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Pollsters Got It Wrong As Conservatives in Australia Win Election


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Just now, Gnarcore said:

It all the land locked bogans and old people there.  I've known soooo many Aussies and not a one have liked their politics whatsoever.  We get that coastal city Aussie mostly. The girl I'm seeing is from Sydney and so is one of my better friends. I've heard far more about it recently than I care to. 




NSFW but a funny bit on Aussie voting. 


Haha I've actually watched a few of their videos before. Love the battle they actually have with the government and "satire".

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8 hours ago, Rob_Zepp said:

Wrong.   I am pretty much smack dab in the middle.   I just find the left far more whiny and hypocritical.   I think Trump is an absolute moron but those opposing him are giving him a great run for his money.   Soooo little in the middle for people to choose from.

I like this guy, below.  Tim Pool. He is a classical Liberal and has had the balls to call out on a regular basis, has nearly dedicated his life actually, to calling out the radical left establishment push the last few years.  Those who call anyone right of Mao a Nazi, those squelching free speech everywhere, those who are actually being the actual Nazis heh.  Subscribe, I did.  Worth the watch once in a while.



Edited by xereau
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7 minutes ago, xereau said:

I like this guy, below.  Tim Pool. He is a classical Liberal and has had the balls to call out on a regular basis, has nearly dedicated his life actually, to calling out the radical left establishment push the last few years.  Calling anyone left of Mao a Nazi, squelching free speech everywhere, being the actual Nazis heh.  Subscribe, I did.  Worth the watch once in a while.



Watched a couple and has me up way late (thanks - lol).   He seems a truly centrist guy.   Nice find.   

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6 minutes ago, xereau said:

I like this guy, below.  Tim Pool. He is a classical Liberal and has had the balls to call out on a regular basis, has nearly dedicated his life actually, to calling out the radical left establishment push the last few years.  Calling anyone left of Mao a Nazi, squelching free speech everywhere, being the actual Nazis heh.  Subscribe, I did.  Worth the watch once in a while.



The problem I have with “centrists” is they place themselves outside of the discourse, anointing themselves as neutral observers free from bias. This is impossible if one follows politics. In fact, those who declare themselves to be unbiased observers without a horse in the “race” should be viewed with even more skepticism in my opinion. 


I don’t know anything about Tim Pool. Out of curiosity though, what does being left of Mao mean - part of the Khmer Rouge? 

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Here are some  interesting notes about the election.


From Bloomberg:



It’s been almost 18 months since any opinion poll showed Morrison’s Liberal-National Coalition 1 with a shot at victory. Newspoll – the most closely followed survey, whose poor showings were used as justification for the internal party coups that removed Morrison’s predecessors Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull in recent years – has put the Coalition behind in 56 consecutive polls since 2016. An exit poll by Nine Entertainment Co. news Saturday night had Labor

ahead 52% to 48%



Indeed, one way in which the result reflects what’s been happening in the U.S. was the growing gulf between increasingly liberal and affluent big cities and more conservative and hard-bitten regional areas.



Despite some claims that the Coalition won on the basis of wealthy and older voters turned off by Labor’s promise to increase taxes on shares and investment property, some of the biggest swings to the Coalition were in lower middle-class suburbs and exurbs that have some of the youngest demographic profiles in the country. 



By contrast, in Sydney’s wealthy northern beaches, the deep-dyed conservative former prime minister Abbott suffered the biggest loss of the night with a 19 percent swing to centrist independent Zali Steggall.



The traditional urban-rural maps on which Australia’s major parties have built their majorities are being scrambled. Just as in Texas and west London, right-of-center slices of its cities are growing more liberal; just as in Ohio and northeast England, left-of-center regional areas are becoming more conservative. Which side is better able to capitalize on those trends will decide the direction of politics for the coming decade, not just in Australia but across the world.


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3 hours ago, Jack_T said:

The problem I have with “centrists” is they place themselves outside of the discourse, anointing themselves as neutral observers free from bias. This is impossible if one follows politics. In fact, those who declare themselves to be unbiased observers without a horse in the “race” should be viewed with even more skepticism in my opinion. 


I don’t know anything about Tim Pool. Out of curiosity though, what does being left of Mao mean - part of the Khmer Rouge? 

oh oops i meant to the right of mao.   the insane radical leftists call anyone to the right of mao a nazi.  i think that the term liberal has been weaponized into a political skewer.  actual classical liberals, you know, those who want freedom? those ones? they are still everywhere.  but there is a rotten brand of radical leftists, true authoritarians have have come out of the woodwork.  they are dangerous. and have taken power positions in government, schools, court houses, and at the heads of social media empires.  for the record, i fully despise the use of the left right paradigm.  its simplistic, and abused.  the real paradigm is freedom vs tyranny.  imposing will on others comes from tyrants on the left and right, wings of the same predator. leave me be, and i will leave you be, in your bedroom AND wallet.  i think most people feel the same.  we are a silent super majority.  and i also believe that the radical left outnumbers the radical right by many many magnitudes.  neonazis are a freaking myth, like bigfoot rare.  the radical left categorizes, as i corrected myself, anyone right of mao, or stalin, to be an altright nazi.

Edited by xereau
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3 hours ago, xereau said:

oh oops i meant to the right of mao.   the insane radical leftists call anyone to the right of mao a nazi.  i think that the term liberal has been weaponized into a political skewer.  actual classical liberals, you know, those who want freedom? those ones? they are still everywhere.  but there is a rotten brand of radical leftists, true authoritarians have have come out of the woodwork.  they are dangerous. and have taken power positions in government, schools, court houses, and at the heads of social media empires.  for the record, i fully despise the use of the left right paradigm.  its simplistic, and abused.  the real paradigm is freedom vs tyranny.  imposing will on others comes from tyrants on the left and right, wings of the same predator. leave me be, and i will leave you be, in your bedroom AND wallet.  i think most people feel the same.  we are a silent super majority.  and i also believe that the radical left outnumbers the radical right by many many magnitudes.  neonazis are a freaking myth, like bigfoot rare.  the radical left categorizes, as i corrected myself, anyone right of mao, or stalin, to be an altright nazi.

Sounds to me that you're doing the same thing and equating anyone left of centre with "radical leftists" . 


Also this is post is almost entirely BS. 

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3 hours ago, Scottish⑦Canuck said:

Sounds to me that you're doing the same thing and equating anyone left of centre with "radical leftists" . 


Also this is post is almost entirely BS. 

No kidding. 

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13 hours ago, xereau said:

oh oops i meant to the right of mao.   the insane radical leftists call anyone to the right of mao a nazi.  i think that the term liberal has been weaponized into a political skewer.  actual classical liberals, you know, those who want freedom? those ones? they are still everywhere.  but there is a rotten brand of radical leftists, true authoritarians have have come out of the woodwork.  they are dangerous. and have taken power positions in government, schools, court houses, and at the heads of social media empires.  for the record, i fully despise the use of the left right paradigm.  its simplistic, and abused.  the real paradigm is freedom vs tyranny.  imposing will on others comes from tyrants on the left and right, wings of the same predator. leave me be, and i will leave you be, in your bedroom AND wallet.  i think most people feel the same.  we are a silent super majority.  and i also believe that the radical left outnumbers the radical right by many many magnitudes.  neonazis are a freaking myth, like bigfoot rare.  the radical left categorizes, as i corrected myself, anyone right of mao, or stalin, to be an altright nazi.

Careful, you will have some of those radical left types either calling your post BS or dismissing you as a "Nazi" or similar.    I don't think these types have a clue that this represents the "silent super majority" as they only will listen to their own drivel and dismiss anything that doesn't allow them to feel morally superior while insisting you pay for their entitled expectations in life.

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17 minutes ago, Rob_Zepp said:

Careful, you will have some of those radical left types either calling your post BS or dismissing you as a "Nazi" or similar.    I don't think these types have a clue that this represents the "silent super majority" as they only will listen to their own drivel and dismiss anything that doesn't allow them to feel morally superior while insisting you pay for their entitled expectations in life.

I called it as such because it's full of it.


The pesky left are taking over government, social media, schools and the courts? - Paranoid BS.

Neonazis are a myth - Easily dismissed BS.

Everyone right of Mao is labelled as nazi - Tripe.

"I despise the use of left and right" - BS. He labels people as such on a regular basis.


I know you love to peddle the notion that you're "different" and both morally and politically superior to everyone else, which also happens to be complete BS.  You regularly push your own political biases, so don't give me the holier than thou, "super silent majority", impartial observer pish. 

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33 minutes ago, Scottish⑦Canuck said:

I called it as such because it's full of it.


The pesky left are taking over government, social media, schools and the courts? - Paranoid BS.

*Is it paranoia? Or is it a growing trend that social media is largely biased towards left leaning agendas, even at the cost of printing incorrect information, with no real backlash? Schools teaching things like “Gender studies”? Courts being told to “Trust the victim #MeToo”?

TrueDope hiring half his cabinet, on the basis that they have the almighty Vajayjay?


Neonazis are a myth - Easily dismissed BS.

Everyone right of Mao is labelled as nazi - Tripe.

"I despise the use of left and right" - BS. He labels people as such on a regular basis.


*People throw the words “nazi”, “fascist”, “homophobe”, “misogynist”, “transphobe”, around like they are candy they got from a word of the day calendar. Those words are evil. The people that sling that sheet generally dont understand evil, let alone what those words truly mean. “Left and right” however, in political terms is generally crazy no matter which way the boomerang is spinning. In my view, the “far leftist” side is incompetent, delusional, racist, self serving, and pandering to ignorant people. That doesnt mean its correct. It doesnt mean im wrong either. 


I know you love to peddle the notion that you're "different" and both morally and politically superior to everyone else, which also happens to be complete BS.  You regularly push your own political biases, so don't give me the holier than thou, "super silent majority", impartial observer pish. 

You just sound angry in this paragraph. This is typical of people that either dont want to fight for their opinion to be heard and understood, or just know their opinion holds little weight under scrutiny. Its an anger tactic used by unintelligent lazy people, in the hopes that they dont come across as lazy and unintelligent. 

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17 hours ago, Jack_T said:

The problem I have with “centrists” is they place themselves outside of the discourse, anointing themselves as neutral observers free from bias. This is impossible if one follows politics. In fact, those who declare themselves to be unbiased observers without a horse in the “race” should be viewed with even more skepticism in my opinion. 


I don’t know anything about Tim Pool. Out of curiosity though, what does being left of Mao mean - part of the Khmer Rouge? 

The problem you have Jack, is you believe “centrists” place themselves out of the conversation, because you cant imagine a group of people trying to hold constructive debates on the actual issues without trying to get a “leg up” on some imagined opponent.   


Thats right Jack. Everyone different than you is evil. Follow your dogma. 



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On 5/18/2019 at 12:38 PM, MystifyNCrucify said:

Im fightin a losing battle here. If you wanna believe santa and the easter bunny still exist, thats on you. 


Humans are greedy and self serving. Why does food go to waste in north america, yet people in africa starve? Why do we impose tariffs,  negotiate trade agreements, stab our friend in the back to get a $1 raise and a promotion?


You two are painting it out like china and india are “paving the way to magical unicorn fart land and farts smell good so north america should be the ones who make the farts and set the price”.


dont be naive. 


7 minutes ago, MystifyNCrucify said:

The problem you have Jack, is you believe “centrists” place themselves out of the conversation, because you cant imagine a group of people trying to hold constructive debates on the actual issues without trying to get a “leg up” on some imagined opponent.   


Thats right Jack. Everyone different than you is evil. Follow your dogma. 



Is that what you have in mind when you’re having a constructive debate?


I don’t need to dignify the rest of your garbage. 

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8 minutes ago, Jack_T said:


Is that what you have in mind when you’re having a constructive debate?


I don’t need to dignify the rest of your garbage. 

I dont get it. You took two posts where i was responding to different things, now you are somehow immune to criticism? 


How about i dig up some of your “gems”, put a random spin on it, then throw it in your face?



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5 minutes ago, MystifyNCrucify said:

I dont get it. You took two posts where i was responding to different things, now you are somehow immune to criticism? 


How about i dig up some of your “gems”, put a random spin on it, then throw it in your face?



We’re done cool guy. 

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1 hour ago, Scottish⑦Canuck said:

I called it as such because it's full of it.


The pesky left are taking over government, social media, schools and the courts? - Paranoid BS.

Neonazis are a myth - Easily dismissed BS.

Everyone right of Mao is labelled as nazi - Tripe.

"I despise the use of left and right" - BS. He labels people as such on a regular basis.


I know you love to peddle the notion that you're "different" and both morally and politically superior to everyone else, which also happens to be complete BS.  You regularly push your own political biases, so don't give me the holier than thou, "super silent majority", impartial observer pish. 

Uh, sure.  Triggered much?    Sorry to have melted you.   I certainly don't consider myself any of those things but if that helps you get by to think that...you go Sparky.   There is a silent majority that is tired of the crap of the extremes and those who continue to embrace either end are on sinking ships.   The only people who are "different" are those who actually espouse the crap that both ends feed the world on an all too regular basis (e.g. CNN 24x7).    If that is your comfort zone, knock yourself out.  

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