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The DumbBrexit / #Wexit thread


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9 hours ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:

 the idea that people will switch to alternatives is such a joke, Especially when the alternatives don’t exist.



Funny.  The growing industry and record movement away from fossil fuels and in to alternatives seems to dispute you.


But whatever
















But do tell me more how people and companies won't switch to alternatives or that those alternatives don't exist some more.  I'm literally moist with anticipation

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

Funny.  The growing industry and record movement away from fossil fuels and in to alternatives seems to dispute you.


But whatever

Ah so you’re saying there are realistic alternatives today for replacing farm equipment. Oh wait you wouldn’t have the slightest clue to what farmers have for equipment because lets be real, the closest thing you ever came to anything resembling farm equipment is a tonka truck. 

People like you are so out to lunch, it’s like you think your food just magically appears in the grocery store. There’s a reason why the flipping Green Party is calling for a break on the carbon tax for the farmers. But hip is the expert :picard:.  Oh wait you’re not., you’re just a pathological liar. 


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15 minutes ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:

Ah so you’re saying there are realistic alternatives today for replacing farm equipment. Oh wait you wouldn’t have the slightest clue to what farmers have for equipment because lets be real, the closest thing you ever came to anything resembling farm equipment is a tonka truck. 

People like you are so out to lunch, it’s like you think your food just magically appears in the grocery store. There’s a reason why the flipping Green Party is calling for a break on the carbon tax for the farmers. But hip is the expert :picard:.  Oh wait you’re not., you’re just a pathological liar. 


Uh huh.  Tell me more there.
















But do tell me more how people and companies won't switch to alternatives or that those alternatives don't exist some more.  I'm literally moist with anticipation.


Sweet moving of the goalposts, since your exact statement is/was  the idea that people will switch to alternatives is such a joke, Especially when the alternatives don’t exist.


As for sustainable equipment.  I'd suggest checking out Amity.  If you know you know but then...obviously you don't. 


Meanwhile, let me know how Makar will be nothing in the league because you played in the AJHL.  

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10 hours ago, kingofsurrey said:

Love hearing your little minded  / small minded opinion rant...



I think i will take the New York Times opinion over yours though.....



Opinion columns are only opinions with the barest of facts.  They rarely if ever support an argument

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

What the heck does any of that have to do with what I said. Man, you lack any ability to comprehend simple conversation. Read the bolded again, read it slowly, maybe one word at a time.  when an alternative doesn’t exist, which for most farm equipment doesn’t for example like grain drying. But please keep posting your nonsense haha. It’s why the average farmer income is expected to fall by 12% by 2022. 


1 minute ago, Warhippy said:


As for sustainable equipment.  I'd suggest checking out Amity.  If you know you know but then...obviously you don't.  Just like opening up and making bold statements, jumping in head first and then leaving on a sly dig.  Adorable.

Like I said. Tonka trucks is the closest you’ve been to any farm equipment. Clearly you have never been to a farm Haha. Thanks for making yourself look even dumber. I get a kick of watching you constantly look foolish, which happens at least 2 times a day here. Lol. 


1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

Meanwhile, let me know how Makar will be nothing in the league because you played in the AJHL.  

Makar is a stud D. I never said he wouldn’t be anything, I said I wouldn’t pick him in the top 5 over the other options. I was wrong he is worthy of a top 5 pick. Still happy we have Petey over him though. Nothing wrong with admitting when you are wrong. Something you struggle so mightily with even though it applies to you 99.99% of the time. 

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Just now, Jimmy McGill said:


neat King you must be thrilled. 400 mostly near minimum wage gigs for rich tourists that won't help a single reserve get off poverty, but gee what a great story. 

Was going to say this sounds a lot like sparkling hills in Vernon

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

Was going to say this sounds a lot like sparkling hills in Vernon

If it was going to be something like Nk'mip I might care. But instead its going to be "will be situated on the shore of a private lake in the upscale, exurban community." 


I'm truly worried for Canada. I see these major resource projects as a lifeline for so many communities, but we're all listening to the extreme ends for some reason instead of just doing the obvious and getting down to work.  

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12 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

If it was going to be something like Nk'mip I might care. But instead its going to be "will be situated on the shore of a private lake in the upscale, exurban community." 


I'm truly worried for Canada. I see these major resource projects as a lifeline for so many communities, but we're all listening to the extreme ends for some reason instead of just doing the obvious and getting down to work.  

A friend said Canada is falling apart last night.


I asked her if it wasn't just her area as she lives in Bowness.  She said no, I'm in Quebec and it's all these rail blockades here and out of work people back home.


I mentioned how these are the results of personal decisions and spending and almost 2 decades of bad governance.


She claimed I was just sitting in my bubble in BC and was totally unaffected.


So I let her know how the ports have been shut down.  Rail has been shut down.  BC has been told do this or else.  I reminded her that it's not a situation or government people are protesting it's EVERYTHING about the system that puts business and the elite ahead of common people.  That what she's seeing is effectively people who have had enough.  It's not left or right it's everyone and we're all essentially pissed at the same thing.


She doesn't see it that way.  She's convinced it's only since 2015 and everything was fine before then.  That's what we're dealing with.  That level of self centered view is a huge part of the overall issue.  You're inconvenienced now so it's an issue?


Massive developments for the few people who can afford it should not be applauded by the majority who can't but will be forced to staff them because there's no other options.


But as there's no other options...

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3 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

A friend said Canada is falling apart last night.


I asked her if it wasn't just her area as she lives in Bowness.  She said no, I'm in Quebec and it's all these rail blockades here and out of work people back home.


I mentioned how these are the results of personal decisions and spending and almost 2 decades of bad governance.


She claimed I was just sitting in my bubble in BC and was totally unaffected.


So I let her know how the ports have been shut down.  Rail has been shut down.  BC has been told do this or else.  I reminded her that it's not a situation or government people are protesting it's EVERYTHING about the system that puts business and the elite ahead of common people.  That what she's seeing is effectively people who have had enough.  It's not left or right it's everyone and we're all essentially pissed at the same thing.


Massive developments for the few people who can afford it should not be applauded by the majority who can't but will be forced to staff them because there's no other options.


But as there's no other options...

Most of us want the same things. I do think the media likes to drive us to blame 'the other' far too much and social media is a giant cesspool of negativity that just feeds all that. 


We need some common sense centrist politics, but that just doesn't seem in the cards. 


I'm happy Trudeau beat Harper, and I do like a lot of what his gov't has done. I do see a real leadership vacuum tho, I'm not talking about the CPC talking points either. I don't see any real ideas for getting us through this period with anything resembling economic success at the other end. I see man sitting back and hoping this takes care of itself. 


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53 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:


neat King you must be thrilled. 400 mostly near minimum wage gigs to service rich tourists that won't help a single reserve get off poverty, but gee what a great story. 


All the while burning massive amounts of fossil fuels getting there and back

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38 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

Most of us want the same things. I do think the media likes to drive us to blame 'the other' far too much and social media is a giant cesspool of negativity that just feeds all that. 


We need some common sense centrist politics, but that just doesn't seem in the cards. 


I'm happy Trudeau beat Harper, and I do like a lot of what his gov't has done. I do see a real leadership vacuum tho, I'm not talking about the CPC talking points either. I don't see any real ideas for getting us through this period with anything resembling economic success at the other end. I see man sitting back and hoping this takes care of itself. 


Social media is utter garbage and single handedly destroying people's ability to think for themselves or research anything.


We need a viable centre option in Canada and we don't have one.  Instead of changing things though we're too busy being upset and blaming the government for literally all our problems

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21 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Social media is utter garbage and single handedly destroying people's ability to think for themselves or research anything.


We need a viable centre option in Canada and we don't have one.  Instead of changing things though we're too busy being upset and blaming the government for literally all our problems

#wexit is also a government solution to all Alberta's problems. #irony 

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9 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

#wexit is also a government solution to all Alberta's problems. #irony 

#wexit is not only not a solution it's a huge part of the on going problem.  Much like Stromes 92a statement yesterday but his inability to see why I told him it was kind of essential to understand it and why 92 a exists.  We won the carbon fight in province due to 92a.  Why was 92a created again?  Do you feel if we went in a direction in which 92a was properly applied for the reasons it was created that we wouldn't have these issues?


Questions unasked, unanswered but clearly questions which have helped lead us here.  It's not a new development it's been a decades long build up.

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2 hours ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:

What the heck does any of that have to do with what I said. Man, you lack any ability to comprehend simple conversation. Read the bolded again, read it slowly, maybe one word at a time.  when an alternative doesn’t exist, which for most farm equipment doesn’t for example like grain drying. But please keep posting your nonsense haha. It’s why the average farmer income is expected to fall by 12% by 2022. 


Like I said. Tonka trucks is the closest you’ve been to any farm equipment. Clearly you have never been to a farm Haha. Thanks for making yourself look even dumber. I get a kick of watching you constantly look foolish, which happens at least 2 times a day here. Lol. 


Makar is a stud D. I never said he wouldn’t be anything, I said I wouldn’t pick him in the top 5 over the other options. I was wrong he is worthy of a top 5 pick. Still happy we have Petey over him though. Nothing wrong with admitting when you are wrong. Something you struggle so mightily with even though it applies to you 99.99% of the time. 

YOU made the statement not me.  Now you're walking it back.  


That's you in a nutshell.  


As for Makar, you're taking some liberties there too.  


No other alternatives.  Nobody is using alternatives.  Except....


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9 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

YOU made the statement not me.  Now you're walking it back.  


wth are you blabbering about. I made a statement that rural communities get screwed because technologies don’t exist. You in a triggered rage reply with complete nonsense, like you typically do.


 And you say I’m walking it back?  Others were smart enough to comprehend my statement as it was quite simple but for some reason you are the only that gets confused and goes off on a tangent. 

9 minutes ago, Warhippy said:


That's you in a nutshell.  


As for Makar, you're taking some liberties there too.  


No other alternatives.  Nobody is using alternatives.  Except....


Learn how to read beyond a 5th grade level and life will be much easier on you. Not my fault you can’t read. Your stupidity bores me. 

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5 hours ago, Jimmy McGill said:


neat King you must be thrilled. 400 mostly near minimum wage gigs to service rich tourists that won't help a single reserve get off poverty, but gee what a great story. 


OK boomer.. producing dirty bitumen/global warming  and poisoning our ground water through fracking is so much better jobs right... ?

LMAO - you climate change deniers.. crack me up....

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18 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

Dumb it down and yet I make far more than you haha

But ya it's you who I called the terrorist supporter,  which you are.


True, you "make far more" stupid, ignorant and illiterate posts.


Why should I care about the opinion of someone who views all Muslims as potential terrorists. I have lived among and known many Muslims and I have generally found them to be peaceful and easy to coexist with. You are a bigot who hates and fears people you do not know based upon their faith, goes back to the aforementioned stupidity and ignorance. The illiteracy can be fixed though, I recommend some ESL classes that they offer new immigrants who are just starting out learning English. 

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