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Pollsters Got It Wrong As Conservatives in Australia Win Election


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55 minutes ago, MystifyNCrucify said:

*Is it paranoia? Or is it a growing trend that social media is largely biased towards left leaning agendas, even at the cost of printing incorrect information, with no real backlash? Schools teaching things like “Gender studies”? Courts being told to “Trust the victim #MeToo”?

TrueDope hiring half his cabinet, on the basis that they have the almighty Vajayjay?


*People throw the words “nazi”, “fascist”, “homophobe”, “misogynist”, “transphobe”, around like they are candy they got from a word of the day calendar. Those words are evil. The people that sling that sheet generally dont understand evil, let alone what those words truly mean. “Left and right” however, in political terms is generally crazy no matter which way the boomerang is spinning. In my view, the “far leftist” side is incompetent, delusional, racist, self serving, and pandering to ignorant people. That doesnt mean its correct. It doesnt mean im wrong either. 

You just sound angry in this paragraph. This is typical of people that either dont want to fight for their opinion to be heard and understood, or just know their opinion holds little weight under scrutiny. Its an anger tactic used by unintelligent lazy people, in the hopes that they dont come across as lazy and unintelligent. 

Oh goody. Here we go. I wonder which side of the political spectrum that you favour. Tough to tell.


It is paranoia. You have no proof of this left-leaning agenda or the alleged publishing of incorrect information. It's the equivalent of shouting fake news and doing nothing to explain why. Why shouldn't schools teach about gender studies? Are you disputing the existence of gender fluiidity or intersex people? Any proof of the courts being asked to judge cases in favour of the victims? Does the MeToo movement make you so insecure about your gender that you're forced to go on the defensive?


The word nazi is incorrectly used, I'll give you that. As is "radical leftist" or "libtard" or any of the multitude of words used to describe those left leaning. But neo-nazis are as prevalent as those on the far left and there's plenty evidence of their activities in both the US and Europe, so let's not pretend that they're a myth peddled by the liberal media.


Not angry, but thanks for your brilliant assessment, Dr Freud.

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6 minutes ago, Rob_Zepp said:

Uh, sure.  Triggered much?    Sorry to have melted you.   I certainly don't consider myself any of those things but if that helps you get by to think that...you go Sparky.   There is a silent majority that is tired of the crap of the extremes and those who continue to embrace either end are on sinking ships.   The only people who are "different" are those who actually espouse the crap that both ends feed the world on an all too regular basis (e.g. CNN 24x7).    If that is your comfort zone, knock yourself out.  

Sure, if triggered means fed up of sanctimonious posts like these. "Look at me - I don't conform".

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4 minutes ago, Scottish⑦Canuck said:

You have no proof of this left-leaning agenda or the alleged publishing of incorrect information.

There is literally an example each and every day inclusive of what is happening with Facebook and Twitter right now (the, uh, slight fib they told about "algorithms that were actually paid censors").   One such example...and this happened to a Democratic reporter:





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1 minute ago, Rob_Zepp said:

There is literally an example each and every day inclusive of what is happening with Facebook and Twitter right now (the, uh, slight fib they told about "algorithms that were actually paid censors").   One such example...and this happened to a Democratic reporter:





Psst, remind them about Debbie Wasserman Schultz and how that whole thing is pretty much the reason why Trump is president right now, that really gets them going, cause they did it to themselves.

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7 minutes ago, Scottish⑦Canuck said:

Sure, if triggered means fed up of sanctimonious posts like these. "Look at me - I don't conform".

Yes, you do conform.   You conform with all those types who claim to have an answer by embracing an extreme.    What others in this thread are trying to tell you, and I know you have no ability to hear it...not your fault....programming can run deep, is that they are part of the majority who sees you on the extremes as amusing but when it comes to actually electing people of little consequence as it isn't going to work out for you.    That is hard for you to hear and understand but there really is a majority out there that simply isn't perpetually angry and offended.   Again, sincere apologies for melting you.   :)



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21 minutes ago, Scottish⑦Canuck said:

Oh goody. Here we go. I wonder which side of the political spectrum that you favour. Tough to tell.


It is paranoia. You have no proof of this left-leaning agenda or the alleged publishing of incorrect information. It's the equivalent of shouting fake news and doing nothing to explain why. Why shouldn't schools teach about gender studies? Are you disputing the existence of gender fluiidity or intersex people? Any proof of the courts being asked to judge cases in favour of the victims? Does the MeToo movement make you so insecure about your gender that you're forced to go on the defensive?


The word nazi is incorrectly used, I'll give you that. As is "radical leftist" or "libtard" or any of the multitude of words used to describe those left leaning. But neo-nazis are as prevalent as those on the far left and there's plenty evidence of their activities in both the US and Europe, so let's not pretend that they're a myth peddled by the liberal media.


Not angry, but thanks for your brilliant assessment, Dr Freud.

I favor intelligence, compassion, common sense, accountability, self respect, and a common goal. 


That goal is peace, however slim i believe the chances are. 


There is proof of social media blowing up a story about a girl who claimed to be raped by a fraternity, that couldnt have happened. Rolling stone magazine. 


Gender studies in school? Do they focus on biological male issues? Or do they push forward a narrative that “women are oppressed and blah blah pay gap need to take legos away from boys because that makes girls not wanna be engineers”. 


As far as transgender people goes....everyone has the right to live their life in happiness, to the best of their ability. No one can take that from them. 


If you want me to give a gold medal to a transgender female in weightlifting without laughing at the ridiculousness, i cant help you there. 



Edited by MystifyNCrucify
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25 minutes ago, ilduce39 said:

lol, “centrists” :lol:

Im finding more and more each day that its just describing “common sense willing to come to a common goal with equal outcomes “




*I must reiterate. Centrist describes anyone, everyone, who does not follow the rules and regulations set forth by the far right conservatives, yet still doesnt follow the strict dogma set forth by the high priestesses of the far left religion

Edited by MystifyNCrucify
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16 minutes ago, MystifyNCrucify said:

Im finding more and more each day that its just describing “common sense willing to come to a common goal with equal outcomes “




*I must reiterate. Centrist describes anyone, everyone, who does not follow the rules and regulations set forth by the far right conservatives, yet still doesnt follow the strict dogma set forth by the high priestesses of the far left religion

Where do people who could care less about everyone else, and only want what’s best for themselves fall on this political spectrum?  

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1 minute ago, Alflives said:

Where do people who could care less about everyone else, and only want what’s best for themselves fall on this political spectrum?  

I think thats the big “eff the world im happy lettin you all burn cause ill laugh my ass off because its gonna happen, cause i bet my last 40 grand on this house...hahahaha screw you all you called me crazy but you were only partially right hahahahaha” 


that one yeah

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8 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Where do people who could care less about everyone else, and only want what’s best for themselves fall on this political spectrum?  

Seriously though, you are describing the whole human race there. We all inherently want whats best for us. It is biologically programmed in our brains.....and then we have children....which introduces a new variable. 


Then it becomes “whats best for my child, that i can still maintain life and perhaps some luxury”


then its “oh god theres so much screaming im gonna take that firetruck and smash it but i love you buddy but if that thing plays its god damned music in the bedroom again im gonna throw it out the window”. 


Little bit of cleaning on the driveway, crisis averted. 

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12 hours ago, MystifyNCrucify said:

Seriously though, you are describing the whole human race there. We all inherently want whats best for us. It is biologically programmed in our brains.....and then we have children....which introduces a new variable. 


Then it becomes “whats best for my child, that i can still maintain life and perhaps some luxury”


then its “oh god theres so much screaming im gonna take that firetruck and smash it but i love you buddy but if that thing plays its god damned music in the bedroom again im gonna throw it out the window”. 


Little bit of cleaning on the driveway, crisis averted. 

I truly believe that much of the millenial generation grew up thinking they were so god damn special and a gift to the world is now it's become a a competition to see who can stick out the most by doing the most outrageous "non-conformist" (hah) thing. 


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5 hours ago, canuckster19 said:

I truly believe that much of the millenial generation grew up thinking they were so god damn special and a gift to the world is now it's become a a competition to see who can stick out the most by doing the most outrageous "non-conformist" (hah) thing. 


Its more like realizing that despite their parents telling them they were “unique and special”, theres nothing about them that is either unique, let alone special.


Coming out of unicorn fart land where dog turds taste like candy and words are evil does that to someone who has been sheltered and coddled their whole life.


These people move like sheep. They bleat like sheep (angry delusional sheep), and they are being sent to the slaughter house by the people they revere, because they never learned to think for themselves. Like sheep. 

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5 hours ago, canuckster19 said:

I truly believe that much of the millenial generation grew up thinking they were so god damn special and a gift to the world is now it's become a a competition to see who can stick out the most by doing the most outrageous "non-conformist" (hah) thing. 



40 minutes ago, MystifyNCrucify said:

Its more like realizing that despite their parents telling them they were “unique and special”, theres nothing about them that is either unique, let alone special.


Coming out of unicorn fart land where dog turds taste like candy and words are evil does that to someone who has been sheltered and coddled their whole life.


These people move like sheep. They bleat like sheep (angry delusional sheep), and they are being sent to the slaughter house by the people they revere, because they never learned to think for themselves. Like sheep. 

The Simpsons predicting the future yet again.




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2 minutes ago, DonLever said:

One day you will be a old man too.  And shaking a fist at the world.

I'm already shaking a fist at the world and how the boomers messed it up for the next generations. 



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20 hours ago, Duodenum said:

I'm already shaking a fist at the world and how the boomers messed it up for the next generations. 



Are we doing anything economically to improve our situation? I didn't think young people believed in the isolationist economics that baby boomers grew up with, seems like you /we would rather buy cheap foreign junk, but I guess it's the baby boomers fault...??? What exactly did they do and what are we doing to fix it?

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