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Andrew Scheer stepping down as Conservative Party leader/Which has morphed into the Gun Control thread


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1 minute ago, BPA said:

To be fair...


I haven't heard any recent gun problems that should prompt a buy back on the AR-15.


Perhaps a happy medium is to ban all future sales of the gun.  Gun belongs to current owner and cannot be transferred (aka passed to son).  It can be sold to the government via the buy back program.  This way, the gun will eventually be phased out in a generation or two.

I guess my question is why do we need to phase out that gun? There are 100's of different types of iterations of AR's legally purchased in Canada.  If there aren't any issues or problems with why the need to adjust anything.  This really comes down as a political play and nothing more.  politicians love to play on peoples emotions in order for people to bypass facts and statistics, right wing politicians do it all the time with immigration.  Left wing do it with firearms, they all purposely spreed fear so that people believe they need to elect XYZ in order to protect them from the big bad monster, the monster they created.


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5 minutes ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:

I guess my question is why do we need to phase out that gun? There are 100's of different types of iterations of AR's legally purchased in Canada.  If there aren't any issues or problems with why the need to adjust anything.  This really comes down as a political play and nothing more.  politicians love to play on peoples emotions in order for people to bypass facts and statistics, right wing politicians do it all the time with immigration.  Left wing do it with firearms, they all purposely spreed fear so that people believe they need to elect XYZ in order to protect them from the big bad monster, the monster they created.


I bet you support Fed Con Party and if you were american you would support Trump ? 


There is absolutely no reason in Canada for any person to own a AR.

Turn them all in the melt them into something useful.... maybe make a few cans for Salmon....


Oh yeah, i forgot that next to no salmon returned to CDN rivers this year...

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50 minutes ago, BPA said:

Well...they don't allow suped up sports car that are not street legal on the roads.  So maybe that's the AR-15 in the gun world?


You still have handguns, rifles, and shotguns (aka economy, sedans, minivans, etc).  So it's not like you are deprived of choice.

Just going to point out not one person yet has made a point as to why we should get rid of ar-15s.



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10 minutes ago, ChuckNORRIS4Cup said:

Pretty sure when JT ran 4 years ago, I didn't get a vibe from him that he was shady when I heard him talk, like I did the first time I heard Scheer talk. 

I can't help your vibes but I'm pretty sure JT said himself he does racist things, admitted he personally doesn't support a womans right to choose and he twice violated ethics laws oh and we know he lies a ton.

But vibes ..


Edited by Ryan Strome
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2 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

I can't help your vibes but I'm pretty sure JT said himself he does racist things, admitted he personally doesn't support a womans right to choose and he twice violated ethics laws oh and we know he lies a ton.

But vibes ..


Pretty sure the vibe I got from the other side 4 years ago, was he's just not ready, but nice hair though.... They tried hard :lol:

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36 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

I bet you support Fed Con Party and if you were american you would support Trump ? 


There is absolutely no reason in Canada for any person to own a AR.

Turn them all in the melt them into something useful.... maybe make a few cans for Salmon....


Oh yeah, i forgot that next to no salmon returned to CDN rivers this year...

This coming from a guy who’s anti women, anti gay rights. Really creepy that a senior citizen is talking about penis sizes on a hockey forum. I wouldn’t let my kid go anywhere near someone like you, I suggest getting some help.

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4 minutes ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:

This coming from a guy who’s anti women, anti gay rights. Really creepy that a senior citizen is talking about penis sizes on a hockey forum. I wouldn’t let my kid go anywhere near someone like you, I suggest getting some help.

Wow not sure where any of that came from.....   wow.   I thought we were discussin gun ownership. 


People with quick tempers should not own guns... that much i do know.

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11 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:


Illegal drugs kill far more people and the government does next to nothing to stop it. Hell they invite in criminal after criminal.


12 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

How about you show facts and proof rather than saying "you don't think it could happen more." You know when the last ar-15 death was in Canada?


You honestly border on supporting a police state/dictatorship imo. 



Anyway, fighting over who is more corrupt between corrupt party x and corrupt party y is pretty dumb.


But I know, voting for the alternatives would never work :bored:

Edited by inane
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9 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

So if a drunk person kills somebody with a vehicle it's not as serious? 

Cars and assault rifles in the hands of irresponsible people are both inherently dangerous....


....but one in necessary, while the other is not...

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17 minutes ago, inane said:




Anyway, fighting over who is more corrupt between corrupt party x and corrupt party y is pretty dumb.


But I know, voting for the alternatives would never work :bored:

The Syrian refugee who murdered the young girl in BC was invited in and the Syrian refugee who sexually assaulted 5 minors in Edmonton was invited in. Just look at all the criminal organizations coming from China moving into your Province invited in again. But you are correct both those parties are pretty corrupt. I did vote for an alternate party just not the Socialist like you.

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Just now, RUPERTKBD said:

Cars and assault rifles in the hands of irresponsible people are both inherently dangerous....


....but one in necessary, while the other is not...

I think you meant to say is and according to the environmentalists they aren't necessary. It's funny you claim guns aren't necessary try going to a farm. Maybe leave your bubble every now and again.

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9 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

I can't help your vibes but I'm pretty sure JT said himself he does racist things, admitted he personally doesn't support a womans right to choose and he twice violated ethics laws oh and we know he lies a ton.

But vibes ..

I'm pretty sure he said he used to do those things.


A subtle distinction, I know, but a bit disingenuous to omit , IMO...

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Just now, Ryan Strome said:

I think you meant to say is and according to the environmentalists they aren't necessary. It's funny you claim guns aren't necessary try going to a farm. Maybe leave your bubble every now and again.

I said AR's are unnecessary. Hunting rifles are fine.


Sorry to burst your "bubble"....

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1 minute ago, Ryan Strome said:

I think you meant to say is and according to the environmentalists they aren't necessary. It's funny you claim guns aren't necessary try going to a farm. Maybe leave your bubble every now and again.

So farmers need assault rifles to farm, or can they get by with shotguns and bolt action long rifles?  My .303 Enfield says shotguns and long rifles are enough. 

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2 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

The Syrian refugee who murdered the young girl in BC was invited in and the Syrian refugee who sexually assaulted 5 minors in Edmonton was invited in. Just look at all the criminal organizations coming from China moving into your Province invited in again. But you are correct both those parties are pretty corrupt. I did vote for an alternate party just not the Socialist like you.

There's always going to be instances of crime by any population. 

Immigration in Canada hasn't coincided with an increase in crime. Most areas with high levels of immigrant populations have very low crime rates, lower than regular national levels even.  


But there is something to be said about bringing in immigrants from war-torn countries. Does empathy for their situation trump the safety of the local populace. It doesn't help that studies for things like crime + immigration is frowned upon by the PC crowd. 

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6 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

The Syrian refugee who murdered the young girl in BC was invited in and the Syrian refugee who sexually assaulted 5 minors in Edmonton was invited in. Just look at all the criminal organizations coming from China moving into your Province invited in again. But you are correct both those parties are pretty corrupt. I did vote for an alternate party just not the Socialist like you.

Yes, I can find a few examples of any stupid argument too. Doesn't make it policy or the norm.


'Socialist' is so scary! You sound more and more like American right wingers every day. lol

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