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Mafia: Attack of Alain Vigneault and The Weasels (AV wins)


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33 minutes ago, otherwise said:

1./3. well there will be votes and someone is going to be out at some point... so I don't know what point you're trying to make, we've had tons of time for this first round, nothing is really known.  Wanting prolong not knowing anything doesn't make sense to me. I get vibes from all the people listed, I don't know what those vibes are and I probably should've added Aladeen to the list but, what I get is  "3 sides" who have diff reads on who is mafia, there is of course over lap on who is TP but I feel that there would likely be one mafia in each of the 3 sides, just figuring out who it is can be tricky. With the paranoid sheriff/no PMs it seems more likely that the mafia can skate thru and cause a ton of chaos more easily, which is what I'm seeing and why I'm having difficulty knowing who to go along with.

2. pettiness is not something that is forced; though I guess it could be bad.

My point is that if you're going to push for the lynching of a potentially strong towny in round one, you should at least bring some sort of reason to back that up. You just posted a list of a bunch of active players and said that they were all on your list without expanding on why. Chalking them all up to vibes after the fact seems like a lame way out to me, but so be it.

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