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[PGT] Columbus Blue Jackets at Vancouver Canucks | Jan. 27, 2023

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8 minutes ago, Mike Vanderhoek said:

I love this. Fan after fan ripping the team and medical staff. The player and agent come out with this type of response. But will fans listen or keep ridiculing the medical staff.

Absolutely. Looks like it was a calculated move. I was throwing the wtf but it makes sense now. 

Can’t wait to see that speed next year. Kinda cool he shut it down after a game where he scored. Like ok I better get ready for next year hah

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1 minute ago, KFan said:


True. But he's played like a captain ever since he joined the league. Sure, it wasn't quite apparent to begin with,

however, his entire career, including the SHL, all Petey ever wanted to do was win. He hates losing, period. 


Why do you think he body checks against bigger guys?


He's willing to pay the price and all he wants is to be on a winning team. 


You can't blame him for that, and that's the energy you want leading your team. 

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17 minutes ago, *Buzzsaw* said:

For a first time tear the surgery is not rocket science... there are plenty of surgeons in Vancouver who would have zero problems doing the work.


These surgeries are done thousands of times a year in BC.


For a person who has blown out the same knee multiple times, then that is a different issue.... but I don't believe that is the case with Mikheyev... correct me if I'm wrong.

He’s been injured quite a bit. But I don’t think he’s ever blown his knee before. Maybe he is going to Toronto to get operated on.  Should find out next week…

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19 minutes ago, Devron said:

Well said. I wasn’t really ok with how it all shook down but I had nothing against Rick. Why wouldn’t people give him a chance. I guess that’s human nature for some. I liked a lot of what Rick has been preaching. So far it looks like a good move. 

I think some people are pissed at the way it all went down with Bruce, so they are taking it out on Tocchet.  When he got booed the first game I thought how classless is that?


You can be pissed at JR/PA/FA, but it’s totally unfair to put any blame for Bruce’s firing on Tocchet…

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8 minutes ago, BarnBurner said:

True. But he's played like a captain ever since he joined the league. Sure, it wasn't quite apparent to begin with,

however, his entire career, including the SHL, all Petey ever wanted to do was win. He hates losing, period. 


Why do you think he body checks against bigger guys?


He's willing to pay the price and all he wants is to be on a winning team. 


You can't blame him for that, and that's the energy you want leading your team. 

He has to play the way he does to be successful on the ice.

We all seen what a hesitant and less physical Petey looks like. See the first half of last season. He cooled down in the latter part of his rookie season too because the league found out pretty quick what a threat he was so they played him hard physically. 


In his second season he started getting more physical with the reverse hits that’s why he was successful in the bubble. He’s learnt to use his body to not only protect himself but make plays

That’s why he’s successful. He knows how to adapt. 

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13 minutes ago, BarnBurner said:

True. But he's played like a captain ever since he joined the league. Sure, it wasn't quite apparent to begin with,

however, his entire career, including the SHL, all Petey ever wanted to do was win. He hates losing, period. 


Why do you think he body checks against bigger guys?


He's willing to pay the price and all he wants is to be on a winning team. 


You can't blame him for that, and that's the energy you want leading your team. 

Exactly.  This is why we cannot rebuild now. If we do either Petey will leave or we will waste most of his prime years rebuilding. The only way it would be possible to do a total rebuild would be to trade Petey.  And I am not sure what that accomplishes. I mean if Edmonton trades McDavid would they be any further ahead, and how long before they are competing again?  A decade or so?

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7 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Exactly.  This is why we cannot rebuild now. If we do either Petey will leave or we will waste most of his prime years rebuilding. The only way it would be possible to do a total rebuild would be to trade Petey.  And I am not sure what that accomplishes. I mean if Edmonton trades McDavid would they be any further ahead, and how long before they are competing again?  A decade or so?

Yeah, and when you think about it, as much as I like Horvat, Miller, etc, Petey is the real leader. 


He literally wants the very best all the time. He can't stand losing. 


That's who you want leading and building around. 


He's always won anywhere he played. And that's what he expects. 


Like you say, build around him NOW. 

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11 minutes ago, Devron said:

That’s what I don’t get. People want a rebuild. That means moving Hughes and Petey. A re-tool to me means building around those 2. This is the only time in the last 10 years a re-tool has actually made sense. Should we have did a full rebuild during the end of the Sedin era. Absolutely. It was foolish to think otherwise. Right now re-tool makes sense. You don’t rebuild when you have a couple stars still a few years from their prime. 

That's right. We have a LOT of great pieces in place already. We need a visionary who can build 

around and strengthen that core. Then, we might have a chance. 

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A lot to digest tonight, Here are some late thoughts.


1. The game itself. The Canucks played well and were obviously the better team. But that is not saying much as Columbus is the worst team in the league.  While I want the Canucks to lose enough to improve their draft position if possible, I don't really want to see them playing badly against a team as weak as Columbus. If the team were that bad, it would be really be negative news.


2. Goalies. Delia played well. While there has not been a lot commentary on it, I think Delia has moved ahead of Martin on the depth chart. During the rest of the season both guys will be trying to show they deserve to be the backup next year. It would not be a surprise to see someone else get that job next year. Maybe even Silovs, who is making progress in Abby. Keeping Demko out longer obviously helps the tank and obviously everyone wants to minimize the chance of re-injury.  No need to rush him back. 


3. Mikheyev. Not convinced there was any managerial or medical error, especially after seeing Millstein's comments. It is not unusual for guys to play with injuries and put off surgery. That is what Demko did last year (although that did not seem to work out too well). The good news is that Mikheyev was a good player even when less than 100%. It is reasonable to expect him to be significantly better next year.


4. Allvin interview.  Allvin was better than I have seen him before. Still not great, but he gave a few straight answers.


5. Bo Horvat.   Will be sorry to see Bo go but it is good to see him boosting his trade value. He has done really well in his interviews. It is interesting to see him talk as if he was going be here next year (looking forward to Mikheyev coming back next year, etc.) I think that is the best thing he can do. Until he is finally traded he will continue to act as if he is "all in" on the Canucks. Most guys would be getting disaffected by now.  


6. Tochett. My opinion is rising. His end of game talk to the players was good and his entire manner and personality are a lot better than I expected.  With only one practice behind him it is too early to say if his coaching will actually help the team, but I think there is hope.  


7. Boeser played pretty well and,with 2 assists, is improving his trade value. I like Boeser as a person, but the Canucks need to move on from him and free up some cap space. It might actually be possible to work something out.



Edited by JamesB
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54 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Tocchet went around the room and shook every player’s hand. Never seen that before.  Classy.  All the sh*t that has been said about him is uncalled for IMO.  Until you’ve walked in someone else’s shoes, you shouldn’t throw rocks.  We all live in glass houses. 

I never had a problem with Tocchet per se, but I believe in Bruce and I didn't like how the owner/management dealt with the whole situation.

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27 minutes ago, Devron said:

That’s what I don’t get. People want a rebuild. That means moving Hughes and Petey. A re-tool to me means building around those 2. This is the only time in the last 10 years a re-tool has actually made sense. Should we have did a full rebuild during the end of the Sedin era. Absolutely. It was foolish to think otherwise. Right now re-tool makes sense. You don’t rebuild when you have a couple stars still a few years from their prime. 

Yes, this is why they re-signed Kuzmenko.  Because they wanted a top end winger that he could play with.  The idiots on 650 said that doesn't make sense, because Petey would be signing an 8 year deal, so Kuzy might be gone by year one of his new deal.  I laughed at that because I said to myself, if they didn't sign Kuzy, Petey wouldn't even be around for year one of his new deal, he'd be asking for a trade.


In any event, the plan is obviously to build around Petey and Kuzy, Miller and Hughes.  And then the young guys Podkolzin and Klimovich, who could be up with the big club as early as next year.  There is still major surgery to come, so whatever happens with that we will be getting some assets back as well for the retool.  


Trading Kuzmenko for a late 1st round pick did not make sense for the retool, that's why they re-signed him. 

Edited by Elias Pettersson
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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:

It’s much easier to skate on the ice with a partial ACL tear than running on the ground in football, soccer, baseball or basketball.  They pressure on the knee isn’t as great and a lot of times you can just glide on the ice. I can’t think of too many soccer players that would even play with a partial ACL tear.  I mean you are constantly running up and down the field.


Mikheyev said he was wearing a brace, so that obviously helped him. It’s easy to wear a brace under all of that equipment, nobody even noticed. Can’t wear a brace if you are playing soccer or other sports as your range of motion would be severely limited. 




have to admit he has a very big heart ..

I look forward to seeing him in camp !

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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Tocchet went around the room and shook every player’s hand. Never seen that before.  Classy.  All the sh*t that has been said about him is uncalled for IMO.  Until you’ve walked in someone else’s shoes, you shouldn’t throw rocks.  We all live in glass houses. 

Some of the mud people were flinging at him was truly incredible


Tocchet got a talentless arizona team to FAR outplay its skill. I dont understand the parallels people were drawing between him and Torts. Im pretty sure Bruce has more F bombs on tape than Tocchet does. 


Tocchet was a very rare type of player, who had a ton of skill but also put his body on the line. Everything he asks from his players, he did. And that's extremely powerful. 


I'm very optimistic, especially seeing the types of assistants he selected to create structure. I think players will respond well over time.  

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The other thing I want to mention regarding a complete teardown is??? 


Who? Buffalo? Edmonton? Colorado finally won, but they were a gong show for years. 


What's a complete rebuild? 


Arizona? Even the Make Believes, after getting Matthews isn't a guaranteed a Cup. 


Let's get real here. 


However, if we seriously can't get it together this year, I'd rather have a good shot at Bedard

or one of the top 3. No problem there. 


I just don't understand how some here think we have to absolutely tear this team apart to 

even have a chance. There's still a lot of good pieces in place. 

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