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Big time disappointment this off-season so far?

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7 hours ago, J.I.A.H.N said:

For me, it is not the trading of Miller, nor the pick that has me somewhat down, it is the statements of Jimmy Rutherford that he can change the team mentality, and move us forward, and becoming a playoff team. It is about the promises  and statements (which I wish he never made). But I am reminded, we need to give him some time, and remember who put us in this mess!


I think why I am most annoyed is the moving of players and picks by other teams, that we are not doing, because of the way Benning handled the club. Not seeing Miller traded only reminds me of the players Benning squandered, and the position we are in today.


It is all the above, on a day that I absolutely love.....The NHL Draft........the only thing that actually gets me thinking that I should relax is the Draft where we took Virtanen and Winnipeg took this scrawny kid named Nikolaj Ehlers, who at 26 is only 6'0" and 172 pounds, and he seems to be doing not badly, so from that perspective, I am not upset on our pick at all.......


I am hoping for better things tomorrow! (Day 2 of the 2022 draft) pretty entertaining day to watch! Imagine if someone said 6 months ago that Wright would go 4th! Wow!

I think I agree a lot with this post. There is a lot of frustration built up becuase of the lack of moves and it feels so eerily similar. I am not saying we have horrible management now becuase yes it still is early. It’s the fact there might have been a deal with the islanders but it fell through. It always feels things fall through, didn’t work out but I am hoping something gets done. I still hope he gets moved. Keeping the same team mostly in tact without change just doesn’t change the culture they were talking about. Here hoping that more change is on its way. Our D is my main concern. There really isn’t anything on the open market and the way it is constructed now has major problems. The way I saw it was that Miller would have at least improved a need there. Hopefully he still does. Again if they keep him how are they going to improve it? Pearson/Myers can’t get back anything like that. Running it back would be a big mistake.

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I think what is disappointing to me most about the draft pick was the talk of changing the direction of the team. Its not the picking the Swedish winger is such a bad pick but everything the new management team said going in was leading everyone to believe they would look at things in a different way.

If you lined up 100 Canuck fans and asked what they needed most as far as players go another soft Swedish right winger might land somewhere around 1-2% and that would only be if there was an option for that listed.

Size, nastiness, grit,  might all be higher on the list at any position. Defense especially.

At least if they were going to Draft a player that will take a few years to impact they could have gone with Pickering or Chesley.

Sooner or later we have to fill the holes in this leaky boat. I'm tired of hearing you pick the BPA. It doesn't work to continually add to your top 9 prospects unless that kid is a game changer. You have to look at organizational needs and start to fix the problems. This is just following the OIler and Leaf Model. Load up on offense and hope you can find a D man in FA or in the bargain bin, How is that working out for them? Colorado has a glut of D depth. You want to know why they won the cup?  This is why.

There's a reason this kid dropped to 15. I cant remember a draft with so many D men taken in the first 15. Every one that came off the board i kept saying well there goes another D.

Lastly can we please draft some Canadian kids? OHL? WHL? Do we even scout these leagues anymore? It time to add some homegrown talent to the team. I want to see some kids that will go though a wall to win the cup.

Ok I have had my rant. Now we sit and wait to see what else transpires. Its still a long time until October.

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13 hours ago, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

It just feels like same old, same old. It makes no sense to keep JT Miller right now. There is a good chance he regresses this year and the years to follow. It’s just such a big risk. We really needed a dman. This just change the team at all if they don’t trade him and I don’t get how you can bring everyone back. I know there is time but man it always feels like we are always the team looking and drooling over other teams  moves. I am tired of hearing how they couldn’t get something done. No picks added and no trade. Where are these so called big moves.? Might still happen but today was a big disappointment.  For those of you who think we need him, you need to give your heads shake. We are not anywhere near contention and our defense sucks. What are we keeping him for then?

I know i am late to the Poolparty on this one, but as long as we continue to have the "sky is falling" mentality, we will always stay there. This is not our previous regime and we now have a PROVEN and TRUSTED winner in JR, but people still want to hold on to the old thought process.  You think he is just going to give up a top-10 player for a consolation prize? He has proven time and time again along with PA that they have a plan and they will stick with said plan until it comes to fruition. Three Cups and the fact that our own FA was willing to personally fly to meet with JR to convince him to join us, should inspire our fanbase and trust the process.  Plus, the 2nd round is starting now so a lot can still happen with Millsy or any of our other players. Not to count the fact that we had an arguable top-10 player fall into our laps again at 15 and while Pickering would have been nice, he was NOT best available player (aside from Yurov for obvious reasons). Need I remind you of us taking OJ instead of BPA (Tkachuk)and how that worked out? Just sayin. 

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13 hours ago, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

You actually think they are going to get something better now then they could have had already? 

You actually think they could have had a really good deal already that didn't happen?


There's a reason why deals fall through. 1 team realises it's not the direction they want meaning it's not the deal they want. Forcing a deal is bad, really bad.


And, if you think it was because of some stone unturned or something, consider your own life. Imagine if someone got mad at you for not pursuing every possible outcome in your life, nevermind the fact that the number of possibilities is infinite and overwhemling for just about anyone. There is no one on this planet in their right mind who would consider this a fair argument if they had to go through with it.

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3 minutes ago, Odjick29willkillyou said:

I know i am late to the Poolparty on this one, but as long as we continue to have the "sky is falling" mentality, we will always stay there. This is not our previous regime and we now have a PROVEN and TRUSTED winner in JR, but people still want to hold on to the old thought process.  You think he is just going to give up a top-10 player for a consolation prize? He has proven time and time again along with PA that they have a plan and they will stick with said plan until it comes to fruition. Three Cups and the fact that our own FA was willing to personally fly to meet with JR to convince him to join us, should inspire our fanbase and trust the process.  Plus, the 2nd round is starting now so a lot can still happen with Millsy or any of our other players. Not to count the fact that we had an arguable top-10 player fall into our laps again at 15 and while Pickering would have been nice, he was NOT best available player (aside from Yurov for obvious reasons). Need I remind you of us taking OJ instead of BPA (Tkachuk)and how that worked out? Just sayin. 

Fans having a sky is falling mentality will never affect the direction of the team.


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I don't understand why we can't just celebrate getting a good prospect rather than whining and complaining about a trade that probably wouldn't have happened yesterday. No trade ever has to happen. Trades can be preferred to happen, but they don't have to happen. ;)

Edited by The Lock
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3 minutes ago, mikeyman109 said:

Fans having a sky is falling mentality will never affect the direction of the team.


So you are telling me that in an age when young players thrive on social media where they are quite often being thrown to the wolves, it does not affect them? It might not affect how management conducts themselves because they are not as obsessed with social media or media in general, but it definitely affects younger players. 

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17 minutes ago, mikeyman109 said:

Fans having a sky is falling mentality will never affect the direction of the team.

I think what needs to be considered here is the fact that markets such as Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, etc are typically considered pressure cookers for the players. If the "pressure cooker" indicates the sky is falling, then absolutely this will have an effect on the players. Remember that the players interact with the fans and media and WILL hear some of the feedback.


So to say it will never affect the team (and subsequently the direction of the team) is just plain false honestly. There's a reason why some players avoid markets that will put them under a microscope. Some players will even thrive in such a market. At the end of the day, it makes a difference, sometimes a huge difference.

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I was expecting a lesson in elite GMing from JR/PA, I was expecting lot of moves, the team transforming before our eyes. Nah, same old, and all he's done so far is prove he can't close the (Miller) deal or acquire picks to build up the prospect pool.


I think VAN will end up re-signing Miller, because they didn't strike when they needed to (on the trade). Then they'll spin it as "Miller is a big part of this team and a real leader, and our best player, and we never wanted to trade him", etc. 




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3 minutes ago, NUCKER67 said:

I was expecting a lesson in elite GMing from JR/PA, I was expecting lot of moves, the team transforming before our eyes. Nah, same old, and all he's done so far is prove he can't close the deal.


I think VAN will end up re-signing Miller, because they didn't strike when they needed to (on the trade). Then they'll spin it as "Miller is a big part of this team and a real leader, and our best player, and we never wanted to trade him", etc. 




Seems like you may be privvy to more information than the rest of us given your deep understanding of the "deals" and their inability to "close." I mean Benning closed many deals, albeit not very good ones, but by your measure of success, Benning was amazing.


Good negotiators take their time, stalk their prey, and take advantage when the competition is at its weakest. I'll hold judgement all the way until the trade deadline. If Miller walks for free, then I call it a failure.

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2 minutes ago, Oregon.Duck said:

Seems like you may be privvy to more information than the rest of us given your deep understanding of the "deals" and their inability to "close." I mean Benning closed many deals, albeit not very good ones, but by your measure of success, Benning was amazing.


Good negotiators take their time, stalk their prey, and take advantage when the competition is at its weakest. I'll hold judgement all the way until the trade deadline. If Miller walks for free, then I call it a failure.

If he gets injured or has a terrible season next year, his value is going to be way lower than it is. That would be a pretty stupid risk. Waiting until the deadline is so risky.

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Just now, Oregon.Duck said:

Seems like you may be privvy to more information than the rest of us given your deep understanding of the "deals" and their inability to "close." I mean Benning closed many deals, albeit not very good ones, but by your measure of success, Benning was amazing.


Good negotiators take their time, stalk their prey, and take advantage when the competition is at its weakest. I'll hold judgement all the way until the trade deadline. If Miller walks for free, then I call it a failure.

Other teams are already working on their roisters, making trades to help them next year. When exactly does PA expect to trade Miller? If it's at the TDL, then they've given up on playoffs. I guess we'll see what happens, but after 6 months all they've done trade-wise is send Motte to NYR for a 3rd next year. Not aggressive at all.

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Just now, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

If he gets injured or has a terrible season next year, his value is going to be way lower than it is. That would be a pretty stupid risk. Waiting until the deadline is so risky.

Which would lower the cost for an extension.  I'd still prefer to either extend him or trade him prior to camp though.

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Just now, NUCKER67 said:

Other teams are already working on their roisters, making trades to help them next year. When exactly does PA expect to trade Miller? If it's at the TDL, then they've given up on playoffs. I guess we'll see what happens, but after 6 months all they've done trade-wise is send Motte to NYR for a 3rd next year. Not aggressive at all.

JR has been in the league long enough to understand when the best time to make his move is and how negotiations with.

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2 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Which would lower the cost for an extension.  I'd still prefer to either extend him or trade him prior to camp though.

How is extending him changing the look of the team or improving the defense? We don’t have assets to trade for dman and there is nothing in free agency. You need to trade quality players to get a quality dman back. He really is our only asset that we can trade to at least improve it.

Edited by Canuckfanforlife82
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