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Everything posted by JeremyCuddles

  1. Woo and Juolevi at 200 pounds and Keppen at 212, interesting to note for me. Some real size from the prospects from the looks of it. Hughes the only real slight and smallish player there. Most everyone is 6'1+ 180+. Went hard in the paint on getting folks with size. I bet Podkolzin is also pushing 200+.
  2. Do you get to watch a lot of different games? Like from other teams? For 20-23 a month that'd be pretty good for me. I only ever watch tv for sports, mostly hockey at this point.
  3. 8x7.5mil, get er done. I been on the Tarasenko contract train since last summer.
  4. I wouldn't trade anything for him. Sounds like he would rather be in a Arizona or a Florida. Somewhere with little to no media attention. And honestly he'd probably be better with less media and fan scrutiny.
  5. We should just create a new term for Virtanen. The Virtanen counter or something. Someone more creative than me can coin a term.
  6. It'll be a couple years before we even see his reaction on youtube. At this point I should just follow him on Twitter to see his reaction.
  7. How many games is this if it’s Raffi Torres throwing the hit
  8. I can’t vote no on the first two cause the 3rd question requires an answer
  9. Loui Eriksson gone without paying a draft pick OR retaining cap? Is NHL 20 out already and did they make it even easier to make trades in it?
  10. I doubt it but that is still a possibility. Definitely hoping it’s an anomaly.
  11. You'd think in preseason they'd give the kids more ice time to see what they can do. But Russia does seem bass ackwards so I dunno. Lol.
  12. Like I said I doubt we draft him, but I'll try keep some tabs on him outta curiosity. As a big Naslund fan I'd be pretty happy to see him get drafted at all.
  13. Hockey stops at Alberta? Is that what they been playing in Edmonton? Sure looks like a s*** show to me. I don’t know this guy and don’t really care to. I love this team and it’s direction.
  14. Feel like we been saying this all summer. Meier signed, I'd say he's roughly on the same level as Boeser. Aho is gone, but I'll admit that was a different situation. He was offer sheeted. Not so sure the other RFAs are waiting for other RFAs to sign. But I really hope if that's the case that they start to sign soon. We are getting dangerously close to preseason at this point.
  15. So, is this still a rumor or did he actually leave/get canned? I kinda enjoyed him. In that "he's a funny old guy" kinda way and not the "he's informative and has smart things to say" kinda way.
  16. At what point does a thread get shut down? Not trying to be a mini mod or nothin' but this thread about him being traded or lack thereof is pretty much a "crap on Eriksson" thread. Seems kinda weenie to do but hey if that's how y'all choose to spend your time by all means. Just feels like the thread is a bit more in bad taste now that it's a roast fest. Lol. And lets be real it's just the repeated "he's not worth his contract" "He sucks and belongs in an old folks home" "I hate him he's AHL garbage" etc.
  17. Stanley Cup champ set the bar for the other RFAs I always liked Barbashev, kinda expected more but he is still young so still room for him to become better.
  18. Well, it's September. I am starting to edge myself towards the sky is falling territory with Boeser. Lets go ahead and get this deal done. No distractions going into the season please and thank you.
  19. I boldened the part where you implied it. And the fact you are going at Gillis now further implies it. He is the figure head. I don't recall ever hearing people giving a crap what Gilman had to say. He's never at any of the end of season pressers etc. As the "capologist" I'd imagine he had a say on the NTCs. Otherwise he is a terrible "capologist". Sounds like you are just trying to absolve him of any blame by further crapping on Gillis.
  20. Are we blaming Gillis and only Gillis for the NTCs now? Implying Gilman was against them? Lol.
  21. I have no clue, I always wondered that. I imagine they use English for international events.
  22. If they want to play and live in a English speaking country they should probably learn English. Not saying this to be rude or anything. But that's the reality. Imagine moving to Spain to work and never learning the language. Your life is gonna be really hard.
  23. Yeah, that's true. Health limits the sample size. I'd rather see Pearson or Motte with them instead of Leivo. Motte Sutter and Virtanen were a good trio to start last season. Offense wasn't really there but I think they were starting to get some chemistry before Sutter went down. Guess that limits Baer to a top 6 spot with Bo or Petey. If he can't work with Sutter he likely won't work with Beagle.
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