our new core:


Sprong - Horvat - Boeser

Baertschi - ? - Virtanen

Granlund - Sutter - ?


Juolevi - Stecher

Pouliot - Tryamkin

Hutton - Sbisa/Subban


3-4 of those defencemen have potential star quality (Juolevi, Stecher, Pouliot, Tryamkin). Boeser, Sprong, Horvat have star potential too. We just need a decent center/playmaker for a 2nd line and we can get that in one of the next 2 drafts.

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6 hours ago, DownUndaCanuck said:

TO VAN: Derreck Pouliot + Sprong

TO PIT: Alex Edler + Hansen + Cassels (Canucks eat some cap, or take Fleury on as a cap dump but they'll probably buy him out)

There is a lot of good in this proposal.  But at this stage it appears Pouliot may just not be as good as he was projected to become a few years ago.  If he was, I would be all over this! But we might not need him? 


I would be all over Edler for Sprong. We have at some point, hopefully Juolevi to take Edler's place. Even have the next tier down, a guy who projects much like Edler actually in Brisbois.  And can have Sbisa to tide us over till one or both of them are ready.  And we can use Sprong in our system! 

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I'm under the impression Edler responds with a resounding no when offered a trade to Columbus. Edler not a big fan of Torts. That being said, Edler should definately be traded by at least this off season. He seems to be causing more bad than creating any good plays lately, and i bet that doesn't get any better for next season. That tells me that if there is any trading partner this year for him, management should spend a serious amount of  time mulling these  offers over . Do you think his trade value will increase next year,especially if this years draft is considered much weaker then next's. Our D cupboard looks pretty promising i think Edler is replaceable.

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I forgot about Edler hating Torts, so that's valid that he likely wouldn't want to go there.


I don't see Hutton, Tryamkin or Stecher necessarily developing into true franchise defensemen.  Let's hope that Juolevi does.  Never hurts to have two potential stud d-men.  I'd still like to try to get Murray if at all possible, even if we do need young forwards.

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